The account update is here, check out the patch notes!

    Chapter 47: Day 17, Part 3 – Heroics

    New Objective Acquired: play with your toy while the grown ups talk

    Whoosh! Juanfinsimo came soaring through the air! Look out evil doers!

    Juanfinsimo, Cosmo’s cohort, his partner in power, a harbinger of justice—his most trusted friend in this journey, stalwart—never once failed.

    And what’s that? Cosmo, the Great? Cosmo, the Unstoppable? Here to save the day!

    Cosmo made more action sounds with his mouth as he hopped in place, his imagination bubbling with possibilities. The high chair was a towering building he would leap from, the bean bag chair next to it was the net that would break his fall, and the sunlight filtering in from the windows were beams of fire he would avoid with deft ease. Dipping and bobbing—shooting and zipping. As true heroes should, they slid through the shadows of night in pursuit of villainy!

    Oh yes. This was fun. This was a proper playtime. Cosmo was giggling and jiggling jolly. Sufficient.

    Objective Complete: play with your toy while the grown ups talk

    Cosmo flopped down onto the beanbag chair. Gosh, that was exciting! He could hardly contain his laughter, his plushie fin friend crashing down next to him. Cosmo looked to his felt companion, smiling big.

    “We did it, Juanfinsimo!” Cosmo beamed. “We saved the day!”

    Humble as always, Juanfinsimo was content to lay on his back and rest, not a word wasted.

    Cosmo shook himself side-to-side within his bubble. That Juanfinsimo, always taking naps. Would it hurt him to celebrate like Cosmo? All work and no play!

    Well, Cosmo had plenty of fun regardless. He had earned a nap, too, after all of that! Only problem…the grown ups were still talking near the bulletin board. Kind of loudly, too.

    “I just don’t know,” said Oswald, his arms crossed.

    “U-um…” Fenn murmured as he tapped his chin, looking over the papers littering the bulletin board. None of them seemed to interest him as much as the ground at his feet. “I don’t…wanna seem lazy, O-Oswald, but I don’t really feel like working today anyway…”

    “…Yeah, me neither.”

    Overhearing Fenn and Oswald talk about all of the important grown up stuff they were up to always made Cosmo get all queasy inside. Oswald did not like it when Cosmo tried to help, so Cosmo made an effort not to. But it was hard to block out what they were saying from inside the bag…or even the other side of the room.

    He just…couldn’t help it! Oswald always seemed so upset, and Fenn always looked sad. It was Cosmo’s job to be the hero…was it really so wrong to help his friends however he could?

    But just like every other time, they told Cosmo to stay out of it, and Cosmo had to listen. He watched from the side, pouting to himself, half-sunken into the beanbag chair. It was just so frustrating!

    Cosmo should come up with more puns. Puns always make Fenn happy. They make Oswald less happy—but Cosmo knows that if Fenn is happy, Oswald will be happy soon after!

    Or at least, that was how it was before…

    “Hello friends!” suddenly came a voice Cosmo had not recognized. Immediately, his eyes shot up to glimpse at a…weird pokemon. Red and blue and smooth and stiff, like a bunch of plastic beans glued together. Cosmo marveled at the sight; they were floating, just like Cosmo, but they moved so…boringly. Bobbing slowly like they were floating down a stream on a boat—through the air.

    “H-hello,” Fenn muttered timidly.

    Cosmo leaned closer to his friend and whispered, “Juanfinsimo…who is that?”

    Unfortunately, Juanfinsimo was mid-nap. Therefore, he had no answer to Cosmo’s worried quandary.

    How could he be sleeping at a time like this! “Lazybutt!” Cosmo snapped at Juanfinsimo, smacking him with his Psychic Barrage. As Juanfinsimo was quite stalwart, the strike merely made him flop onto his side. Hardly enough to disturb his sleep.

    Oswald ended up answering his question inadvertently regardless. Surprised, he turned to the weird pokemon and said, “Cycla? What are you doing here?”

    The weird pokemon stared straightforward without moving their pupils. Cosmo could guess that they were talking to Oswald and Fenn, but their voice was so…boring sounding and undirected that it made Cosmo confused. They could have been talking to the wall behind them for all he knew.

    It was a cheery voice coming from that pokemon, but Cosmo knew that cheery voices often inspired excitement. And yet, Cosmo was experiencing anything but excitement when listening to this weird pokemon. It was like they were trying to be fun, but…failed.

    “I see you are having some trouble finding the right assignment!” the weird pokemon announced. “Might I be of assistance?”

    Oswald raised an eyebrow. “Sure?” Both he and Fenn frowned.


    But Cosmo did not believe this weird pokemon actually thought it was great. They did not move, or breathe, or express joy in any way that Cosmo could see.

    “I am always here to be your guiding buddy,” they said. “Now, please tell me, what kind of work are you currently seeking?”

    Fenn shook his head, smiling sheepishly. “Oh…n-none at the moment,” he replied.

    The weird pokemon’s voice shifted to become more dull, like they were reading from a book all of a sudden. “I’m sorry. Could you repeat that?” They still had not moved an inch from their spot in the air.

    “He said we’re not looking for work right now,” Oswald answered for Fenn. “We just need something to do today, that’s all.”

    For the first time since they arrived, the weird pokemon blinked. Not out of understanding like most other pokemon, Cosmo noticed. He was certain that they did not recollect what was said even a little bit. It reminded him of a door opening and closing. Something came in and something came out. And before he knew it, the weird pokemon beeped.

    “Nonsense!” they blurted out. “Here at Kebia Castle, the enrichment of every employee is entirely dependent on the fulfilling prospect of hard labor! From management duties to invigorating dungeon diving, there is no shortage of work to be found at our glorious Kebia Castle!”

    Fenn and Oswald exchanged glances.

    The weird pokemon continued. “As your guiding buddy, I can direct you to several tasks that will satisfy your need to be productive and cooperative for the sake of the castle. Do you have any preferences for categories of labor? Are there any restrictions or filters you would like to provide to your search?”

    Restrictions? Filters? So many new words in strange contexts…

    Slowly, both Oswald and Fenn turned to look back at the weird pokemon. Oswald said, “No…thanks, Cycla. Yeah uh…like we already told you we’re not interested in work at the moment.”

