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    Stories 1
    Chapters 12
    Words 55.8 K
    Comments 4
    Reading 4 hours, 38 minutes4 h, 38 m
    • Chapter 7 - Easier Said Than DoneChapter 7 – Easier Said Than Done

      Chapter 7 – Easier Said Than Done Cover
      by zero10.2 “ CELINE!”   “What!?” The Umbreon hissed.   “We don’t have time for you to waste on your little hunt. Don’t go getting riled up over nothing!” Hurik growled.  Celine let out a short, low-pitched chuckle. “No time to waste? Then let me flush ‘em out already!!” Without warning, a large, pulsating black orb soared over Maxim’s and Rene’s heads and into a nearby wall. The resulting explosion caused dirt and rubble to rain down on top of them.…
    • Chapter 6 - Playing PretendChapter 6 – Playing Pretend

      Chapter 6 – Playing Pretend Cover
      by zero10.2 Orange skies gave way to violet starlight as the first day on Calvin Island drew to a close. Thankfully, there were no further interruptions once the two came back into town. Maneuvering through the emptying streets, the pair finally reached the docks. Fellow crew members were boarding the ship, with some carrying crates, bags, and other stored goods. One pokemon, an Ambipom, wobbled up the ramp before falling backward. Maxim rushed over, worried, only to see them snoring.   A nearby Heracross…
    • Chapter 5 - The First BlowChapter 5 – The First Blow

      Chapter 5 – The First Blow Cover
      by zero10.2 “My, My! Quite the little adventure!” Matilda placed her tea cup down and clapped. Her thin smile only made Drake grip his own cup tighter. Not once during him recounting the crew’s journey did she say a word, instead only responding with small nods or a wave. Every now and then, she would scribble on her little notebook.  “You put even a veteran navy officer to shame with your efficiency. We’re lucky to have such a talented captain in our service!” She giggled. “Now then, about that…
    • Chapter 3 – Finding Your Way

      Chapter 3 – Finding Your Way Cover
      by zero10.2 Privateers, huh?   Maxim pondered over the term.  To be rescued from pirates by pirates. Fate was truly laughing at his expense again.    “So you are all privateers? What does that mean?” Maxim asked.   Drake raised a wing to his chin. “Well, we do a lot of things. Exploration, capturing targets, fighting pirates, you name it!”   The Quaquaval leaned down at Maxim. “I’m surprised you’ve never heard of that term. It should be well known…
      Floatzel • Kirlia • Mienfoo • Quaquaval • Rowlet • Weavile
    • Chapter 2 – Predators or Prey?

      Chapter 2 – Predators or Prey? Cover
      by zero10.2 “So what’s it gonna be, girlie?”   The pirate captain’s tail blade was only a few inches away from Rene’s skull. Maxim was paralyzed as the amused dragon leaned in closer.   “It’s your life, or your goods. Pick one.”   Rene and Ocher locked eyes for what seemed to be an eternity, with the wind being the only thing heard between the two. She knelt down and slowly released Maxim. The former human swore she turned back to him briefly before stating her…
      Kirlia • Mienfoo • Noivern • Quaquaval • Rowlet
    • Chapter 1 - Falling DownChapter 1 – Falling Down

      Chapter 1 – Falling Down Cover
      by zero10.2 Hey Maxim.. What would you do if the stars above in the sky disappeared? Would you be curious? Upset they disappeared? Wish for them to come back?   Hey Maxim… If you were scared to hurt someone, why did you do it?   Hey Maxim… did they make you angry? Did they do nothing to you? Or did you…?   Hey Maxim… don’t forget…    Hey Maxim…   MAXIM! ………   All encompassing void, all enveloping…
      Kirlia • Mienfoo • Noivern • Politoed • Rowlet
    • Chapter 11 – Invitations

      Chapter 11 – Invitations Cover
      by zero10.2 Katsumi closed the distance in the blink of an eye, claws glowing with violet energy. Water circled around Drake’s hands and formed into twin blades. The Quaquaval raised the blades to block her strike. That’s enough.   The Sneasler was enveloped in pink light, frozen in her lunging pose. A growl escaped her lips as she dropped to the ground. Standing back up, she crossed her arms and yelled into the sky.. “Tsk! Cutting my fun short!…
    • Chapter 4 - Down On The StreetChapter 4 – Down On The Street

      Chapter 4 – Down On The Street Cover
      by zero10.2 With the smell of fresh bread as a guiding arrow, it didn’t take Maxim long to find the mess hall. The expansive room was full of simple tables and chairs made of tanned wood. Windows lined the wall, a sliver of indigo sky visible through each. Ceiling lamps hung down like fruits from a tree. A singular chandelier dangled above the room’s main draw: a lengthy wooden station stacked with bread, soup, and other food Maxim couldn’t make out. A long line extended from the station  all the way to the…
    • Bonus Story – Winter’s Union

      Bonus Story – Winter’s Union Cover
      by zero10.2 “Well this is u-unexpected.” Maxim took a good look at the scene before him. Slanted roofs and cobblestone streets now blanketed in snow as the sun rose over a new day. “A-ACHOO!” Even being snuggled between comforting sheets inside of a warmly lit cabin didn’t spare the former human from the chilly air. No doubt due to the unique properties of his new body. Damn that voice again! Why couldn’t they give me built in cold resistance? Even a slight chill leaves me…
    • Chapter 10 – When Tomorrow Comes

      Chapter 10 – When Tomorrow Comes Cover
      by zero10.2 Shrill ringing buzzed around in Maxim’s ears as he slowly opened his eyes. As the sound wore off, his blurred vision focused until he could make out a dull gray ceiling.   Where... Where am I?     As he looked down he realized he was resting in a bed, covered in a light blue blanket. He grabbed and pulled it off with a tan, very much human hand.     What the hell?   It wasn’t just…