The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Stories 1
    Chapters 33
    Words 161.7 K
    Comments 5
    Reading 13 hours, 28 minutes13 h, 28 m
    • Raichu Recruitment

      Raichu Recruitment Cover
      by youngmanymca “Are you dead?” Andrew felt a sudden jolt of pain run across his stomach, letting out a quiet grunt.  “Oh, thank Arceus you aren’t dead. Three bodies in one week are too much.” Andrew pushed himself up from the ground into a sitting position and rubbed his eyes. Opening them revealed a Raichu looming overhead. It held a stick in its left paw and had its head tilted to the left.  “Where am I?” Andrew asked. The Raichu’s face lit up with a warm smile. Without warning,…
    • Marsh Attorney

      Marsh Attorney Cover
      by youngmanymca Andrew tapped his flipper against the oversized, dark wooden table. The scenery of the courtroom was oddly familiar and human-like. Wooden paneling lined the towering walls and extended onto the high ceiling. It was a similar hue to the furniture which seemed to occupy every part of the room. Behind him were rows and rows of identical benches, occupied by only a few Pokemon. Apparently, my trial isn’t big news, he thought.  Natural light poured through the courtroom’s many large…
    • Introduction to the Water

      Introduction to the Water Cover
      by youngmanymca Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, only transferred. Andrew couldn’t remember the last time he had a headache this bad. At least this meant that he might get to sleep in. Slowly opening his eyes, out of nowhere an overpowering brightness practically blinded him! His hands shot up to cover his face. But, something about them felt… off.  They were eerily cold, a shiver went down Andrew’s back as his hands made contact with his skin. Focusing, he realized that his whole body felt…