The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 36.3





    ==================   R E S U M E  ==================



    “Hey…hey, Avery,  you alright??” Vizon asked, patting a hand on the Plusle’s cheek, trying to keep afloat in the ocean water. “You with me?”


    “Oh Arceus above…” Nivanee coughed as she paddled, looking shocked. “Ohhh no I’m actually coming down from that adrenalin high, that was incredible!! Was this what Thundurus was like??”


    “…P…pretty close,” Avery replied, coughing a bit of seawater out of his lungs. He swept a bit of his hair out from his eyes, giving the Eevee a lopsided grin. “Glad to have you here for this one, partner.”


    He turned to Vizon, all three of them soaked as they floated in the ocean.


    “…Thanks for keeping hold of me. Let’s…let’s get outta the sea, huh…?”


    It was over…wasn’t it?


    As the Peacekeeper slowly coasted along the waves, it slowed to a near stop as it came to the Avery, Vizon and Nivanee. In the distance, Avery could hear the voices of Kipuuna, Lahnae, Ganisus and Loshjno.


    “Yeah, partner…” Vizon said with a sigh. “It’s good to finally work with you, huh?”


    Nivanee looked between the both of them, confused, but saying nothing. She only gave a sigh and a smile, paddling along with them as they approached the ladder.


    Vizon grabbed the ladder, holding a paw for Avery to clamber on as well, leaving the Ocean behind at last.


    Vizon’s hand looked broken from Nivanee’s bite. Nivanee was bleeding from her mouth, with cuts all across her. And who knows how battered Avery himself was…


    But as they climbed up the rope ladder…


    …Vizon’s look darkened.


    “…sounds pretty quiet up there.” Vizon said.


    They could hear the other guild memmbers…their shouting voices.


    …they weren’t cheering.


    Vizon climbed faster.


    ‘Oh jeez.’


    Avery pulled himself back up onto the ship, supporting Vizon and his broken hand.


    ‘That…isn’t good. We have more to do, apparently.’


    “C…Cap’n?!” Avery called up. “W-what’s the status?!”


    Silence was his answer.


    Vizon hopped up onto the deck after Avery, with Nivanee bounding in at their side. Their paws crunched on the splinters of wood. Fresh splinters.


    Nobody else stood upon the deck. Fires were erupting across the wood. The cannons had been destroyed.


    Something had been shooting at the Peacekeeper while the three had tended to the beast.


    And as they looked at the waters ahead…the three saw a shimmer of invisibility as something came into view.


    Another schooner, smaller than the Peacekeeper, painted entirely in black.


    Vizon’s fists tightened.




    Avery heard a voice. Her voice.


    Across the water, on that black schooner, standing battered and smoking from the battle earlier…was Diquarni.




    “Diquarrni, sweetie, let us do the shouting.” Heynia cooed beside the Zoroark.


    “But I wanna do my victory gloating…!!” Diquarni whined.


    Nivanee perked up, looking toward the helm. She nudged Avery, pointing up.


    There was a creak.






    The wood screamed in protest as the ship began to sink.


    There, coming into view, towering over the three once again…


    Was him.


    That Dragonite. Water Pearl in hand as he affixed his steely gaze upon the three.


    It was Thunder Mesa all over again.


    It was Windscorch Mountain all over again.


    As he stepped in front of them with his prize, Team Azure once again stood before Xamao.


    “…’allo again, Avery.”


    …Avery stared at him. Long and hard.


    “…Where were you for the weeks we were alone on that island, huh?” Avery asked at once, crossing his arms. “Leaving your lackeys to do your dirty work and swooping in last minute to claim your fortune. Pretty scummy.”


    ‘…Leaving us alone. Letting us get hurt, slaying another giant beast, just to swoop in at the end on impossible flight with that one damn wing.’


    “What do you want? Come in when we do all the hard work to stomp us into the ground again?”


    “Been lookin’ for Diquarni n’ her crew for days. Then a big noise and battle takes place…and a lot like Thunder Mesa I find you here.” Xamao sneered, tossing the Water Pearl up and down like a ball. “Swooping in last second…it’s not my intended strategy but…it’s at least proving most effective so far.”