    “Y-yeah…” Fenn confirmed. “Cycla…are you…?”

    But the weird pokemon kept talking like they only heard half of what was said. They blinked again, in the same door shutting/opening way, before beeping. “Understood. Note: utilizing too many vacation days can lead to unmet quotas. Employees are encouraged to keep track of their budget, as an excess of leisure time can-“

    “Yeah yeah yeah, we get it,” Oswald voiced loudly. He held up his paws to make the weird pokemon quiet. Cosmo wondered if all of this back-and-forth talk was getting to Oswald, what with how he was mumbling to himself and pinching the bridge of his nose—which was not a normal reaction for him, and Cosmo knew that Oswald was starting to get upset.

    Cosmo flinched when Oswald then looked at him, still pinching his own nose. The look on his face was not one that made Cosmo quiver with worry, so Cosmo put on the happiest smile he could. Just to let Oswald know that even if he was frustrated, Cosmo was there to help!

    It had to have worked, because Oswald grinned like he would before digging into his lunch! He cupped his paw over Fenn’s ear and whispered something to him that made Fenn’s eyes widen. Fenn nodded with understanding, and gaped at something the Dewott said. A few embers then popped out of Fenn’s forehead. Little sparks!

    They kept going like that for a bit longer, until Fenn started giggling to himself, inciting a bigger grin from Oswald. Seeing them like this—so happy, so giddy—made Cosmo want to swoop in to see what was so funny. He almost did, had Oswald not turned back to the weird pokemon a moment later.

    “Alright, Cycla,” Oswald said, “tell us about some kid stuff. What can a kid do to have fun around here?”

    Another blink, identical to the last two. “Of course!” the weird pokemon chirped. “Activities for children are among the most sought after programs Kebia Castle has to offer. One moment.”

    In moments like this, Cosmo had a tendency to get lost in all of the details of grown up talk. He was a hero, and heroes had to be smart! But then he would miss something and feel dumb all over again. Cosmo hated feeling dumb.

    That was why he latched on to what Oswald was doing as soon as he could. Just now, Oswald looked at Cosmo, asked the weird pokemon a question, and the weird pokemon brought up “activities for children.” The elating sensation brought on by the fact that all of the pokemon in front of Cosmo were talking about him shook his bubble with booming ripples. His squishy skin tingled in anticipation.

    “Wait here, Juanfinsimo,” Cosmo said before bouncing off towards the trio of pokemon. Juanfinsimo did not budge, as he was still engrossed in his nap.

    As Cosmo floated closer, the weird pokemon finished their thinking. “Ah yes,” they chirped, “with today being Friday you can expect to encounter many ventures fit for younger pokemon in Kebia Castle. In 44 minutes, Neo the Fencer will be providing advice and giving autographs near the east stairs on the second floor of the castle. Neo the Fencer is an accomplished and prolific war veteran—a prominent Auramancer. A once in a lifetime learning experience! Especially popular with younger audiences.”

    Fenn brought a paw to his lips, seemingly shocked. “Neo…!” he gasped.

    Cosmo was much the same, his mouth agape. An Auramancer…no way…

    Just like in Knights of the Fragments! The second issue had a super awesome Lucario that fought with a BONE SWORD and could FLY and-

    Meanwhile, Oswald rolled his eyes. “Why does it not surprise me that he performs for kids? What a clown.”

    “Alternatively,” the weird pokemon added on, “if your child is in need of exercise and social interaction, the west wing of the castle on the third floor is home of the daycare and youth enrichment center. A dedicated playground, changing rooms, and learning materials are all available during daylight hours. At least two tutors/caretakers will be on-site at all times. If you are looking to sign up for homeschool classes and lectures, please seek out Stoutland Columbi for more information.”

    Okay, Cosmo was lost again. It certainly did not help that he was wrapped up in daydreaming about his favorite comic. Luckily, Oswald was there.

    Oswald said, “Hm. That’s…a lot more than I expected.”

    “I-I was going to bring it up sometime, Oswald,” Fenn spoke up. “When I was working as a janitor, I cleaned there a few times.” He rubbed his arm and looked away, the inside of his ears glowing red. “I-I didn’t…pay too much attention to it, though…”

    With his paws on his hips, Oswald turned to Fenn, momentarily looking up to take note of Cosmo—to which Cosmo beamed. Oswald chuckled. “You knew about this? All those times where we dragged him along…probably could have just left him there.”

    Left Cosmo…? All alone? The thought turned his beaming smile upside down. No, not just that. It frightened him. Reminded him of things that…hurt. Hurt so bad. So so bad…

    Fenn shook his head. “I…h-honestly, that would just make me feel guilty,” he muttered.

    To that, Oswald let his arms fall to his side. “Now that I think about it…me too, probably,” he conceded.

    Phew! Foolish Cosmo, how could he not trust his friends like that? But still, Cosmo had to say something! The idea of being left behind was just too much to bear. What if the weird pokemon changed their minds?

    He wanted to scream, but all he could manage was a petit little plea: “Please…Cosmo wants to stay with Fenn and Oswald…”

    The two pokemon spun to look at Cosmo with widened eyes, like they were surprised to see him there. Fenn in particular was so stunned that his ears fell against his head.

    The weird pokemon then beeped so loudly and suddenly that Cosmo nearly jumped out of his bubble. “Will that be all?” they queried.

    Oswald was visibility frazzled with his whiskers poking out in all directions. “Ergh- yes, Cycla,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “Thanks…”

    “Of course! If you are ever in need of my assistance, please do not hesitate to ask!”

    The weirdest thing about that weird pokemon was, when they floated off, their body animated similar to a normal pokemon out of nowhere. Their legs started spinning, their body bobbed in the air, and they even wagged their tail. Cosmo was not sure if it was common for some pokemon to breathe sometimes and not breathe other times, but he did not like the idea of a pokemon like that.

    Go away!

    Without trying, Cosmo had the really mean thought to lift the weird pokemon into the air and throw them around the room. An icky, uncomfortable heat spread to Cosmo’s cheeks that he could not shake for several moments. He just kept coming up with elaborate ways to toss that weird pokemon into the walls. His bubble dimmed.

    Oswald straightened out his whiskers as he turned to Fenn. “Those are two options,” he said before smiling at Cosmo. “We’re not going anywhere, buddy. We’re just considering what to do today.”

