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    Rei – Snivy

    A stroke of my pencil.

    Erased because it’s too straight.

    A slower stroke.

    Erased because it’s too shaky—damn these leaf hands.

    Another stroke.

    Erased again—it doesn’t connect perfectly.

    “His ears are so simplistic, but… hard to make ‘em look right,” I grumbled to myself as I buried myself in my sketchbook, lying on my prickly nest. 

    Staring back at me from the paper was a Pikachu with the cheekiest grin ever. I was trying to draw Ichi. Never really dabbled in sketching anything other than anime girls back home. I suppose it was a nice change of pace, drawing Pokémon, but… I dunno, I just felt compelled to draw my “business partner.”

    I see his face every day—we live together, after all.

    I see his cheerful smile that never seems to fall down—something I hated at first but grew to like. His iconic cyan bandana with the number 1 on it—it makes Ichi, well, Ichi. His scruffy, fluffy and spiky head fur that almost makes him look like an anime protag. 

    I’m just… so fascinated by him. 

    It’s… hard to explain. He’s my first friend ever—not just in this new world, but in general. Back home I had nobody.

    Do friends normally think about their other friends the way I do? Because all I think about is spending every day with him. Being next to him.

    When we hugged for the first time, I… really liked that electric tingle.

    Don’t get me started on all the implications of those feelings. Yes, it’s really weird considering I used to be human. It’s this damn Snivy body, I keep telling myself—being a Pokémon makes me… wanna be close with other Pokémon, I guess.

    God, what am I thinking anymore? This is so gay.

    …Okay, maybe I am a little gay. Fine. Ichi just warms my heart, okay?! I admit it! He’s the first person that I could actually open up to.

    Thoughts start piling up the more I think about it. This isn’t right.

    In fact it’s downright pathetic you fall for your very first friend when you didn’t even know how friends work in the first place you stupid lonely zero why would Ichi wanna be with you of all people do gay relationships even exist in this world are they looked down on I don’t wanna be looked down on I don’t wanna be made fun of for these feelings but I probably deserve the hate—

    Deep breath. I put down my pencil. Relax.

    The door to my bedroom swings open. “Yo, Rei~ What’cha up to?” The Pikachu waves as he steps inside.

    “AH—uh, h-hey man.” Blushing, I frantically shut my sketchbook and shove it behind me, covering it with my big leafy tail. “Just… photosynthesizing. Feelin’ good.”

    “…Rei, you’re in the shade.” Ichi pointed to the light beaming down from the window, obviously not reaching me and my nest.

    “…o-okay fine, I was doing some drawing.”

    Ichi laughed. “You really have to hide that from me, buddy?”

    “I was… d-drawing you.”

    Ichi blinked. “Oh, really now? That’s sweet! Can I see?”

    “I-it’s not my best work…”

    “So what? You’re a great artist, Rei, I’m sure it’s good.”

    Reluctant, I pulled back out my sketchbook and flipped to the newest page, showing Ichi my rendition of him.

    “…oh my Mew, I love it.” Ichi gasped. “Like- I got the perfect lil grin, and all the sparkles and Poké signs you drew around me- you even drew my Poké sack!” Ichi beamed. “Dude I love this!!”

    “…t-thanks.” I covered a soft smile with my hand. I was as red as a tomato.

    “Like I said, you’re a great artist~” Ichi giggled as he quickly wrapped his arms around me for a hug. I dropped my sketchbook on the floor as I started blushing even harder. “…oh, whoops, probably should’ve asked if you wanted a hug.”

    “No no no please I like this.” I blurted.

    “You like it, huh~?”

    “…fuck.” I put my face in my palms—well, I tried to. Doesn’t work well when you have tiny arms and a big snout.

    Ichi just laughed it off, hugging me even tighter. This is just something friends do in this world. We’re just friends, if I say anything more I could taint what I have right now.

    So I kept my mouth shut.

    I’ll tell him how I feel someday.


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