    “You…!” Nivanee huffed…but said little. Xamao glared hardest of all at her.


    “Ah, there she is.” Xamao chuckled. “The Arceali guild’s lil’ butcher. A shame I didn’t get to see you back on Thunder Mesa…but even if I’ve a bucket list of ways I want to hurt you, Nivanee, I owe it to Janus not to. Ultimately, Avery…all I’s want is the Pearl.”


    The Eevee backed off, looking furious…but saying nothing in response. Vizon squared his feet. Blood dripped down onto the wood from his broken hand. Xamao looked down upon the Riolu, brow furrowed.


    “You best stand down, pup.” Xamao said. “You ought to remember well what happened last time you so boldly charged me.”


    “That was a long time ago.” Vizon said.


    “…I’m not letting you benefit from the coward strats again,” Avery growled. “For the esteemed head of a guild you’re acting a lot like a spineless opportunist to me. Let us do all the hard work. Put your valued members in danger. Then swoop in and take the glory for yourself. Despicable.”


    Avery charged his fists. As tired as he was…as worn out as he was…as much as he knew he’d get his teeth kicked in…Avery couldn’t let Xamao just run away again.


    “Sarfi still sending kids after me that don’t know better.” Xamao growled, holding tight to the pearl. “If you’re so intent on stopping me…”


    Xamao held his arms out.


    Just like all that time ago on Windscorch.


    “Then stop me.”


    Xamao towered over them once more. Vizon only stared at him.


    Directly at Xamao.


    Just like windscorch all over again…Vizon RUSHED forward.


    Xamao STRUCK his arm out!






    the moment dragged for an eternity


    Xamao’s arm swooped down.


    Vizon’s foot skidded




    He leapt


    and spun


    as Xamao’s grasping hand





    Bones shattered.


    Blood flew.


    The pearl flew upwards in an arc, high in the sky.


    Xamao…staggered back from Vizon’s punch. Utterly winded.


    And as Vizon landed…so did the Water Pearl…right into his own hand.


    “As someone that’s fought and destroyed gods…”



    “…you look like a minuscule mortal.”


    …Once more, Avery brought his staff out. His mace. It sparked in his hands, unstable, but at the ready.


    “…I’m behind you, Vizon,” Avery said, squaring his feet, staring down at Xamao as he lay on the deck of the sinking Peacekeeper. “You’ve already got one. We’re not going to let you get another.”


    Avery glanced over at Vizon as the Riolu clutched the Water Pearl once more.


    “…Get the Water Pearl somewhere safe.” Avery said. “Niv and I can hold him off.”


    Vizon held to the pearl tight, dropping it in his satchel. His burning crimson eyes burrowed down at the fallen dragon with intense hatred. Xamao staggered, scrabbling back.


    “H-how…n-no wait, that’s…!” Xamao coughed, blood running down his lip. “It’s only been but a few weeks! How-?!”


    “I don’t want to arrest him.” Vizon said, staring down at Xamao. The Dragonite hobbled.


    “Xamao?!” Diquarni screamed from across the water on the black escape schooner.


    The Dragonite held a paw up on the broken railing. Vizon’s eyes only harefully burrowed into him.


    Nivanee’s brow furrowed.


    “What do you mean, Vizon…? Not arrest him…?” She asked suspiciously.


    “I want to break him.” Vizon growled, his fists flaring with aural energy.




    “I want to watch him die.” The Riolu said in a voice like an inferno, growing hotter and hotter. “…bad guys get what’s coming to them.”


    A pit formed in Avery’s stomach. That was…that wasn’t…


    He kept His mace out in case Xamao tried anything. But Avery put a hand on Vizon’s shoulder.


    “…No. Vizon, we don’t…we don’t kill. If they shouldn’t kill anyone…then neither should we.” The Plusle said at once, trying to reel the Riolu back. “I’m standing firm on that. Killing, that’s…that’s something you can’t come back from.”


    Vizon perked up as he felt Avery’s hand on his shoulder.


