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    Stories 2
    Chapters 17
    Words 58.3 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 4 hours, 51 minutes4 h, 51 m
    • Quest Town?

      Quest Town? Cover
      by timelocke The flickering lights dissolved around them, revealing the clear blue sky above– free from foliage and shade. The entrance to the dungeon was behind the mercs now, and none of them had any intention of ever going back. The possibility that Virizion was in hot pursuit meant they needed to get going, and fast. Wordlessly, the group started making their way down the path. Heavy adjusted the unconscious Pokémon in his stubby paws and huffed sharply. Both of their distorted bodies made carrying Sniper…
      Audino • Bunnelby • Drizzile • Galarian Rapidash • Kecleon • Lucario • Morpeko • Rotom • Rufflet • Salandit • Scraggy • Stunky • Zorua
    • A Rude Awakening

      A Rude Awakening Cover
      by timelocke Acorn Woods clearing was the perfect spot for a lovely young couple to go on their first date. Rattata had been waiting to shoot his shot for a long time now, mulling over romantic ideas every time the two of them spoke, and was thrilled when his potential soulmate agreed on attending a pleasant afternoon picnic. Today was the day, the Rattata thought. He was going to ask this Patrat to be his girlfriend. Although everything was going according to his plan, Rattata couldn't possibly have anticipated a…
      Audino • Bunnelby • Rotom • Rufflet • Salandit • Scraggy • Sobble • Stunky • Virizon • Zorua
    • Law Keepers

      Law Keepers Cover
      by timelocke Jennifer gave the two royal guards a very sarcastic look. "Hello, gentlemen. How can I help you?" She scooted the crime log Percy was writing in closer to her with a paw. "I hope you don't mind waiting, though. I'm very busy right now." "Don't be coy with us, Jen!" The Fairy Type Rapidash, Edgeworth, stomped past Xander and Melrose before slamming a hoof onto the desk. "The Police have been purposefully withholding information from the Knights of Silver! Admit it!" Jennifer raised an eyebrow and…
      Arcanine • Galarian Rapidash • Hypno • Litten • Machop • Musharna • Pikachu • Rapidash
    • Midnight

      Midnight Cover
      by timelocke Melrose couldn’t get any sleep. Her arms were crossed beneath her chin as she gazed out the window, the silvery moon staring back at her. Ms. Adeline had instructed the Pikachu to not worry, but that was hardly something a Pokémon could be commanded to do. It would be easier if she knew Headmaster Zephyr had returned, especially if he had some good news, but there was no way she could know anything from the confines of her room. She couldn’t help thinking some pretty nasty things about herself, as if…
      Cinccino • Gallade • Gardevoir • Nickit • Nidorina • Pikachu • Tyrunt
    • Storm Clouds

      Storm Clouds Cover
      by timelocke “Wh-what the… What the hell is wrong with you?” The Pokécoin thief was breathing hard, blood now dripping down his cheek. He was snarling, attempting to enforce a threatening facade. However, it was a struggle to keep his composure while his ear stung with such a searing pain. The Litten staring across the alleyway at him was still holding the rusted metal spike in his mouth, which was now glazed with crimson. His eyes were blazing, and he looked ready to take another strike. When you’re…
      Hypno • Litten • Musharna • Nickit • Zoroark
    • Distant Dimensions

      Distant Dimensions Cover
      by timelocke Upon returning to the Academy and checking the student common area for Icarus, Melrose was greeted by two unfamiliar faces. Within seconds a yellow blur leapt over the couch and grabbed Melrose's paw, staring upon her with starry eyes and a wide smile as they shook hands. Melrose was allowed no time to process the surprise of another Pikachu being in front of her. "You're this 'Melrose' the Prince has told us so much about!" "I mentioned her once," Icarus's tail flicked. The Pikachu let go of…
      Arcanine • Axew • Cinccino • Clefairy • Cosmog • Flygon • Gallade • Gardevoir • Hypno • Litten • Musharna • Nickit • Nidorina • Nuzleaf • Panpour • Pansage • Pansear • Pikachu • Snorlax • Tyrunt
    • Report

      Report Cover
      by timelocke “I still can’t believe you sent a bandit like that packing!” Melrose smiled at Xander as the both of them walked around Constella. “You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” The Pikachu giggled at her now blushing friend. “I’m still upset I didn’t get the money back.” Xander sighed, though it was hard to keep feeling bad about himself with Melrose around. “Plus, it wasn’t that impressive. He seemed like quite the petty low life.” “Don’t be silly! Taking on a Pokémon like…
      Arcanine • Galarian Rapidash • Litten • Machop • Pikachu • Rapidash
    • Breakfast

      Breakfast Cover
      by timelocke Icarus awoke from his slumber with a startle, the nightmare fresh on His Highness’s mind. The encounter with The Prime Minister and The Captain of the Royal Guard the night before was taxing his consciousness much more than he was willing to admit, especially since unanswered questions were not something he was particularly used to. The Tyrunt rolled off of his mattress, accidentally sending his Dialga doll to the floor with his tail. Icarus yelped quietly as he carefully picked it up with his mouth and…
      Axew • Flygon • Panpour • Pansage • Pansear • Pikachu • Tyrunt
    • Royalty

      Royalty Cover
      by timelocke Melrose recoiled slightly. The Tyrunt’s comment stung, but she wasn’t just going to let him bully the excitement out of her. Her cheeks cackled with electricity as her hands balled into fists, “What? You think a Pokémon from outside Constella and Greater Adstrum can’t learn with the best?” The Tyrunt’s nostrils flared. “How dare you speak to me like that! Do you know who I am, worm?!” “I know you’re some sorta snob, that’s for sure!” Melrose jabbed the Tyrunt’s chest with…
      Clefairy • Flygon • Panpour • Pansage • Pansear • Pikachu • Tyrunt
    • Streetwise

      Streetwise Cover
      by timelocke Once the door was closed, Guildmaster Zephyr looked down at the Litten below him. Xander avoided eye-contact, opting instead to make an embarrassing clacking noise from his mouth. The Flygon blinked a few times before clearing his throat awkwardly. “So, what’s your deal?” “Ex… excuse me?” Xander finally looked up at the Headmaster. An important Pokémon speaking to him in such a casual manner was significantly more off putting now that Xander was alone. “You clearly know Melrose, but I…
      Flygon • Hypno • Litten • Musharna • Nickit