The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    I want to preface this story by mentioning that I am a historian and an archeologist. From that, I know quite well that too many interesting stories have been lost to time. Who knows if Team Chronos really beat Dialga and gained a small control over time itself? No reliable source, that’s for sure. Who knows if Team Torch had really had to face the personification of their failures, from the land of dreams? It sounds, quite frankly, unbelievable, and they had no records to back up their story either. How many better teams have been lost to time altogether? On top of that, who knows what had happened to humans?

    Humanity, the sole topic of the bulk of my research, continues to elude me. Unlike Pokémon, they had done well to record anything and everything that had happened. Unfortunately, their records could not stand the test of time, and I don’t think any type of record they knew to make ever could. However, I mention this, because past experience has shown me that records in poor condition are better than no records at all, and for that reason, I have chosen to write about everything that has happened to myself, and Team Journal.

    Despite all that, there’s no doubt that what made Team Chronos and Team Torch famous was the various stories that spawned from their adventures. Although it’s important to me to preserve history, I’ve decided to present it through the lens of a novel, such that our adventures might be enjoyed by more than just scholars.

    This book will detail a fair bit, from the formation of Team Journal, to some of the adventures we’ve enterprised, to the eventual dissolution of the team. Of course, this book was written by myself, Ida, and reviewed by one of my teammates, Asterus, meaning that this will be the single most accurate record of what has happened, save some embellishments for combat and dialogue. I’ll most likely write a more scholarly write up later anyways, though.

    That said, I shall begin the story a fair bit before I’d met either Anna or Asterus.


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