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    8 Results with character "Pichu"

    Abomasnow (5) Abra (8) Absol (15) Accelgor (1) Aegislash (1) Aerodactyl (2) Aggron (14) Aipom (4) Alakazam (14) Alolan Exeggutor (1) Alolan Marowak (10) Alolan Meowth (3) Alolan Ninetales (4) Alolan Raticate (1) Alolan Sandshrew (2) Alolan Sandslash (1) Alolan Vulpix (31) Altaria (4) Amaura (1) Ampharos (10) Arbok (4) Arboliva (1) Arcanine (11) Arceus (11) Archen (21) Archeops (6) Ariados (2) Armarouge (2) Articuno (1) Audino (6) Aurorus (1) Axew (10) Azumarill (7) Bagon (5) Baltoy (1) Banette (3) Barbaracle (1) Bastiodon (1) Baxcalibur (1) Bayleef (14) Beartic (5) Beautifly (1) Beheeyem (3) Bellossom (2) Bibarel (2) Bidoof (3) Bisharp (20) Blastoise (1) Blaziken (5) Boltund (2) Bombirdier (3) Braixen (8) Braviary (1) Breloom (9) Brionne (15) Budew (1) Buizel (7) Bulbasaur (2) Buneary (2) Bunnelby (2) Butterfree (1) Cacturne (1) Calyrex (3) Camerupt (1) Carracosta (1) Caterpie (3) Celebi (14) Ceruledge (2) Chandelure (5) Charcadet (3) Charizard (8) Charmander (8) Charmeleon (35) Chatot (3) Cherrim (14) Cherubi (2) Chesnaught (7) Chespin (4) Chikorita (5) Chimchar (2) Chimecho (5) Cinccino (20) Cinderace (15) Clawitzer (1) Clefable (2) Clefairy (4) Cofagrigus (3) Combusken (1) Conkeldurr (8) Copperajah (3) Corphish (2) Corviknight (1) Corvisquire (2) Cosmog (4) Cottonee (3) Cradily (1) Cramorant (3) Cranidos (5) Cresselia (4) Croagunk (1) Crobat (2) Croconaw (1) Cubone (9) Cufant (1) Cursola (1) Cyclizar (9) Cyndaquil (5) Darkrai (28) Darmanitan (1) Dartrix (6) Decidueye (20) Dedenne (2) Deerling (2) Deino (9) Delibird (1) Delphox (1) Deoxys (1) Dewott (6) Dialga (4) Diggersby (1) Ditto (4) Dragapult (6) Dragonair (1) Dragonite (5) Drakloak (1) Drapion (1) Dratini (1) Dreepy (2) Drifblim (1) Drilbur (1) Drizzile (3) Drowzee (6) Druddigon (3) Dunsparce (3) Duosion (7) Dusclops (1) Dusknoir (11) Duskull (1) Dwebble (2) Eelektross (1) Eevee (46) Ekans (3) Electabuzz (6) Electivire (3) Electrike (1) Elgyem (1) Emboar (12) Emolga (9) Empoleon (4) Espathra (1) Espeon (19) Espurr (6) Eternatus (1) Excadrill (19) Exeggutor (1) Falinks (8) Farfetch'd (1) Fennekin (5) Ferroseed (5) Ferrothorn (1) Fezandipiti (1) Flaaffy (3) Flabébé (1) Flareon (5) Fletchinder (3) Fletchling (1) Floatzel (8) Floragato (4) Florges (1) Flygon (13) Fomantis (1) Foongus (1) Fraxure (1) Froakie (7) Frogadier (6) Froslass (1) Fuecoco (2) Furret (17) Gabite (6) Galarian Linoone (3) Galarian Meowth (1) Galarian Mr. Mime (1) Galarian Ponyta (1) Galarian Rapidash (5) Galarian Zigzagoon (2) Gallade (13) Galvantula (10) Garchomp (12) Gardevoir (39) Garganacl (1) Gastly (1) Gengar (17) Geodude (1) Girafarig (1) Giratina (1) Glaceon (10) Glastrier (1) Gligar (16) Gliscor (7) Golurk (4) Goodra (3) Goomy (8) Gothitelle (1) Gothorita (7) Gourgeist (1) Grafaiai (1) Granbull (3) Grapploct (2) Greninja (16) Grimmsnarl (5) Grookey (1) Groudon (2) Grovyle (15) Growlithe (3) Grumpig (16) Gurdurr (1) Hakamo-o (7) Hatenna (8) Hatterene (6) Hattrem (20) Haunter (1) Hawlucha (7) Haxorus (12) Heatmor (1) Heatran (5) Heliolisk (19) Helioptile (5) Herdier (1) Ho-oh (1) Honchkrow (1) Honedge (3) Hoopa (2) Houndoom (3) Houndour (2) Hydreigon (6) Hypno (4) Incineroar (11) Indeedee (4) Infernape (2) Inkay (6) Inteleon (18) Iron Valiant (2) Ivysaur (4) Jangmo-o (4) Jellicent (2) Jigglypuff (5) Jirachi (9) Jolteon (6) Joltik (2) Kabutops (2) Kangaskhan (1) Kecleon (9) Keldeo (2) Kingambit (1) Kingdra (1) Kirlia (10) Kleavor (1) Koffing (4) Kommo-o (1) Koraidon (1) Krokorok (24) Krookodile (1) Kubfu (1) Kyurem (3) Lairon (2) Larvesta (1) Larvitar (3) Latias (1) Latios (1) Leafeon (3) Leavanny (1) Ledian (8) Ledyba (2) Liepard (1) Lilligant (17) Lillipup (1) Linoone (6) Litleo (4) Litten (14) Lopunny (6) Lotad (4) Lucario (13) Ludicolo (1) Lugia (2) Lunala (1) Lurantis (3) Luxio (1) Luxray (6) Lycanroc (15) Mabosstiff (1) Machamp (5) Machop (2) Magmar (2) Magmortar (5) Magnemite (3) Magnezone (1) Makuhita (1) Malamar (1) Manaphy (1) Mandibuzz (1) Manectric (2) Maractus (7) Mareep (2) Marill (1) Marowak (11) Marshadow (1) Marshtomp (11) Mawile (2) Medicham (1) Meditite (1) Meganium (5) Meowscarada (7) Meowstic (24) Meowth (5) Metang (1) Mew (7) Mewtwo (2) Mienfoo (7) Mienshao (9) Mightyena (3) Milotic (2) Miltank (1) Mimikyu (11) Minccino (13) Minun (1) Misdreavus (2) Mismagius (2) Monferno (2) Morgrem (5) Morpeko (3) Mr. Mime (1) Mudkip (18) Mudsdale (5) Munkidori (1) Munna (4) Murkrow (4) Musharna (4) Naclstack (2) Natu (10) Necrozma (6) Nickit (8) Nidoking (1) Nidoqueen (3) Nidoran♀ (1) Nidorina (3) Nidorino (2) Ninetales (18) Noivern (5) Nuzleaf (1) Obstagoon (10) Oddish (1) Ogerpon (2) Oinkologne (1) Okidogi (1) Orbeetle (1) Oricorio (3) Oshawott (14) Pachirisu (47) Paldean Tauros (2) Palkia (1) Palpitoad (1) Pangoro (3) Panpour (4) Pansage (4) Pansear (4) Parasect (1) Patrat (3) Pawmi (1) Pawmo (10) Pawmot (8) Pawniard (3) Pelipper (2) Perrserker (3) Persian (2) Petilil (9) Phanpy (2) Phantump (3) Pidgeot (1) Pidgeotto (2) Pidgey (1) Pignite (3) Pikachu (35) Piplup (3) Plusle (2) Poipole (2) Politoed (5) Poliwhirl (2) Poliwrath (2) Ponyta (1) Popplio (2) Porygon (3) Primarina (3) Prinplup (4) Purrloin (1) Purugly (6) Pyroar (1) Quagsire (1) Quaquaval (5) Quaxly (1) Quilava (26) Quilladin (2) Raboot (2) Raichu (9) Ralts (11) Rampardos (3) Rapidash (5) Raticate (1) Rayquaza (1) Registeel (1) Reuniclus (11) Rhydon (10) Rhyhorn (2) Ribombee (1) Riolu (71) Roaring Moon (6) Rockruff (7) Roggenrola (1) Roselia (3) Roserade (4) Rotom (4) Rowlet (9) Rufflet (3) Runerigus (4) Sableye (6) Salamance (2) Salandit (15) Salazzle (11) Samurott (6) Sandile (1) Sandshrew (5) Sandslash (28) Sawsbuck (7) Sceptile (18) Scizor (3) Scolipede (2) Scorbunny (10) Scrafty (15) Scraggy (24) Scyther (1) Seedot (1) Sentret (1) Serperior (6) Servine (2) Seviper (8) Shaymin (11) Shellos (1) Shelmet (1) Shieldon (1) Shinx (14) Shuckle (1) Sigilyph (1) Silicobra (1) Silvally (7) Sirfetch'd (2) Skarmory (2) Skeledirge (1) Skitty (9) Skuntank (2) Slowking (2) Slurpuff (3) Smeargle (4) Sneasel (17) Sneasler (1) Snivy (45) Snom (2) Snorlax (6) Snorunt (1) Snubbull (3) Sobble (3) Solosis (1) Spectrier (2) Spidops (1) Spinarak (1) Spoink (3) Sprigatito (3) Spritzee (3) Squirtle (7) Staraptor (4) Stoutland (1) Stufful (2) Stunky (3) Sunflora (1) Surskit (1) Swablu (2) Swadloon (1) Swampert (13) Swanna (1) Swellow (1) Swirlix (1) Swoobat (6) Sylveon (22) Tandemaus (1) Tatsugiri (1) Tauros (2) Teddiursa (4) Thievul (1) Timburr (2) Tinkaton (4) Togedemaru (1) Togekiss (4) Togetic (3) Torchic (2) Torracat (1) Totodile (4) Toxapex (2) Toxicroak (4) Toxtricity (13) Tranquill (2) Treecko (38) Trevenant (3) Tropius (7) Trubbish (1) Tsareena (3) Turtonator (1) Turtwig (1) Tympole (1) Type: Null (1) Typhlosion (3) Tyranitar (5) Tyrunt (8) Umbreon (20) Unfezant (1) Unown (1) Ursaring (2) Urshifu (2) Vaporeon (9) Victini (8) Victreebell (2) Vikavolt (7) Virizon (3) Vivillon (2) Voltorb (1) Vulpix (59) Wailord (6) Watchog (1) Weavile (20) Weedle (2) Whimsicott (14) Whirlipede (1) Wigglytuff (3) Wimpod (4) Wooper (2) Wurmple (2) Wyrdeer (1) Xatu (2) Xerneas (1) Yanmega (1) Yveltal (1) Zangoose (21) Zapdos (1) Zebstrika (1) Zeraora (8) Zigzagoon (3) Zoroark (30) Zorua (23) Zubat (4) Zweilous (4) Zygarde (3)
    • Chapter

