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    Prologue – Day 0: A Seed is Planted

    Within a dark room, far from any semblance of civilization, the dim light of the moon shone upon a glossy, jet black orb. The orb lay suspended, hovering above an ornate copper altar faintly glimmering in the moonlight. Aside from the distant sounds of waves, the room was completely, and utterly, silent.

    Suddenly, a tall figure emerged from the shadows, barely illuminated by the light beaming through the hole in the ceiling. The tentacles on his head swayed in anticipation as the unsightly creature hovered closer to the orb. His beak curved into a smirk as he grew closer to the orb, but his eyes betrayed his confidence. He had been here before—many times before. And yet, the result had always been the same.

    The orb never glowed, it never showed him what he wanted to see, and it certainly had nothing to say even after all of this time. He would have been frustrated; however, this outcome was to be expected. This tall pokemon—this Malamar—knew that it was only a matter of time. The Malamar extended his arms to cradle the orb, stopping inches from actually touching it. The orb was so enchanting, so invigorating despite its simple outward appearance. It gave off no light, not even reflecting the glow from the ceiling.

    It was as black as coal; the Malamar had never experienced anything like it. No mind that he peered into gave him any insight into what it was or what it did. But that didn’t matter because he knew. The power this orb held, the power completely at his disposal…it was enough to make him laugh.

    “Ha-ha-ha!” A smooth, deep fit of laughter glided off of the stone walls.

    The Malamar rubbed the orb with his tentacles and his smirk widened. “Come now,” he said enticingly. “Show it to me. Show me that my efforts are not in vain.” He laughed again, but it was bittersweet. He had confidence that his plan would come to fruition, yet a part of him deep down thought otherwise. He hadn’t thought of a plan B; he refused to. Everything he worked for, and everything he planned for the future depended on the orb activating and showing him what he wanted to see.

    “So you’re here, Lark?” said a voice behind him. “Talking to the orb again? I should’ve known.”

    The Malamar’s tentacles went stiff and he immediately dropped the orb before spinning around to face the intruder.

    Emerging from the shadows halfway through the ground was a small imp creature with gems for eyes. A faint scraping sound followed their ascent, followed by the clink and clank of gem-like stones. Many of which clattered to the floor. On their neck was a spiraling, diamond necklace that swayed with every motion the pokemon made.

    The psychic squid’s panic quickly subsided and his beak shifted into a scowl. It was Crane—a Sableye compatriot the Malamar knew too well for his liking. He hated how the creature moved, slinking about and leaving his waste behind with every step, producing noises that frequently infuriated the Malamar. He hated looking at Crane, and how he looked back with those greasy, oily gemstones for eyes. He hated that he couldn’t read the imp’s thoughts and decipher his true allegiance. He hated how familiar the imp liked to be with him. But most of all, he hated the fact that he couldn’t have possibly gotten as far as he had without the disgusting little gremlin.

    He hated that he had to trust him.

    “The next time you do that I’ll pry those gems right out of your eye sockets,” Larkspur threatened.

    Crane scoffed, “I’d like to see you try. Those noodles you call arms couldn’t pull apart a Wurmple.” The Sableye pulled himself out of the ground and stood on two feet. His eyes glittered as he stared at the orb behind Larkspur. “Tell me Lark,” he started. “Do you actually have any idea what you’ll do if that orb of yours doesn’t work?”

    Larkspur’s scowl only deepened. Damn this Sableye! Who does he think he is questioning me? Larkspur glared at him, the tentacles on his head writhing uncomfortably. “I would appreciate it if you would refer to me by my full name, imp,” the Malamar growled. “And for your information-” Larkspur hovered and spun back around to face the orb, “-I do have a backup plan. Though I undoubtedly won’t need it.”

    The Sableye crossed his arms. His comically large toothy grin only growing to match his complacent tone. “Oh? And what would that be?” Crane queried.

    Killing you would be a fantastic start, Larkspur thought. Pushing that thought away for now, he sighed. “I suppose I will have no choice but to take matters into my own tentacles.” Larkspur’s trademark smirk returned to his beak as he stared longingly into the orb. He swore he could see himself staring back at him…perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him.

    “I’m sure you will, Lark,” Crane muttered mockingly.

    Larkspur was about to turn on the imp once again, this time fully ready to give him the lashing he deserved, but then…

    The room suddenly grew much darker. The moonlight shining from above was snuffed out. A cloud perhaps? Larkspur felt uneasy, anticipating the darkness to enshroud both him and his compatriot. However…the darkness didn’t truly take hold. Larkspur looked down to the orb in his arms and his eyes widened.

    Wisps of lights flowed from the now bright white object. Luminous tendrils leaked from the orb’s glossy surface, coating the Malamar in an ethereal glow.

    Crane was speechless, and his normally smug demeanor collapsed. The imp instinctually cowered back into the ground, his eyes shimmering with dread.

    Larkspur laughed. And then he laughed more. He laughed hysterically until his eyes were plagued with tears. Ecstatic, the Malamar raised his arms into the air. Finally! His plan was in motion! Larkspur chuckled to himself as he lowered his face until it was directly in front of the orb. He felt as though he might go blind from the light, but he couldn’t look away.

    “Oh yes,” The Malamar whispered. “The time has come. Soon, we will meet. And when we do,”—Larkspur laughed once again—”I will attain what is rightfully mine…


    Welcome to PMD: Flowerbeds!

    Cover art by Domingize on Discord. Chapter art by @AmpTheNOISe on Twitter


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