    And with Oswald’s words the gross warmth in Cosmo’s cheeks dissipated, the mean thoughts fading away with it. The luster returned to Cosmo’s bubble quickly—a brighter shade of purple taking over.

    He twirled in place. “Yay! Ooh, ooh! Cosmo wants to go see the Auramancer! Another hero! Another hero!”

    Not that Fenn or Oswald would know anything about Auramancers and how cool they were. The two of them were strong- well, Fenn was strong, but they were not heroes like Cosmo was. Good thing Cosmo was here to set things straight and educate them.

    Fenn nodded, wearing a sad looking smile. “W-we haven’t done much for Cosmo, have we?” the Quilava wondered quietly to Oswald, but Cosmo heard him.

    Was he supposed to hear? That sounded important…

    “I mean, I took him out to see a play once,” said Oswald. Now they were both talking quietly, which just affirmed Cosmo’s suspicions. He was not supposed to hear this…but Cosmo wanted to. “We got our fortunes read afterwards. Remember that?”

    Fenn gave Oswald a weird look that confused Cosmo. It wasn’t a good look, since Fenn was frowning. “F-fortunes…? No, we…I-I just think Cosmo should be playing with other kids his age.”

    Oswald had on a confusing look of his own—one where his nose was scrunched up and his mouth was all lopsided. “That’s two times where you’ve brought up something I haven’t thought about, Fenn,” he grumbled lightly. “Keep this up and…actually, nevermind.” His voice became less animated all of a sudden. Less fun. Less like Oswald. “That’s a good idea. We should get Cosmo some more friends.”

    So that was what it was! Fenn and Oswald were conspiring to replace Juanfinsimo! He should have known!

    Hovering a little bit higher, dignified and defiant, Cosmo puffed out his cheeks. “No!” he declared. “Cosmo has a partner in justice already!”

    To that, Oswald sighed. He said something to Fenn under his breath—too quiet for Cosmo to hear while he was proving his independence. After which Fenn replied, seemingly louder than Oswald.

    “O-Oswald, don’t you think Cosmo will love Neo?” Fenn asked.

    By the time Cosmo was back to his original spot, Oswald had on another weird face, with big eyes. What Fenn just said really surprised him. “I know he will,” Oswald claimed, “but that’s not-…okay.” Again, his voice became less animated. In fact he sounded more grouchy. “You’re right. I’m sure we’ll find other kids there, so let’s just go see Neo.”

    Fenn looked away, and there was a misplaced silence between them. A lot of these moments have been happening recently, actually. Cosmo noticed it starting more a couple days ago, after uncle Finch left. Fenn had not been laughing as much, and Oswald was not making as many jokes. The few he did make were stopped before they could finish. Cosmo was not sure why.

    It was almost a whisper when Fenn did speak. “I-if you’d rather not…” Fenn sounded unsure. Like when Cosmo was not certain about what catchphrase to use when waking up in the morning.

    “…Come on, Fenn,” Oswald whined. “I thought you liked Neo.”

    Frustrated…Oswald was frustrated. Like when Cosmo could not think of the right special attack to use when playing with Juanfinsimo.

    Fenn was rubbing his arm…

    “I-I-I’m sorry,” Fenn muttered. “I…I-I thought…I still…”

    Oswald held up his paws. “No…no, it’s fine. You still need more time, I get it.”

    Sad…they were both sad.

    Like when Cosmo was alone.

    “Sorry…” Fenn repeated, his ears drooping low.

    “Like I said, it’s fine. I was gonna go train later today anyway, so…” Oswald looked over his shoulder impatiently, then back at Fenn. “We can swap off. I can take Cosmo to see Neo—I guess—and you…”

    “…th-the library.”

    “Right. The library. I can come find you after that and then you can take him to the daycare. How’s that sound?”

    Fenn nodded. “Yeah…I can do that.”

    Cosmo watched as Oswald put on a smile and placed his paw on Fenn’s shoulder, keeping it there for a second longer than Cosmo expected. Fenn eventually looked back up at Oswald, and he smiled, too. They both smiled.

    But there was no sparkle in their eyes that Cosmo could see. No raised cheeks, no giggles…nothing happy.

    …Cosmo was starting to notice something. Sometimes, when grown ups smiled, they were actually not smiling.

    Fenn and Oswald were not smiling, even though they were, because they were not happy. Something was wrong between them.

    And it made Cosmo so mad! It made his cheeks get all icky and warm again!

    Ooh, Cosmo knew what to do! He would ask the Auramancer about it! Juanfinsimo always said, “learn from other heroes if you want to get stronger.” This could be Cosmo’s chance to save Fenn and Oswald from sadness!

    And then they would go back to normal!

    Hooray! He could hardly wait!

    “It was THIRTY YEARS ago now when Neo the Fencer—yours truly—fought TWO towering Aggrons at once and LIVED to tell the tale!”

    Cosmo, along with several other children his age, looked on in awe at the decorated Lucario. Coated in white ribbons and wearing a super fancy navy-blue cloak, the Auramancer pointed to himself proudly. His striking black and blue fur gave him the natural appearance of a seasoned fighter—in ways that even Cosmo could not comprehend.

    It was as though a comic book superhero jumped right off the pages. Cosmo was positively vibrating!

    “Oooh!” Comso uttered. The other children around him had much the same reaction.

    “Oh yes,” the Auramancer continued, confident and noble, “you best believe, I am the greatest explorer that ever lived. And do you know why?”

    Hmm, Cosmo needed to think about that. His immediate response was “because you beat up so many bad guys!” But it was drowned out by every other kid around him chiming out with a “why!”

    Neo the Fencer put his palms together and separated them slowly, unveiling a beam of blue light underneath, gradually extending into a long bone club. He held it out in front of him to display its blinding magnificence.

    With the click of his tongue, he proclaimed, “The Aurrrrra~”

    Aura! That was it! Just like in Knights of the Fragments! Superpowers bestowed upon the most worthy and courageous! Cosmo cheered in astonishment, enraptured by the revelation. If he was going to save Fenn and Oswald from sadness, he would need to obtain superpowers of his own!

    As the crowd hooted and hollered just the same, Cosmo got down to brainstorming.

