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    Stories 1
    Chapters 15
    Words 43.3 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 3 hours, 36 minutes3 h, 36 m
    • Okuizome

      Okuizome Cover
      by Truebrush “My name is Devon Stafford, and I was born in America.” The humans of Halfhenge gathered in the kitchen, now filled with the scent of hot soup. Fei manned the kettle above the fireplace, his back on the rest of the group. Jun sat at the table, his journal open, as Wyn transcribed his report from his most recent venture into English. Slowking and Von sat at opposite ends of the table. The guildmaster had a journal in front of him, and his quill moved of its own accord, scratching far more words…
    • Human Business

      Human Business Cover
      by Truebrush Night Vision lounged in the soft grass of the courtyard a few bounds away from Wyn’s hut. Both Ren and Kaia sprawled out on the lawn, basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun. Von sat on his haunches as he watched the herd of sheeplike Pokemon gradually graze from one end of Halfhenge to the other. “It’s still early in the afternoon. What do we do for the rest of the day?” “Whatever we want,” answered Ren, whose eyes remained closed. “Why do you ask?” “Because I should be…
    • Amalgam

      Amalgam Cover
      by Truebrush "Someone else has been through here already." "Bisharp's clan?" Rockruff shook her head. "Those are claw marks, not the bites from a blade." Both Research teams huddled around another reflection of a dead tree. Gouges marred it, raked along the bark. A glittering substance still clung to its surface, small flecks the remnants of something more. "What is it?" Asked Von. "Emera. Normally we collect it in special jars to take home to Braixen, to aid in making objects of magic," squeaked…
    • The Flood of Knives

      The Flood of Knives Cover
      by Truebrush The forces of the Dungeon robbed all reason from Bramble Hill. The ground rolled in odd shapes as if the landscape itself had been fed to a kaleidoscope. Uphill climbs met sideways slopes with no warning and had Von second-guessing every footstep. On rare occasions, the tight tunnel of tangled plant matter opened up into large pockets of space. These ‘rooms’ all had at their center a gnarled, dead tree. No matter the size of these  pockets, the canopy overhead strained itself into a dome and…
    • Waldeinsamkeit

      Waldeinsamkeit Cover
      by Truebrush The morning breeze filled Halfhenge with the breath of autumn air, the exposed guts of the castle catching the chill within itself. Beneath the altar, Von shivered himself awake. Gray light of pre-dawn illuminated the oratory, and as he blinked the tiredness from his eyes as Rockruff's curious face poked up from her bedding. "You awake?" she growled quietly so as not to wake Ren. "Mhm," Von barely vocalized. He felt stiffness in his limbs. "It's cold." "It is. How are you feeling?" Von groped…
    • A Harmony Of Discordant Canons

      A Harmony Of Discordant Canons Cover
      by Truebrush "A human construct formed? What do you mean? Where and when?" Wyn bounced excitedly on her toes. "A dungeon has formed," Lucario corrected, "A human construct has been unearthed." The tall cat spoke up. "Seems yesterday an Onix chewed its way into 'a cavern of smooth marble and sculpted columns' and didn't find its way out until daybreak." "Left a tunnel to it for us somewhere far West along the Brave Range, at the foot of a mountain," Lucario finished. "Marble, huh?" Wyn…
    • Bamboo Harvester

      Bamboo Harvester Cover
      by Truebrush The sun sank behind the mountain and plunged Halfhenge into shade. Night Vision emerged from the keep and scurried over the grass, Rockruff leading the charge, eager to meet an old friend. Ren forsook donning a disguise, which made it easy for Von to chase after him. True Aim was hard to miss, even amongst the population of Halfhenge milling about in the courtyard. Three large winged beasts caught Von’s eye from afar; Wyn was dwarfed by a colossal black bird whose feathers glistened at every turn.…
    • The Anacapa Chart

      The Anacapa Chart Cover
      by Truebrush From his perch at the window, Von contemplated how to get back down. He scaled the few feet up without thinking, and now his tail hung off of the tiny sill he sat on. What practice he learned from clambering over driftwood found use in scaling a wall. The tips of his claws found purchase in the tiniest of cracks in the masonry around him. Looking down, he wondered how much a fall would hurt, his perception colored by his shrunken size. What would have been a casual hop was now a fall of thrice his…
    • Peulvan

      Peulvan Cover
      by Truebrush “You can call me Wyn.” “And I’m Von!” He followed after Braixen as she led him out of one hall and down another. “I’m allowed to say that, right?” “Only to other humans,” she winked, “But even then, use your judgment. Especially when there’s fairies about.” “Sorry, fairies? Is Titania a Pokemon now?” Wyn smirked wryly. “How much more disbelief can you afford your circumstances right now, Von?” “Good point. Sorry.” They stepped into the castle’s…
    • The Lapras Travel Liner

      The Lapras Travel Liner Cover
      by Truebrush When Rockruff last mentioned taking the waterways to reach their destination, Von assumed the three of them would follow a river on foot so as not to get lost. He felt frustrated in himself for not piecing together what the lighthouse on the end of the cape implied. Nautical travel was possible, not only for Pokemon native to the water, but for those bound on land. Lapras waded in the shallows where the river met the sea. Rockruff and Ren looked so small in comparison as they sat in the sand before it,…