    Those burning red eyes fell on Avery. In silence, the Riolu stared upon him with a terrifying gaze.


    “…you…?” Vizon said, as though he were being controlled by a raging primal force. “…that’s who you are…yeah.”


    Something SWOOPED in front of them all!




    Vizon whipped his head around!


    There, in the air, soared toward the black schooner, Heynia struggled to hold the massive, struggling Dragonite.


    “No! BLAST IT, NO! Let go of me!” Xamao shouted as he was carried away from you. “I have to…! I can’t! I can’t leave it! No! No!”


    His voice was…cracking.


    Desperate. As though he were going to die if he didn’t get that pearl.


    Vizon stared, a furious look in his eye…but idly…so idly…


    …he lovingly patted the pearl nestled in his satchel.


    And with Xamao’s howling screams echoing over the water, Diquarni’s eyes glowed, rendering the schooner invisible once again.


    Silence cut through the air as the Thieves Guild vanished.


    “…Vizon…” Avery murmured, his eyes filled with concern. The Plusle shot Nivanee a nervous look, then…


    His shoulders sunk.


    “…We should get back.” Avery said. “The longer we’re out here, the more likely Team Fottupepbe might pull something. Are Rikzyod and Jolvia alright?”


    “…yeah…” Vizon said. His face was…softening…bit by bit.


    He was…smirking.


    “We should get back, huh, Avery?” He said, turning to walk off. The guild ships were approaching quickly.


    Nivanee, too, looked at Vizon nervously…yet in her eyes was something else…




    She shared the look with Avery, her ears folded back as Vizon passed her, facing the approaching guild boats.


    There on the ships Avery could see Jolvia and Rikzyod and even Manikas, a hoisted and splintered Dinky Dinghy sitting on the deck of Aquashock’s boats. The old captain looked on as his precious Peacekeeper sunk deeper into the waters. Yet he hardly looked forlorn. If anything…he looked content.


    The Riolu lifted the pearl in the air, letting the shimmer signal to the guild:


    They had won.



    The sun was high in the sky.


    All around them, tall buildings with holes and chipped brick were being repaired, with debris being picked from the street.


    Elites were giving orders, commanding soldiers to pull out and pack up back to Arceliaze, with a few teams being reprimanded by S/Os for allowing multiple security breaches. Poke’mon with clipboards and ink pens took assessment of damage to goods and businesses from the attack by the beast.


    The streets were lively once more.


    Vizon wasn’t around for now, turning in the pearl to the operations commander of the elites. Manikas, for reasons of his own, had elected to not accompany the Riolu to collect any kudos.


    Standing with Avery was Jolvia, Rikzyod, Nivanee and Manikas, all recounting the day.


    Hugging on Avery rather weepily and protectively was a sobbing Kahrei and Euno, both of whom were extremely relieved to see them all unhurt. It was certainly nice to see Team Clockwork again.


    “Well…certainly a little more hands-off than I am used to, what with all the cannon fire.” Rikzyod laughed. “But I must admit, the burn of the halyard on my hands, the SHOCK of a hyberbeam to a hull!”


    “But that sounds HORRIFYING, gang!!” Kahrei said. The Mightyena looking utterly dismayed.


    “You speak as though you would be scared!”


    “Well no but I am for you all!!” She said. Her Scilopede partner chimed in, too.


    “I knew we should have gone with you…!!” Euno said in a miserable voice.


    “Hey, hey, it’s alright,” Avery said gently, patting the carapace of the Scolipede. “We’re fine. We all came out of it fine. And, uh…thanks for sending the word out that we were missing. I hope that didn’t cause any trouble for you, hah…are you guys good, at least?”


    “Well we’re okay NOW!!” Kahrei sobbed, hugging Avery tighter. “We spent the whole week worrying about you!”


    “When you didn’t come back right away we wrote the guild immediately!” Euno said. “We’d have gone with them to look but our commanding officer told us we had to stay!”


    Kahrei huffed softly. Jolvia chuckled, watching Avery get dogpiled by the older Elite team. Nivanee giggled as well.


    The Scilopede looked up to Manikas with a warm look.