    Yes, Cosmo had his psychic powers—which were very strong, he might add—but they were not “super” powers. However, that also got Cosmo to think about what qualified as a “superpower.”

    Neo clearly had superpowers. How could he not? Control over Aura, big muscles, an outfit that reminded Cosmo of a caped crusader, and a cool name, too. Neo “the Fencer?” Cosmo wished he thought of something that cool.

    How did he end up with those superpowers, anyway?

    “Juanfinsimo, what do you think?” Cosmo asked his plushie companion.

    Said plushie companion was right by him with a second row seat to the theatrics—Oswald made sure they arrived early. With a dignified stature and impressive fins, Juanfinsimo was well on his way to superhero-dom already. But even he was speechless in Neo’s radiating presence. Not that Cosmo could blame him.

    Phooie. Cosmo would just have to ask again later and decipher this puzzle on his own for now. He looked back to Neo, hoping for a hint.

    “Yes, yes!” the Auramancer bellowed. “The Aura gives me strength!” He flexed one arm. “It gives me power!” Then he flexed the other. “Ha-ha-ha! Now, which one of you wants to experience this power? Let me hear it!”

    New Objective Acquired: let him hear it!

    This was his chance! The Solosis bounced up and down frantically, easily floating above the other children hopping like Spoinks. All were chanting to the tune of: “Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Me! Me! Me!” He was poised to stand out, though Neo seemed to skim right over him when scanning the crowd.

    Paw on his chin, thinking deeply, Neo scoured and scoured for worthy candidates. Cosmo bounced higher, squirming and exerting himself so hard that his bubble flashed various colors. Anything to get Neo’s attention.

    “Aha!” voiced Neo with the point of a finger. A finger which, unfortunately, was not pointed at the Solosis. “You two! Bunnelby and Nickit! Come on down and experience the Aurrrrra~”

    Objective Complete: let him hear it!

    Cosmo gradually floated down, deflated, watching as two random pokemon he never met got to see a superpower close-up while Cosmo did not. “Aww…” he fretted. And he was not the only one. His whines fell in-line with the tunes of other disappointed children, forming a discordant melody of envy.

    Frowning, he looked back down at his friend. “Juanfinsimo,” Cosmo grumbled, “when is Cosmo gonna get the chance to experience the Aura?”

    Perhaps it was the fact that Neo’s display had gripped Juanfinsimo’s attention so readily that he was stunned into silence. After all, Cosmo himself could not resist the urge to chant along with other children, so an enamored reaction was expected, right?

    “Aura! Aura!” Cosmo and many others shouted. The two children Neo had chosen were dangling from the Lucario’s bicep, ascending and descending with his movements, and they looked to be absolutely rhapsodic about it.

    At the same time, there was a lingering sensation—a tingling in Cosmo’s mind—that Juanfinsimo was…ignoring him. No, not just ignoring him. Juanfinsimo was deliberately being quiet so he could steal the secrets of the Aura for himself! What else would the silence be for?

    That rapscallion! Cosmo scowled at his so-called-friend, before turning his nose up at him. He did not even care if Juanfinsimo had an excuse or wanted Cosmo back after this.

    Cosmo. Was. Not. Listening.


    Well, jokes on him. Cosmo did not need a partner like Juanfinsimo. He did not need a partner at all!

    Cosmo would uncover the secrets of the Aura and save Fenn and Oswald all on his own! No stinky plush needed! Heroes worked best on their own, anyway.

    Applause rang out among the crowd, directing all attention back to the Auramancer. The two children finally skittered back to their original spots as Neo stood proudly with paws on his hips.

    “Now, a lesson!” Neo said. “Be careful with TMs, adventurers!” He pointed a finger at the crowd, addressing every single one of the pokemon surrounding him. “You will find yourself learning so quickly that you might think to skip class! But don’t be fooled…you must be vigilant! Improper usage can have terrible consequences! Your body may not be accustomed to the unique elements that TMs enact upon you! You must train—not to defeat, but to control! Observe!”

    Neo’s pointing paw turned into a fist, curling tightly. There was a flash, then a crackle, until his entire arm was coated in electricity.

    Cosmo stared in awe. How did Neo do that?

    “Thunder Punch! Even a powerful Fencer such as I could only hope to learn of such power through TMs. But even then, had I not honed my body to withstand such power, I could easily electrocute myself. Or…” In an instant the electricity froze on the fur of his arm, was drained of color, then spread out like collapsing water. It clung to him, riding from his elbow to his fist as solidified ice.

    He flexed with a grunt, and the ice exploded into shards on the floor. Bits of sparkling ice painted the fur of his arm like stars. One-by-one they fizzled out, leaving Neo completely dry. He regarded the crowd by holding up the palm of his paw.

    “Had I not been accustomed to the power of the Ice Punch,” Neo explained, “I could easily lower my body temperature to the point of frostbite. Be careful, adventurers! And listen to your teachers!”

    Neo then cleared his throat and readjusted his cloak, speaking under his breath so only the first couple of rows could hear him at first. “Now that I have the mandatory educational bit out of the way-” he held out his arms, smirking, “-how about some more Aurrrra~?”

    Plenty of the other kids were already back to jumping up and down in hopes of being selected again, but Cosmo was actually distracted enough to keep quiet this time. His mind was wandering.

    Whoa…he thought. TMs…they sound like superpowers!

    They were literally powers that Cosmo could get and use to become stronger. He could be just like Neo and conjure up electricity like it was nothing! Or breath fire like Fenn!

    Cosmo would not just be the most powerful psychic…he would be the most powerful in every respect! Fire, ice, electricity—the possibilities were endless!

    But, as a couple kids nearby were quick to remind him, it would not be that easy.

    They were a row behind, talking so loudly that he had no choice but to turn and listen. One was a blue Rockruff and the other was a very orange Growlithe. Both talked really weirdly in a way that Cosmo had never heard before. The way they used words sounded so different compared to how Cosmo would speak.

    “My daddy overused a move so much that he had a brainfart and broke the couch,” the blue rockruff said.

    “That’s nothing,” the Growlithe retorted. “My- my uncle once used Rock Tomb so much that he BECAME ROCKS.”