      Chapter 24

      Chapter 24 Cover
      by p-anon *Music: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Bowser's Theme A couple of floors later, and it was clear what their goal was. The large trees that had surrounded the area were gone, on the elevated stretch of ground; a small group of rocky pillars surrounded the area instead. The only trees that remained were the connection to the rest of the dungeon that stitched the two together. When Sanvu and Pachuku approached this area, both of their badges started to glow, and it was clear exactly why. Small…
      Dedenne • Joltik • Oshawott • Pachirisu • Pichu • Snivy
    • Chapter

      Chapter 7

      Chapter 7 Cover
      by p-anon A few minutes ago, the darkness behind the eyes had their world pierced by those that wished to escape the sky’s shrouded hours, but it felt more like a blink for the small Grass-type, who woke up in the world illuminated with its usual shades. Sanvu awoke, groggy as he had just obviously been asleep, but no matter how much he looked around, he was indeed lying in Pachuku’s house and outside was indeed morning. He touched his face; he was without a doubt awake and not dreaming up the house. He sat…
      Gardevoir • Gothorita • Inkay • Pachirisu • Pichu • Pikachu • Snivy • Spoink • Spritzee
    • Chapter

      Chapter 6

      Chapter 6 Cover
      by p-anon They landed in a hallway-like structure, the long and arduous climb beginning to weigh on the two small travellers. It beared similarity to the place they found Peko at, but with much less light and it resembled more of a narrow cave than anything open, in accordance with the rest of the dungeon’s appearance of a stony cave. “The badges...!” Pachuku hissed that part as they began to glow, signalling there being somebody nearby. They could only go forward, to what appeared to look like a nest…
      Pachirisu • Pichu • Snivy • Unfezant
    • Chapter 3 – Adventures! Here Comes Team WiiSpeed1! Cover
      by wiisound1 It's been just a day since Sound and Aund decided to live on Liliton City and become an Explorer Team with their new friend Red. Sound is just waking up in his new room. Looks around him not believing he finally has a place to call home, reflecting on everything that has happened to them until now. He stretches before leaving his room, and the first thing he does is go to the balcony his new house has, looking at the horizon… Red arrives as well, asking if he slept well, to which Sound says yes. Red…
      Action • Adventure • Romance • Slice of Life • Absol • Eevee • Espeon • Glaceon • Jolteon • Pichu • Pikachu • Sylveon
    • Chapter

      Chapter 2 - A Light of HopeChapter 2 – A Light of Hope

      Chapter 2 – A Light of Hope Cover
      by wiisound1 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Dimension Breakers. Chapter 2: A Light of Hope It's been 6 years since the day Sound and Aund lives change forever, since then they've been living on Liliton Forest peacefully, occasionally encountering some uncontrolled Pokémon, but Sound has done a good job at protecting both of them. He still isn't as strong as he would like but knows how to defend himself. Aund on the other side is more happy now, knowing his big brother will always be there for him no matter what, but…
      Action • Adventure • Slice of Life • Absol • Cinderace • Eevee • Espeon • Flareon • Gallade • Pichu • Sylveon • Umbreon
    • Story

      PMD: The Time Gears Makers

      PMD: The Time Gears Makers Cover
      by TheShadow After being reborn as a Mew in another world, full of strange creatures called “Pokémon”, our protagonist embarks on an adventure to discover their new role alongside their new siblings and father and the new world he is living now. As he learn about the vital role of Mews in creating and maintaining the Time Gears, crucial objects for the temporal flow of the world, a threat emerges when the gears are removed from their original place, the Temporal Tower, home to Dialga. Dialga’s corruption and the imbalance of time trigger a race against time to restore order and save the Pokémon world.
      Story • Comedy • Exploration • Isekai • Supernatural • Dialga • Mew • Pichu • Riolu • Shinx
    • Story

      Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Realms of Reverie

      Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Realms of Reverie Cover
      by HaruMiju♪ When Kayla, an ordinary Buneary, discovers that she has the power to enter dreams as mystery dungeons and bring those dreams to reality, she finds herself caught up in a quest of increasingly bizarre encounters, of which her role will affect the entire world.
      Story • Adventure • Romance • Slice of Life • Buneary • Furret • Jigglypuff • Pachirisu • Pichu • Pikachu • Plusle • Raichu
    • Chapter

      Chapter 0 [Prologue] - Dawn of a New EraChapter 0 [Prologue] – Dawn of a New Era

      Chapter 0 [Prologue] – Dawn of a New Era Cover
      by wiisound1 We find ourselves at an ethereal place, with nothing to be seen. Some tired voices can be heard… One of the voices says "W-We did it…?". A yawn can be heard and the second voice says "We did it!", the first voice responds "Yes! Great job, partner!". A third voice says to both "You're really good at fighting! Since you woke me up, I can grant you a wish!". The first voice then says "Thanks…! We came here for that!" the second voice then follows "We need your help!". The whole place…
      Action • Slice of Life • Tragedy • Eevee • Pichu • Scolipede • Victreebell