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    Hello! Turkey here!

    I am currently the author of PMD: Royal Replacement, as well as one of the site moderators for PMDFF. Feel free to contact me for anything related to my fic! You can find me on Discord (Turkeyuwu) or Twitter (@Turkeyuwu_osu). Thanks for checking out my profile!

    Stories 1
    Chapters 11
    Words 56.0 K
    Comments 10
    Reading 4 hours, 40 minutes4 h, 40 m
    • Chapter 11 – Unchivalrous Escapade

      Chapter 11 – Unchivalrous Escapade Cover
      by turkeyuwu The King on the throne twists and thrashes, trying to approach… but the things that bind drags him away.   It tries to say something… but its mouth is bound.   The beautiful yet cruel crimson strips of fabric. They pull mercilessly. They are bandages, made to heal. But he will bleed out as soon as these bandages are undone.    To maintain his shape… he must remain bound…   …but the wounds bound by the bandages rot away…
    • Chapter 4 – Illusory Impressions

      Chapter 4 – Illusory Impressions Cover
      by turkeyuwu Makkuro Kiba · Eternal Reign Alan awoke back in the dimly lit ritual chamber the moment the sleep seed wore off. He could feel something heavy placed atop his head, keeping it pinned to the ground. Looking around, he noticed the contents within the room were much different compared to last time. The pole he was attached to was ripped out from the rock, cast aside on the ground outside the outermost ritual circle. Instead, Alan’s legs were each…
    • Chapter 10 – Surreptitious Secrets Part 2

      Chapter 10 – Surreptitious Secrets Part 2 Cover
      by turkeyuwu Pâro - The feeling that everything you do is always somehow wrong—that there’s nothing you can eat that’s actually healthy, nothing you can say that isn’t problematic, no way to raise your kids that won’t leave them traumatized— which makes you wonder if there’s some obvious way forward that everybody can see but you, each of them leaning back in their chair and calling out helpfully, “Colder… colder… colder…”  - The Dictionary of Obscure…
    • Chapter 9 – Surreptitious Secrets Part 1

      Chapter 9 – Surreptitious Secrets Part 1 Cover
      by turkeyuwu The morning sun slowly arced across the sky, shining its radiant glimmer through the large stained glass windows that adorned the walls of the room. The light reflected upon many of the golden surfaces scattered around, helping spread illumination throughout the circular chamber.   A tiny fox lay curled up alone on the relatively oversized bed, stirring lightly in the harsh sunlight that shone down upon his gold-edged fur.    “Ughh… Ah… W-what…?”   It took a…
    • Chapter 8 – Aces Wild

      Chapter 8 – Aces Wild Cover
      by turkeyuwu A lone Haxorus sat at a near-empty table, hidden away in the back corner of a drunken tavern. The rowdy, chaotic atmosphere of his surroundings almost let him blend in with the darkness that permeated the back side, almost silent in relation to the front areas.   The dragon fiddled with his gem-tipped horns, he seemed to be expecting another. The dealer, a Nuzleaf, eyed the Haxorus impatiently as he continued shuffling a deck of cards off-mindedly.    To his left, bolts of…
    • Chapter 7 – Diminishing Aptitudes

      Chapter 7 – Diminishing Aptitudes Cover
      by turkeyuwu Alan was running. From what he did not know, nor did he want to know. Only that he needed to keep on running.    His surroundings were eerily quiet, the foggy darkness muffling any and all noise around him. He could barely hear his own desperate pants as his legs slowly began to give way.   A few moments later the murky darkness that surrounded him parted, revealing the monster chasing him. Alan instinctively turned, his golden pupils trembling with fear as he eyed the beast…
    • Chapter 6 – Tumultuous Histories Part 2

      Chapter 6 – Tumultuous Histories Part 2 Cover
      by turkeyuwu The throne room was still in peaceful solitude as Alan’s senses returned to him. He was groggy and thirsty, yet he stubbornly continued to stay huddled under his royal cape.    He peered around the room. The candles, once standing tall and mighty, were burned down to the wick. Thick white lines streaked down the side, the wax having dribbled down and solidified in a pool below the dim candle flame that remained.   Alan yawned. Edward’s advice echoed in the back of his mind.…
    • Chapter 5 – Tumultuous Histories Part 1

      Chapter 5 – Tumultuous Histories Part 1 Cover
      by turkeyuwu “We meet again, Morgan”   Morgan’s eyes widened in dreaded recognition. That Vulpix, the same Vulpix that had been dragged out of his cell just yesterday was now back, donning the Everlasting King’s signature crown.    “You…. YOU!! ” Rage overtook his better judgment and rationale. This was the last straw. King Edward’s policies and neglect of the kingdom were the root cause of his family’s generations-long struggle, his lifelong torment as a discolored,…
    • Chapter 3 – Regal Rituals

      Chapter 3 – Regal Rituals Cover
      by turkeyuwu Alan’s consciousness returned gradually, the true darkness of his mind giving way to a blurry dimness. He was groggy, the effect of the spores still slowly wearing off. Vaguely aware of his surroundings he could feel the warmth emanating from below, his drooping tail hanging off the arms of the figure carrying his body.    He wanted to snuggle up further into the warmth, but he was still completely paralyzed from the neck down, only able to feebly rustle his tuft of head hair against his…
    • Chapter 2 – Unfamiliar Familiarity

      Chapter 2 – Unfamiliar Familiarity Cover
      by turkeyuwu Alan awoke to a light dimly shining around him, barely enough to pass through his shut eyelids to stir him awake. It was cramped and claustrophobic, limiting any and all sorts of movement Alan tried to make. He wasn’t sure how he ended up like this, but being trapped in this tiny prison of sorts definitely was not what he wanted to wake up to.   He could roughly work out the dimensions of his prison from the inside, using what little room he had to move his arms around. They were more…