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    Human, can you hear me?

    Wha- Who- Who’s there? Where are you?

    Good. Listen closely, as we do not have the luxury of time.

    What? Answer my question! Where are you? Where am I?

    You are sleeping, and I am performing the necessary ritual to transfer you to the world of pokémon.

    The what? So I’m dreaming? And you still haven’t told me who you are!

    You dream, and yet this is real. It is time for questions. You will answer.

    What if I refuse? You aren’t answering mine…

    You will answer. If you do not, the ritual may fail or become distorted. You could be hurt or die.

    Huh? This sounds dangerous!

    I believe this will work with as few as three questions. Let me consider…

    You didn’t have the questions ready?

    Quiet. You are in a situation in which you can prevent the loss of many lives at the cost of one other life. What do you do?

    Is this… the trolley problem?

    You have a name for this dilemma. You have thought about this previously.

    Well, a little… It’s a famous thought experiment. There are five people tied to the tracks, with a train hurtling towards them. You can switch the track to another, but there’s one person tied to that track. So it’s like choosing to let a lot of people die passively, or actively deciding to kill a single person.

    …Which do you choose?

    I guess I… I would switch the track, right? It’s better to prevent such a large loss of life, even at the cost of one, I think.

    We shall move on to the second question. It is similar to the first. Let us visualise it as your “trolley problem”. There are still five tied to the track, and there is still a train hurtling towards them. However, in this situation, you are the single person tied to the other track.

    M- Me?

    There is one other factor. You are the one who set the train in motion. If you do not switch the track to yourself, you will be directly responsible for the five deaths. What do you do?

    Damn… I don’t know, I… This is too hard!

    You must answer. Time runs short.

    I guess I… I don’t think I could change the track. I’d let the other five die…

    You mean you would kill the other five. You started the train.

    I- Yes, I would do that.

    Even though earlier you said it’s better to prevent a larger loss of life, even at the cost of one?

    But earlier that one person wasn’t me! I don’t know… It’s just self preservation instincts, right? We can’t help it, we always have to prioritise ourselves. It’s the right thing to do!

    And you would do this, even though you started the train yourself?

    Yes, okay? I told you, people have to prioritise themselves! Anyone would do the same in that situation, it’s natural!

    I see. That is… disappointing.

    What’s that supposed to mean?

    We shall move on to the final question.

    Are you a boy or a girl?

    What? That’s the final question after those first two? …Couldn’t you ask something else?

    It appears to be a necessary tradition. I myself am not entirely sure why, or what it means, but you must answer.

    I’m a- I’m a girl.

    I see. Very well. The questions are over. Now for the final part of this ritual.

    What’s that?

    A vessel will be created for you, based on your answers. It will take the form of a pokémon.

    You mentioned this ‘world of pokémon’ before, but what is that? Another world?

    You will learn in time. Your vessel is almost complete.

    Where did you go? Are you still there?

    It is far too weak. I have failed. I will need a new plan.

    Huh? What does that even mean? What are you trying to do?

    Enough. Our time together is over. I have no further use for you.

    Excuse me?

    You will now be transported to the world of pokémon.

    What? B- But you just said you have no use for me!

    The ritual is irreversable. I make no apology; It was necessary to try.

    What are you even talking about?! You can’t do something like this to someone!

    You will not remember this conversation. Goodbye.

    Don’t you dare leave! Who are you?

    What have you done?!

    Who- – –


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