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    Originally uploaded to Wattpad and from Nov/2016 to Jun/2017
    New uploads every Wednesday and Friday until I’ve caught up with my backlog
    Ah yes. My “edgy” phase. Definitely took things farther than I usually do. A bit bloodier, a bit more violent. I felt the need to do so as the main themes regarding war necessitated making things more viceral.

    Following a cry for help Alex Russet, a human from Earth, was transported to a parallel world Known as Pokemar inhabited by a race known as Pokemon. Together with a Pikachu nicknamed Thunder, they formed Team New Hope, an organization dedicated to helping the world and acting as a beacon of hope for a then-callous world. 

    The distress call led Alex to Munna who had tricked them into a trap in an attempt to kill him. Having seen the darkness of the world she felt the only way to make things right is to start over. To that end, she allied herself with the Bittercold, an entity of pure negativity that would do just that. 

    Ultimately Alex would escape and reconvene with the rest of his team. Together they raided the Great Glacier, manage to talk down Munna, and destroy the Bittercold and prevent the end of days. Not all was good, however, as Alex was forced to leave and all memories of his existence on Pokemar erased. Through his dreams on earth he could still see how his former friends were getting along, as well as an old “enemy.”

    Munna had been suffering from the guilt of her actions for a while now. Having taken the lives of many humans to defend the Bittercold. One such human named James had a friend who witnessed the deed, a Piplup, now an Empoleon. Empoleon wanted nothing more than to see Munna dead. During her first attempt she is stopped by Thunder, now the leader of New Hope who brought Munna back to Paradise.

    While Munna had been having problems Thunder had a few of his own. He’d noticed inconsistencies lately. Mostly owing to the presence of a team badge with the name Alex on it despite not remembering having a team member with that name. Nor did he remember delivering the final blow on the Bittercold. Seeing some line of logic in his thought process she agrees to help.

    A third party provided them with a map to the Worldcore, inside which is the Hill of Universal Order. On this hill any wish, provided the wisher has the necessary will, can be granted. With a way to get answers, Thunder prepared to visit the Worldcore with Munna, but they were followed by Empoleon. Upon reaching the Hill She immediately wished for Munna’s death. 

    Though some urging from Thunder and, surprisingly, Alex, Munna built up enough will to overcome the wish. With Empoleon defeated Thunder wished to remember and then to have Alex back. This proved successful, bringing Alex back into Pokemar. 

    With Alex back, things quickly returned to normal. The two of them enjoyed continuing their work of bringing light into the world of pokemon. Who knows what their next big adventure will be…


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