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    Stories 1
    Chapters 9
    Words 36.3 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 3 hours, 1 minute3 h, 1 m
    • Chapter 9: Clear SkiesClear Skies

      Clear Skies Cover
      by Xuey Sketches of Miles done by @arvozephyr on Twitter!   Early morning sunlight filtered through the window into the small hut. Amelia stirred and rolled over in order to catch the sun’s rays. She gave a small blink and yawned as she sat up and stretched. Looking to the other end of the room, Miles and Arthur lay dozing, both tuckered out from the previous day. She couldn’t blame them. Guild protocol made her get up early, anyway, she was used to it. Careful not to wake the brothers, she fitted…
    • Chapter 8: Secrets Under the StarsSecrets Under the Stars

      Secrets Under the Stars Cover
      by Xuey Moonlight washed over the quiet sands of Dune Village as Miles walked up to the hut. Kingler’s talk still nipped at him. His father. Himself. Both alike, yet different. His arm raised to the door and stopped as his gaze lingered on his float. It did react to the moonlight often, he noticed. The last time he saw it was on that night…      “What is it trying to say?” He took it off and held it in his paws. He turned it around, looking at the symbols he never learned how to…
    • Chapter 7: A Punchy Pink PummlerA Punchy Pink Pummler

      A Punchy Pink Pummler Cover
      by Xuey The Grass Continent got its name for a reason. A sea of green stretched out over the wilds, grasses swishing in the ocean’s winds. Paths and roads carved through the tall grasses that hung over the group of three Pokémon. Miles walked up front as lookout with Arthur and Amelia trailing him. The Marill kept shooting glances in the tall grass, but also behind him. His brother and the Roselia continued to bury their faces in their maps.       A sudden breeze blew a blade of…
    • Chapter 6: Calling BluffsCalling Bluffs

      Calling Bluffs Cover
      by Xuey The road ahead turned from tough dirt into loose mud. Miles and Arthur trotted along on their way toward the coast; Arthur with his face buried into a map, and Miles gingerly stepping through the muck. He wasn’t used to carrying a big bag with his small size, his back straining from the weight as he tried to keep it clean from the mud. The two stopped to collect their bearings as they reached a rocky opening in the marshy landscape.      Miles plopped down on a rock and blew bubbles at…
    • Chapter 5: BittersweetBittersweet

      Bittersweet Cover
      by Xuey Miles woke up at the break of dawn. Getting up early was a part of his routine. It felt strange waking up in a bed he wouldn’t sleep in for weeks, months even. He looked over to his brother, still dozing away. Arthur had gone to Spinda’s again yesterday. As long as he wasn’t drinking, he didn’t mind. Manaphy had told him where he’d gone, and he wasn’t drinking anything alcoholic. “Where’d he get that gummi, anyway?” He smiled and gave a quiet yawn as he walked into the kitchen. Early…
    • Chapter 4: Take it EasyTake it Easy

      Take it Easy Cover
      by Xuey      “What do you think of your parents, Manaphy?” Arthur sat alongside Manaphy inside Sharpedo Bluff. The two had been reading together for a few hours at this point. Books of various genres were strewn across the floor during the time the two spent together.       “I don’t remember my parents, I came from the sea, remember?”      Arthur smirked. “Come on, you know what I mean. Luminaries.”      Manaphy put down the…
    • Chapter 3: To Find a CureTo Find a Cure

      To Find a Cure Cover
      by Xuey A knock came from the other side of the door. Lucy opened her eyes and tried to see who it was as Corsola hobbled over to open the door.       “Mom…” Miles stepped into the room with Arthur. “I’m sorry about last night…” Lucy saw the bandages on his hands, then looked up at her son’s eyes.      “Miles-” he ran up to her and gave her a hug.      “Failure isn’t an option.” Miles buried his face in her arms. Arthur…
    • Chapter 2: Dormant ToxinsDormant Toxins

      Dormant Toxins Cover
      by Xuey Chansey’s Day Care had upscaled greatly in the past decade. Although most remembered it as the Day Care, it was now known to Treasure Town as Chansey’s Hospital, outfitted with Pokémon healers and enough supplies to serve the townsfolk and guild alike. Chansey had decided to keep the Day Care open in a separate part of the building, anyway. The rooms of the hospital were made to be ambient and comfortable to encourage a speedy, natural recovery. When that didn’t work, there were always healers armed…
    • Chapter 1: Past and PresentPast and Present

      Past and Present Cover
      by Xuey      “It's been 13 years since Dad died and Mom got sick.”      “Has it really been that long?” Two Marill walked along a dirt path under a calm breeze. The older one took careful steps, while the younger skipped along behind his brother.      “Yes, we were still Azurill back then. It wasn’t as bad as it is now.”      “Did you find out what happened back then?” The older brother sighed and closed his eyes. He…