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    xander the silver ranked pikachu!

    Stories 1
    Chapters 1
    Words 2.5 K
    Comments 2
    Reading 12 minutes12 m
    • Chapter 1: Insomnia

      Chapter 1: Insomnia Cover
      by xander the silver ranked pikachu! It was silent…dead silent in an autumn-hued forest…one where life had been drained by some strange force….luckily this silence would soon be filled by the sound of a tree’s rustling and something that fell from some high point landing upon the ground. A Scorbunny. It gasped for air as it landed, soon passing out, laying still on the forest floor. “… … …where am i?…this darkness please…no please stay away…STAY AWAY!—” The scorbunny woke up grasping its chest, its heart best fast…