    “And thank you, Mr.Manikas, for watching these young ones.” Euno said. “You’re a real swell caretaker!”


    “Mate, they’re in their twenties…” Manikas chuckled, shaking his head. “I believe Ms.Jolvia is a fresh  thirty, herself.”


    “Well however old they are…” Kahrei said, squeezing Avery. “…they’re all superstars, that’s all that matters.”


    “It’s really nice seeing you both.” Nivanee laughed. “I’m sorry we had to bring the bad news about Diquarni.”


    Euno sighed…but waved away the concern.


    “It’s fine…I had a feeling she would end up somewhere like that when she disbanded from our team.” The Scilopede said. “We broke up on good terms…even if I don’t agree with her career choice I still wish her well, I suppose.”


    “Well, she could at least drop the theatrics.” Jolvia chuckled, folding her arms. Avery chuckled with her, glancing down the road. A ways down, moving betwixt the crowd…he was able to barely make out a familiar figure.


    Vizon approached, his gait even and steady.


    Avery’s smile faded slightly upon seeing Vizon’s shape coming through the mix. The way he’d been acting…Avery was nervous. Everything with Jolvia…the way he had talked about killing Xamao…


    ‘Is he going to try to get Jolvia executed? I don’t want her to be executed-‘


    Nivanee followed Avery’s gaze down the road. Her ears folded back when she saw him.


    Jolvia as well glanced down. With half-lidded eyes and crossed arms she watched Vizon approach.


    The Riolu finally came to the group, dusting his hands off.


    “There we go. Pearl’s secured. Mission accomplished, Xamao thwarted.” Vizon said, putting his hands on his hips in triumph.


    “And how.” Jolvia said, a smile crossing her lips. Vizon’s own smile vanished as soon as the Nidorina spoke. “Looks like Xamao’s big plan is a big dud. We’ve nothing to fear from him anymore.”


    The two stared at one another for a while.


    For a long time.


    Nivanee looked confused, giving Avery a quizzical glance. Vizon’s eyes flicked over to Nivanee, the Riolu deep in thought. Meanwhile, Jolvia didn’t take her eyes off of Vizon one moment.


    Here they all were, in the middle of Yahneri Port.


    Elites and soldiers surrounding them on all sides. Two elites standing right beside.


    Vizon’s look hardened…hardened more.


    Then…at last…he spoke.






    Vizon stepped forward, lightly jabbing a finger at her.


    “You…have until tonight to clear out. I don’t want to see you again.” Vizon said firmly. “I see you near any of us…you know what happens.”


    Jolvia said nothing, only raising her eyebrows…almost in surprise.


    Vizon lowered his hand, bruised and covered in a cast. His eyes flicked towards Avery.


    “I’ll be near the edge of town when you’re all ready to go.” The Riolu said, walking past without another word.


    The group was quiet, the silence only broken by the pounding footsteps of the retreating Riolu. Nivanee gave Avery and Jolvia a confused look. The Nidorina looked to her and smiled.


    “Sorry Nivanee. I quit the team.” Jolvia said with a shrug. “I can’t be missing whole weeks of my banking job. I suppose Vizon just isn’t a fan of quitters.”


    “I…see…” Nivanee said quietly.


    Avery looked between Nivanee and Jolvia as Vizon walked off. The Plusle’s heart was heavy. He knew that this wasn’t as bad as it could have been. But…seeing Jolvia go was bittersweet.


    ‘It never would have worked. Not like this.


    At least she gets to live.


    But…I’ll leave it up to Jolvia on whether she’ll tell the others or not.’


    “…And then there were four,” Avery mumbled, giving Nivanee a weak smile.


    His mind was already formulating how to say goodbye to Jolvia. Screaming that it didn’t want to. Knowing the alternative.


    Jolvia smiled…a sad smile, patting Avery on the shoulder.


    “See? I kept my promise.” She said softly. “It’s been a lot of fun, Avery, Nivanee.”


    “Ah, goodbyes, I know ’em well.” Manikas sighed, puffing at his pipe. “Not that a goodbye means the hello wasn’t worth it.”