    Cosmo opened his mouth to say something because he wanted to. He wanted to add on and give his own example of Fenn or Oswald doing something that crazy. But before he could utter a word he realized that he did not have any experiences like that. Fenn never sneezed so badly that he threw the bed out of the window. And Oswald never struck himself with lightning.

    All of a sudden, Cosmo felt cold. Like there was a breeze tickling his bubble in a field devoid of any life but his own. Endless plains in all directions, leaving Cosmo isolated and open. Far from the busy streets full of evildoers that Cosmo would fight.

    He was…out of place.

    Shivering, Cosmo searched for a familiar face—Oswald, who had preferred to keep to the edges of the crowd. Cosmo did not mind, as he had Juanfinsimo, but after Cosmo remembered that Juanfinsimo had ulterior motives Cosmo realized he could not depend on him.

    Cosmo found Oswald easily, where he was last. But next to him was a notably unfamiliar face. A Sylveon that Cosmo did not recognize. They were talking, and smiling at each other a little. Not even paying attention to Neo and his amazing skills.

    Cosmo felt cold again.

    Okay, Cosmo changed his mind. He was dumb to give up on Juanfinsimo. They were friends—heroes. Partners in justice-

    Juanfinsimo was gone.

    Left, right, up, down. Cosmo could not find him. The plush had seemingly disappeared from his spot on the floor. Where…did he go?

    He was just…gone.

    …Cosmo was not a hero anymore. He was a little Solosis alone in a crowd of pokemon. All Alone.



    He looked back to where Juanfinsimo’s spot was, to Oswald, to Neo, then to Juanfinsimo’s spot, then Oswald, then Neo. Again and again, and again and again and again. All while his stomach kept sinking, sinking, sinking.

    Tears pricked at Cosmo’s eyes. He sniffled. His lip quivered.

    He blabbered out, “this- what- Cosmo- I- but- no…”



    No, he was wrong. Cosmo is a hero. All of this was just a dastardly plot by some villain to confuse Cosmo. So what if Juanfinsimo was gone? That did not stop Cosmo before. He was always a hero!

    Cosmo shook himself. A hero like him had a job to do—and friends to save!

    But more importantly, Cosmo needed a new partner in justice first.

    It was time to start the search.

    “W-where did your plush go, Cosmo?”

    It did not take Fenn long to notice Juanfinsimo’s absence once they arrived at the day-care place. Cosmo was sincerely hoping Fenn would not notice, ’cause then he would have to explain what happened. None of it was his fault, Cosmo reminded himself. He just did not want to make Fenn mad over a lost friend.

    “Juanfinsimo was secretly trying to steal the secrets of the Aura from Cosmo,” Cosmo said honestly, “so Cosmo wants a new partner in justice now.”

    Fenn tilted his head, his ears lowered in concern. “You…y-you lost it?” he asked.

    Cosmo replied quickly with a “nuh uh! Juanfinsimo abandoned Cosmo.”

    Because he did. Right when Cosmo needed him most, too. Cosmo was glad that Juanfinsimo was gone.

    Hopefully Fenn understood that…

    Fenn slumped back against the wireframe bench, his hind paws hanging over the edge of the seat. He looked down at the book beside him, then offered Cosmo a smile.

    “G-good thing you can make plenty of new friends here.” Fenn chuckled, lazily pointing a paw at a group of young pokemon chasing each other nearby. “Lots of kids playing today, huh?”

    Playing? Playing…what FOOLS!

    They might call that assortment of slides and colored tubes on display a “playground,” but all Cosmo saw was a sprawling city full of corners and hidden passageways.

    Colored blocks? Try flashing cinderblocks of DOOM! A ball pit? Cosmo would not dare take the plunge into such a deadly sinkhole!

    This was no “play.” And Cosmo could already tell that the other pokemon his age climbing that jungle gym and riding those swings were not hero material. They did not take it seriously. Not like Cosmo did.

    Unlike them, Cosmo was not loud or rough. He was proud, valiant, and humble. Cosmo’s bubble jiggled defiantly as he scoffed. “There are no heroes here,” Cosmo said. “Only babies. Cosmo is not a baby.”

    Cosmo was not a baby. Definitely not.

    There had to be some other place that had a higher density of available heroes. Cosmo started to float back the way he and Fenn came, to the door leading out to the hall. “He will have to find a new partner in justice somewhere else.”

    “C-Cosmo, come back,” Fenn stuttered, his paws outstretched.

    At Fenn’s words, Cosmo stopped in his tracks. His bubble grew rigid.

    New Objective Acquired: Float back to Fenn

    As requested, the Solosis turned right around and urged himself back into Fenn’s arms. Once there, the position he found himself in mirrored that of past positions that Fenn tended to find comfortable.

    There was a subtle squeeze and a relieved sigh provided by Fenn. Adequate.

    “Thank you…”

    Objective Complete: Float back to Fenn

    Immediately, Cosmo pouted. Could Fenn not see that he did not want to be here! This was unfair!

    “There are no real heroes here,” Cosmo grumbled grumpily. “Only…babies.”

    Fenn’s ensuing bubble rubs were annoyingly soothing. “H-hey, some babies make for great friends.”

    Cosmo blinked in surprise. Did Fenn have a baby for a friend? Was that why he was being so generous to the rough-housers? Either way, Cosmo was not looking for a baby. He was looking for a hero.

    Fenn did not count, either. It had to be a hero that would help Cosmo save Fenn from sadness. Something that still lingered even now. Cosmo heard it in Fenn’s voice and the way his ears had not pointed upright at all in the past day.

    “No babies,” Cosmo said, reaffirming his stance.

    But that was not enough for Fenn. Sighing, he said, “J-just…give it a try, please. Go talk to some other kids, o-okay?”

    New Objective Acquired: Go talk to some other kids

    He really didn’t want to. The other kids were loud and would tell him to do things he did not want to do. They didn’t play his fantasy the way he did.

    He gritted his teeth, constricting his bubble tighter, closer to his core.

    I don’t wanna, he chanted internally. I don’t wanna!


    No more pouting, no more arguing, no more discontent to be had. None of that. He was pulled into the air by his own psychic propulsion, spun swiftly, and beamed cheerfully.


    Off to the playground he went. Fenn seemed surprised for the split second that the Solosis met his eyes, but nothing was done to stop him.

