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    Stories 1
    Chapters 33
    Words 161.7 K
    Comments 5
    Reading 13 hours, 28 minutes13 h, 28 m
    • The Siege of Western Grandeport

      The Siege of Western Grandeport Cover
      by youngmanymca Bang bang bang! Andrew looked up from his desk toward his office door. He was clutching a pencil between his fingers, and a piece of paper crudely depicting the forested landscape beyond the walls of the castle rested below him.I wonder who that could be.“Come in~!” he yelled cheerfully. Andrew was in an oddly good mood, in spite of the fact whoever was at the door had demanded his attention only a half hour before lunch. There had been no incidents in the past month of winter. No mass protests,…
    • Mindful Scheming

      Mindful Scheming Cover
      by youngmanymca “Do you think they’re mad, Thomas?” The Servine perked up his head, eyes widening as they fell upon Andrew. “Hm?” “Y’know, the Resistance. Do you think they’re mad that I got Leo?” Andrew asked.  The two Pokemon sat in their kitchen, illuminated only by dwindling candlelight. The moon had dwindled, deciding not to come out that night, a cruel reminder for Andrew just how quickly the time had flown since the capture of the Resistance’s leader.  They each sat at…
    • Under Shtomp and Key

      Under Shtomp and Key Cover
      by youngmanymca “Andrew, I know you’re upset,” Charlie sighed. “But we have Leo in police custody. After he gets his… trial.” The Raichu bobbed his paws in the air to emulate air quotes. “He’ll go to a dirty prison like any other criminal. You won’t have to worry about him.” The Pokemon sat in Andrew’s office. The Marshtomp had a weary expression as he rested his head on a flipper propped up on his desk. It was late in the afternoon, with warm sunlight illuminating the room and creating a pleasant…
    • The World’s Greatest Fighter

      The World’s Greatest Fighter Cover
      by youngmanymca The Quilava looked down with mouth agape, a light bout of fire dancing across his head.  Andrew was no different. The Marshtomp had been frozen in place on the hard floor of the closet. His heartbeat, each pulse coursing through his body—grew faster each moment he stared at Leo.  Yet, Andrew could see something almost sympathetic in the Quilava’s blood-red eyes. It was the first time he’d seen him up close, something was striking about him. Maybe Leo would choose to spare him? Heh.…
    • The Powder Keg of Grandeport

      The Powder Keg of Grandeport Cover
      by youngmanymca “Have all the necessary payments been made, Chloe?” Andrew and Chloe stood outside Grandeport Castle. It was dusk, the sun only barely peeking over the horizon. The Flaaffy was cloaked in darkness—and Andrew was cloaked in his dark green cloak. The Flaaffy sighed. “Yes. I’ve taken the liberty of delivering Poke to everyone on your list.” “That’s nice to hear,” Andrew whispered in an ominous voice, leaning toward her and cracking a smile. “You’ve done a very good job,…
    • Boiling Anger

      Boiling Anger Cover
      by youngmanymca Chilly winds blew in fluffy clouds over Grandeport’s main square that the trio of Andrew, Thomas, and Charlie overlooked. “Hey, that one looks like a Marshtomp. Doesn’t it, Andrew?” Thomas pointed up at a cloud. . Andrew straightened his bowtie. “Yeah, I guess it does.” “Would you two focus?” Charlie said without turning around.. “We’re here on official business. Not leisure.” Thomas stook his chin up. “Who’s to say it can’t be both?” The three Pokemon stood…
    • Shtomping Below

      Shtomping Below Cover
      by youngmanymca Andrew’s heart beat rapidly.  “Can I open my eyes yet?” The Marshtomp asked. Adrenaline coursed through his veins and a cold sensation seeped into his skin as Thomas’ vines danced around his face. Thomas giggled softly. “Not yet!” His voice was cheery, even more so than usual. Andrew grumbled. Everything was dark green except for a small bout of light breaking through. Resistance is futile. It can’t be that bad. “Andrew, I love you, I want you to know that. But the way…
    • Counting Flaaffies

      Counting Flaaffies Cover
      by youngmanymca “Y’know Chloe, I wouldn’t have thought you’d be so good at pulling this cart. Though, could you maybe go a little faster?” Andrew asked as he shifted on top of the pile of gold coins he sat upon.  Chloe stood in front, gripping two wooden bars protruding from the wooden wagon while marching forward. The vehicle moved slowly, occasionally jolting upward as they went over a rock or pothole on the dirt road. The Flaaffy groaned. “Maybe we’d go faster if you weren’t adding an extra…
    • Set In Motion

      Set In Motion Cover
      by youngmanymca A loud banging noise woke Andrew as his cell door flung open. He lazily turned his body toward it to see a blurry, red figure approaching. The prison sounds he had grown accustomed to traveled throughout the cell but did little wake him, having become numb to them some hours ago. As the prisoner rubbed his eyes, a loud voice boomed within the cell. "Rise and shine Marshtomp!" Without warning, sharp claws painfully scratched his soft skin. Despite now being wide awake, he still found it nearly…
    • Shtomp, Sheep, and Sinker

      Shtomp, Sheep, and Sinker Cover
      by youngmanymca Knock knock. Andrew scampered over to the door and opened it up to find a Bisharp. Contained within the guards’ hands were three more envelopes.  Goddamnit. “Thank you,” he muttered, before grabbing the letters, shutting the door, and walking back to his desk. Andrew added them to the pile which had begun to mount on top of his workspace. White envelopes all addressed to ‘President Andrew Marshtomp’ stared him in the face and begged to be opened. He ripped one open and began…