    He looked down at Nivanee, the Eevee looking back up at him with a smile.


    “Sorry you had to say goodbye to the ship, Dad…” She said, sheepishly. Manikas gruffly laughed.


    “No need. The Peacekeeper is where she belongs, down with the rest o’ the crew, her final mission fulfilled.” Manikas said, taking the pipe from his mouth. “I’m about…at that age where I might soundly retire, aye?”


    Nivanee giggled softly.




    Jolvia squeezed Avery’s shoulder, giving him a soft smile. Rikzyod looked to Avery and the Nidorina with a smile of his own.


    “I must admit, Jolvia.” Rikzyod drawled. “This team shall not be the same without you. But…maybe it need not be forever, uh?”


    Jolvia laughed lightly.


    “If there’s anyone I’ll be sure to catch up with it’d be you, Rikzyod. All of you.” She said.


    Even in the midst of goodbyes…there was still that little bit of warmth.


    Jolvia looked down at Avery with a smile. That old, mysterious smile that almost seemed nostalgic at this point.


    “If you ever need any help, Avery…” Jolvia said. “Go by my old haunt, that Eksai bar. Okay?”


    The corners of the Plusle’s eyes were starting to run hot, but Avery dragged his mouth up into a smile despite it all. He had to keep a positive face on. He didn’t want this to be tainted.


    “…Too bad our little book club only had the one meeting,” He laughed wryly. “You’ll be missed, Jolvia. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. I…I know I wouldn’t be.”


    He stepped forward and…hugged her. Carefully, but…still squeezing tightly.


    “…Take care of yourself, okay?”


    Jolvia sighed softly, wrapping her arms around Avery, squeezing him tight against her body, tucking him under her chin.


    “For my sake…you do the same, Avery.” Jolvia said wistfully. “No matter what, no matter where in the world or which side of the line we stand…I will always look forward to the good you’ll do for this world.”


    She was quiet, only hugging Avery softly…


    …it was hard to let her go.


    But at last…she pulled away. Rikzyod patted her on the shoulder with a smile.


    The Nidorina idly wiped at her eyes, though her expression was ever neutral.


    For a moment…she stayed with them all. Perhaps she would go her own way on the way back to Arceliaze. But for now, for these final moments…she stayed with them.


    Manikas lowered a hand, softly ruffling Nivanee’s hair.


    “Say, Nivi…” the old Pangoro said with a warm smile.


    Nivanee lifted her head.


    “Before you go…shall we see Mom?”


    Nivanee was quiet…then smiled. Nodded.


    “Sure…” She said. The Eevee cast Avery a quick glance. “Do you mind waiting?”


    “…Would you like some company?” Avery asked in return, my voice barely a whisper. “We can leave you be if you need it, but…I don’t want to leave you in the lurch if you’d rather. It’s up to you.”


    “You’re perfectly welcome.” Nivanee said, with a sigh,. smiling warmly. “After all…you’re practically family to me.”


    Manikas smiled, rolling his pipe in his mouth.


    Respectfully, Kahrei and Euno backed off, as did Rikzyod and Jolvia, letting Avery go with her and Manikas.


    The Pangoro walked ahead to lead them both down the road.


    Across town.


    There, where the houses became smaller, no more than shacks, where the bars were more of small haunts frequented by only a mere few sailors…there was a patch of land.


    The sailors at the bar watched Manikas, respect flickering in their old eyes. Glasses silently raised to the captain.


    Indeed, no noise but the ocean and the wind.


    And there, on the patch that overlooked the calm, rolling waves of the Yahneri Bay…


    Sat a small headstone, adorned with flowers of all colors, from all sailors that knew Manikas.


    Rekinii o’ Yahneri


    – The storm of high adventure and warm love –


    6T00 – 6T55


    – Rest Now Ye Weary Sails –



    On that last day before she did depart

    One final wisdom did my lover impart

    That should all be for naught and you’re back to the start

    Then shall you go and fight on with love in your heart


    O’ Dear Rekinii

    Sweet Rekinii

    My Rekinii…

    Chapter 36.3





    ================   T E R M I N A T E  =================



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