    As he was told to talk to “some other kids,” there were a few viable options for this objective. There was, of course, that duo of mons chasing each other even now: an Axew running from a Litleo that continuously nipped at the little dragon’s heels, just out of reach. Both wore silvery-blue scarves and giggled like true friends. Though from a closer look, it was difficult to tell if the Litleo was actually enraged as opposed to just playing along.

    The swings were currently occupied by a Whismur and Venonat, each taking turns pushing each other. Presumably, it would make more sense that the two of them would take turns on the same swing, but it seemed more like they were taking turns hopping off of their own swings to push the other. Venonat had the right swing and Whismur had the left swing—effectively hogging both for themselves. How intuitive of them.

    There were various mons making use of the playground and its ensuing slides, tunnels, and climbing bars. The Solosis saw a Teddiursa, a Rufflet, a Cleffa, an entire family of Exeggcute utilizing the slide all at once, and several others. None of which stuck out as optimal choices and in fact only served to make the Solosis’ head spin when trying to track them all.

    Eventually, he locked his gaze on a circle of three pokemon huddled near the ball pit. They spoke in hushed tones, as depicted by a Pikachu—the oldest-looking of the three—cupping his paw around his mouth. Occasionally the Mankey among them would reach into the ball pit and chuck a plastic ball at the head of the small Minun of the trio, who would periodically rub his forehead.

    Confusing behavior, had the Solosis not noticed the slips of cardstock placed on the ground in front of them. Those looked like playing cards, he surmised. And if they were using playing cards, then there was a non-zero chance they were playing Bolt Break.

    A game he knew how to play. Yes, that could be fun. He could do something there.

    His choice made, the Solosis floated over to the group of three before making himself known.

    “Hi!” he announced. “Are you guys playing Bolt Break?”

    Objective Complete: Go talk to some other kids

    Right away, Cosmo wished he had not opened his mouth. All three of them jumped and turned on Cosmo, analyzing him and everything he stood for. Gah, Cosmo knew he would hate this!

    The Minun brought his paw to his chin and said curiously, “Bolt Break? What’s that?”

    The Pikachu’s reaction was almost the complete opposite, but twice as scary because of his deeper, harsher voice. “It’s one of those boring card games my grandpa plays with his friends on Saturday nights.” The way he said it made it seem like he was not talking about Cosmo, but it was unmistakable that he was.

    And to add insult to injury, the Mankey tossed a plastic ball at Cosmo. “Ha! Snot bubble plays oldie games.”

    Cosmo flinched, but the plastic ball just rebonded off of his bubble without harming him. It did nothing to help his confidence, though.

    “Ah, if not Bolt Break…” Cosmo pondered, “what game is it?”

    The Pikachu scoffed, snatching up one of the cards with distinct swagger and finesse. “Psh! Game? This ain’t no game, kid.”

    Kid? Hearing that word coming from this Pikachu made Cosmo’s bubble boil.

    Minun passed little sparks between his paws as he rapidly looked between the three of them. Then when he asked another question it was in a ruder voice than before. “Ever play Pyro Ball?”

    Cosmo shook himself. “Nope,” he answered truthfully. “Only Bolt Break.”

    His bubble boiled more when Pikachu chimed in. “Psh, knew it,” Pikachu said.

    “No legs, no legs,” was what the Mankey then sang under his breath, adding on to Pikachu’s comment. Except it was not a very effective whisper since Cosmo heard it loud and clear.

    Both Pikachu and Minun giggled at that, laughing at Cosmo, and sneered at him out of the corners of their eyes. In fact they were clearly not even trying to hide it, Cosmo could tell.

    Once again Cosmo felt cold and isolated. Out of place.

    But the cold was biting this time. Bitter and…mean. Really, really mean.

    Cosmo suddenly really wanted to play this “Pyro Ball” game. Not as a hero—no, just because. He wanted to play it to prove these three wrong.

    Wrong about…what? Cosmo did not know. Nor did he care. He just had to. The thought of not being able to, leaving here without even knowing what it was, made his bubble boil so much that he was starting to produce steam.

    He blurted out, almost yelling: “Cosmo wants to play Pyro Ball!”

    Minun tilted his head at that. “Who’s Cosmo?”

    Mankey, similarly, said, “Why are you talking like that?”

    And Pikachu laughed. “What a weirdo.”

    Gone. All of that fiery anger was gone and replaced with incredulity. “W…weirdo?” Cosmo muttered.

    “Yeah,” Pikachu confirmed, “weeeeeirdo. Weirdy weird weirdoooo!”


    Cosmo shook. Panted. Fumed. So many, many things. He wanted to explode.

    “Sh-shut up, villains!” Cosmo seethed. “Cosmo is a hero…!”

    Minun smirked hurtfully. “No you aren’t,” he said. “You’re a weirdo!”

    “Weeeeirdooooo!” Mankey bellowed.

    Then they just went back to their game, the Pikachu talking about the cards as though Cosmo was not still there. Not once did they invite him to play or explain anything about it.

    Buncha meanies, Cosmo thought. Calling Cosmo, the Greatest Psychic in the world a…weirdo…

    “Jerks!” Cosmo snapped.

    Shaking with anger, Cosmo turned to leave and float back to Fenn. And he would have, but first the Pikachu had to rub it in some more, the jerk.

    “Yeah weirdo!” the Pikachu asserted. “Go somewhere else!”

    New Objective Acquired: Go somewhere else!

    But where? Well, in accordance with his mental state, the corner next to the empty see-saw was just as good a spot as any. There, he wouldn’t be bothered. There, he wouldn’t be talked down to by a bunch of bullies. There, he could play his fantasy how he wanted to play it, alone.

    Objective Complete: Go somewhere else!

    …But now Cosmo was alone. Genuinely alone.

    Cosmo sagged in the air, looking back at the playground awash with activity and fun and…

    Nothing about the playground looked like a sprawling city anymore. It was just a playground. There were no villains, no secret tunnels, no heroics at all. No Juanfinsimo either.

    Cosmo did not want to save anybody right now. He just…couldn’t do it. There was no more fun to be had.

    Too sad to do much else, Cosmo plopped down onto the lowered end of the see-saw. What seemed so exciting before never felt more lonely. He briefly imagined his only friend- his past friend, riding the see-saw on the other end. But the image was too much, and Cosmo had to shake side-to-side to keep from crying.

    What was he going to do…

    A shadow passed overhead. Weird—Cosmo thought that clouds could only create shadows outdoors. He followed the shadow with his eyes reflexively, his gaze coming to a stop at the other end of the see-saw again.

    Because now there was a pokemon there.

    A bird, specifically. A round, green bird that Cosmo did not know the name of. They had yellow and red wings, red talons that they used to latch onto the see-saw’s handles, a yellow beak pointed right at Cosmo, a red feather sticking out of their head, and eyes full of clouds. Huh, maybe those were the clouds Cosmo thought he saw.

    They looked really weird, which felt mean to say. Cosmo called that Cycla pokemon weird because they were. But this bird had not done anything to give off that impression. Cosmo’s bubble just tingled the same way it did earlier today.

    Cosmo and the bird stared at each other, neither pokemon saying a word. It was rude to stare, Cosmo knew that. Did the bird know that? They were staring, too…

    “Hello?” Cosmo asked.

    The bird continued to look at him. No words were spoken.

    “Um…I- Cosmo was here first.” Were they mad at Cosmo for taking the see-saw from them? He did not mean to steal it, he just needed somewhere to go.

    If they were mad, Cosmo could not tell. They just kept staring and staring, wordlessly.

    Or perhaps…

    “And Cosmo was just…resting!” Cosmo said, suddenly getting an idea. “Being a hero is tiring work. Cosmo only got through his last fight by his teeth-skin!” Whatever that meant. He heard something like it once and it sounded cool.

    Just as before, the bird said nothing…because they were resting, too! The See-saw of Heroic Rest only accommodated two heroes at a time, so of course Cosmo would meet another one here!

    And if there was another hero, then that meant Cosmo was not alone! Could this be his next partner in justice?

    Either way, Cosmo was vibrating too hard to keep still. Within an instant he was up in the air and beside the green bird, eyes lit up. They hardly reacted aside from following Cosmo with their beak and shifting under the slight movement of the see-saw, but clearly the green bird was just as excited about finding a fellow hero. So much so that they could not find the words.

    But Cosmo knew. He did not need to be told that this fearless, valorous champion of the city understood Cosmo’s plight. Asking was simply a courtesy.

    “Now that Cosmo’s rest is over,” Cosmo declared, “let us return to our heroic duties! Because you know what they say, there is no Shaymin taking a break!” A proper hero also appreciated a good pun.

    Although they did not laugh, or express much of anything, the bird paid close attention to Cosmo. Obviously because they had a secret identity to protect, and unlike Cosmo they had yet to find a heroic moniker of their own.

    Cosmo smirked. Lucky for them, Cosmo was an expert when it came to coming up with new identities.

    “Oops! Right, you need a heroic name.” Cosmo thought for a moment. “How about…”

    Cosmo could not wait to come back to the day-care. Tomorrow! Then the next day! Then the day after that! What an exhilarating prospect; something to look forward to every single day! The only problem was that the fun had to be localized to the day-care.

    But Fenn called for him. As much as Cosmo did not want to say goodbye, his new friend reassured him that they would be waiting on the see-saw when he returned. Or even come find Cosmo if he wanted. Juanfinsimo never did that.

    By the time Cosmo wandered back to Fenn’s bench, though, Oswald had arrived. The Dewott’s fur—slick with sweat—was noticeably messier compared to the last time Cosmo saw him. In one of his paws was a plastic water bottle. Where did he get that? Either way, Oswald casually sipped at it every so often as he conversed with Fenn.

    Fenn had his book opened up on his lap, craning his head to look up at Oswald. Without fail, everytime Cosmo glanced down his eyes would grow wide at the size of the book Fenn was reading. Cosmo had not read many books himself, but the ones he had were noticeably thinner. Clearly, Fenn was a reading master.

    “So it’s like a sci-fi story?” Oswald asked, leaning against the bench.

    Fenn’s eyes drifted down to his book aimlessly for a second. When he looked back at Oswald, his ears were flat against his head, and his voice was lowered so much that Cosmo barely heard him.


    Oswald looked left and right in confusion. “You know, science fiction?”

    “N-none of it has anything to do with science,” Fenn explained.

    “…But there are robots.”

    Fenn gestured over his shoulder with his paw like he was tossing a candy wrapper. After which he responded by saying, “…Cycla.”

    To that, Oswald smacked his lips. “Good point,” he said. “Truth can be crazier than fiction. Not that I would know.” A loud slurping noise followed that comment—Oswald greedily sucking up more water.

    If that was a joke, Cosmo did not get it. Fenn seemed to, though. He chuckled, shook his head, then finally noticed Cosmo.

    Fenn sighed in a sort of way that comforted Cosmo. Made his heart do double flips, hinting that everything was okay. “There you are…” Fenn held out his paws in invitation. “H-have fun?”

    Needless to say, Cosmo accepted the invitation. Though he ended up somewhat regretting it when his attempts to nod enthusiastically were hindered by Fenn squishing him close. Good thing Cosmo’s mouth still worked.

    “Yeah!” Cosmo gushed. “Cosmo was nearly defeated by the evil sky dragons, but then Cloudcutter joined Cosmo’s team and they became the greatest hero team ever! They fought bad guys and shot laser beams and- and- and Cosmo and Cloudcutter formed a secret base that not even Fenn or Oswald get to know about because it’s super, duper secret! It was the best!”

    Much to Cosmo’s dismay, Oswald was not very impressed. He raised an eyebrow, in fact. “Sky dragons?” he parroted. “Secret base? Cloud…cutter?” He turned to Fenn. “Fenn, where did his plush go? I don’t see it.”

    Wait, why was Oswald asking? Did Fenn not tell him? It was important to know that Juanfinsimo was a dirty deserter that Cosmo was no longer friends with! Both of them should know that.

    Fenn shrugged his shoulders, though, almost like he completely ignored what Cosmo told him earlier. He said, “I-I don’t know. I think he lost it.”

    Lost it?” Oswald balked. “I won that for him and everything.” He stopped to take a drink of water, shaking his head in the process. “Kid’s gotta be more attentive, I swear.”

    “I guess…”

    Grr…they were talking about Cosmo in front of him again! What did they know, anyway? Heroics was hard work, but just as hard to appreciate, apparently. Fenn and Oswald were lucky Cosmo was noble and humble.

    “Well anyway,” Oswald resumed as he rubbed the back of his neck, “Swift is a better teacher than I thought. I think I’m actually…learning something?”

    Fenn quickly looked away, his paws pushing just a little bit more into Cosmo’s bubble. “I…I think I can tell,” he mumbled. “You…l-look a bit more…fit.”

    Oswald froze, his paw still on his neck and everything. Did Fenn really say something that shocking? It sounded like a pretty normal thing to say as far as Cosmo was aware.

    Like abruptly releasing a psychic hold, Oswald’s arm fell to his side. “Really n-” he started, before stopping himself. “I mean, you’re just saying that.”

    That did not sound like Oswald. Again. Why did he keep changing like that?

    The pressure Fenn was putting on Cosmo’s bubble was starting to become uncomfortable, but Cosmo was too worried to say anything. He just let Fenn speak up for himself and hoped Fenn would notice.

    “I’m…I-I’m not. I meant it.”

    Oswald took in a big breath. Biggest breath Cosmo had ever seen. “You plan on going somewhere else tonight?”

    Fenn curled in on himself a small amount, like he was trying to hide. Weirdly enough, his grip on Cosmo actually loosened in the process.

    He spoke quietly. “…Mhm. A-Altaria’s. I wanted a smoothie.”

    “I guess you’re gonna be going there alone, then, because I still can’t leave the castle,” Oswald said, all grumpy all of a sudden.

    “I guess…” Fenn was barely audible. “D-did you want me to…?”

    Oswald held up a paw. “It’s fine. You go do what you need to do. Me and Cosmo will go get something ourselves, no big deal. Isn’t that right, buddy?”

    Was it right? That question made no sense. Cosmo was not sure what Oswald was even asking. He did not want to cause any issues, though, so…

    It was spoken: “Cosmo will follow Oswald!” He squeezed out from Fenn’s grip before slingshotting himself up to Oswald’s level. At first, he was going to mention how he and Oswald were going to hold the fort while Fenn was gone or something to that effect. An inspiring adage that would calm Fenn’s sadness.

    But the words would not come to him. Just like when Cosmo was out of place in that crowd or when he was alone by the see-saw, everything was far away.

    Fenn and Oswald, physically at least, were there. He could see them, even touch them.

    But they weren’t there. They were alone, too.

    Oswald said goodbye to Fenn as he turned to walk off. Fenn said goodbye back, his book still open to the last page he read.

    And Cosmo-

    “Come on, Cosmo. Let’s go get something to eat.”

    New Objective Acquired: Follow Oswald

    -asked no more questions.

    Author’s Note – 4/5/2024:

    I didn’t initially like this chapter very much. Part of that is because I didn’t plan it out all that well. Up until I actually got around to writing it Marigold was supposed to be in this chapter in place of Cycla. Juanfinsimo wasn’t going to go missing, that was something I added on the spot. In fact I didn’t really plan on having this be a chapter at all up until a certain point. I just had one detail I wanted to establish with no other place to put it.

    There are a lot of details here that I was going to show off later, but got repurposed to this chapter because, well, Cosmo doesn’t get a lot of chances to be the narrator as-is. And for good reason; Cosmo is a difficult character to write. I’m glad I wrote this one, though, if only because I got fill in a gap in my later planning that I had up in the air up until now.

    I also just didn’t really like how grim this chapter was at first. Luckily after some crucial edits I can safely say that it’s…fine, now. I’ll let you be the judge of that.

    Anyway, the next three chapters will be the proper end to this arc I’ve had going for a while now. I can’t wait to finish them up in the next coming months.

    Thanks again to my betas: Bonehead, Timelocke, and Dust_Scout. And thank you for reading.

    Have a good one.

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    1. Apr 11, '24 at 5:58 pm

      V-Wheel once again rolls around. Now, I as mentioned before in the discord, I have already read through the fic up until your current chapter, so I’ll just review Chapter 47 and then give some thoughts on everything else/ the entirety of Flowerbeds.
      So… this chapter was interesting, and gave the reader a bit more time with one of our more-neglected main characters. I think the scene with Cosmo meeting the Natu was really intriguing. It also feels… foreshadowed in a way? Maybe? We’ve already heard incidents of the Xatu spying on pokémon in Kebia before, specifically during Aster’s argument in 43, and Marigold’s show in 32. I’m curious as to how much they’ll come into play later on, especially since Flowerbeds has proven enough that it does care about its side-characters as much as its main, and the Xatu seem to be important with Anemone in some way.
      Having Cosmo as the pov for this chapter was a compelling choice, and I think it paid off. The fic has mostly focused on serious matters for the few chapters before, but 47 feels like a breath of fresh air. There were some parts of the chapter that felt completely different due to the perspective, in both good and bad ways. The scenes with the playground and the visit to Neo really put Cosmo’s innocence to light here, and it makes them so much more believable as a result. Your narration was great, it felt like it got its point across, while also adding new points to be touched upon further later on. Admittedly, the perspective also felt like a double-edged sword in other scenes, like with Cosmo feeling all bloated, and Juanfinsimo magically disappearing without much narration about where he was last (also, this is more of a minor nitpick, but for some reason Cosmo was worded as “scrunching up his nose/before turning his nose up at him” in both of the scenes, which I found a little confusing).
      Regardless, I’m curious where Flowerbeds will go from here, since there are so many directions that could be taken. There’s the conflict coming up with Larkspur and the Kingfisher Gem, Oswald and Fenn’s relationship issues, the small subplot with Finch and the The Oriole, Riz slowly questioning over whether power/royalty is worth the risk of losing Aven, and Anemone trying her best to stop Larkspur while also keeping Kebia (and Oswald) safe and protected.
      Flowerbeds has slowly proven itself one of the most beautiful and well cared for works in the fandom, and by far one of my favorites. I’m glad I got to dig a little deeper into this chapter, it definitely fueled some of my theories about the plot going forward. Regardless, I’m wishing you best of luck with all writing, not just Flowerbeds, and kudos to all the effort you’ve put into this masterpiece of a fic.