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    Stories 1
    Chapters 32
    Words 93.0 K
    Comments 1
    Reading 7 hours, 44 minutes7 h, 44 m
    • Midnight RendezvousChapter 30: Midnight Rendezvous

      Chapter 30: Midnight Rendezvous Cover
      by LuxTheLynx Alec had taken the time to collect his thoughts and plan out the next responses he would have to his teammates next he saw them, pacing around the circumference of the cobblestone circle of the town’s main plaza. As he was muttering to himself, complete with various head and hand motions, several passerby pokemon took note of his more neurotic actions, passing judgemental glances as they carried about their own business. He took a look at the sun in the sky, already starting its descent across the…
    • The Woods AheadChapter 29: The Woods Ahead

      Chapter 29: The Woods Ahead Cover
      by LuxTheLynx The northern winds of the Air Continent blew a frosty blend of flurries and a chilled breeze throughout the forested pathways that lead out of the civilization that Onterio and Shannah were traversing, the looming, expansive castle of the current kingdom residing in that land slowly gaming distance away as the rolling dirt pathway ascended and descended outwards toward the destination of the mission at hand. While the sun was still barely reaching its apex, Onterio couldn’t help but feel a little pressed…
    • Annabelle's SchemeChapter 26: Annabelle’s Scheme

      Chapter 26: Annabelle’s Scheme Cover
      by LuxTheLynx The team ascended up the hill together with their renewed confidence in tow, the chilly winter breeze embracing them in a chilling aura as they moved through the frost-tipped glades. Draco, still hanging out by the signpost, notices the Starshots come into view, and waved them down.  “Hey! Is everything alright?” He shouted out. Annabelle, somewhat displeased by his presence, simply scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Not really, but, hey, thanks for checking.”  Onterio lightly…
    • Return to the Northwest ContinentChapter 28: Return to the Northwest Continent

      Chapter 28: Return to the Northwest Continent Cover
      by LuxTheLynx The four Starshots all reconvened at the dining hall of the guild, each of which loading up their plates full of various different foodstuffs that satiated each of their cravings. The rest of the guild flooded in, both young and old to grab their provided meals before settling in for the evening.  Shannah had noticed that both Alec and Onterio were in somewhat of a daze across the table, their eyes shifting off to the side of their plates, their paws slumped on their faces as they sat in silence.…
    • Trust to be TestedChapter 27: Trust to be Tested

      Chapter 27: Trust to be Tested Cover
      by LuxTheLynx Onterio and Draco took a seat on a bench on the edge of the now-bustling Treasure Town, unwrapping the vegetable samosas while looking into the town square. The large, shoulder-to-shoulder buildings each were occupied by various different food and service stands that breathed life into the town that still was under the effect of rather inclement weather. Onterio kicked his feet in the air lightly as he munched on the crispy, spiced pocket of various crunching veggies that swirled layers of flavor into his…
    • A Team's PromiseChapter 25: A Team’s Promise

      Chapter 25: A Team’s Promise Cover
      by LuxTheLynx Alec had awoken to Onterio shaking him rather violently, with incessant whispers of “Wake up! Psst! Alec!” in his ears. Alec groaned as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Onterio… today is supposed to be a day off.” He grumbled, stretching out his arms.  “Fair enough, but we got somethin’ more important!” Onterio went to shake Shannah awake, who was cozily still snug in her shell.  Alec was suddenly rushed from the feelings of guilt and doubt from the night prior. All of…
    • A Familiar FaceChapter 24: A Familiar Face

      Chapter 24: A Familiar Face Cover
      by LuxTheLynx Onterio woke up groggier than usual. As he’s usually accustomed to being a self-proclaimed “early bird”, this sense of exhaustion has left him rather perplexed. He scratched his head, yawning loudly, before cutting it short when he recognized that his team members were still fast asleep.  Onterio was quick to notice that Annabelle’s spot was left blank. Puzzled, he took a look around in and around the hallway, trying to find out where the fox could have run off to. She usually was the…
    • Chapter 23: Marked

      Chapter 23: Marked Cover
      by LuxTheLynx Run, running faster. Annabelle sprinted as fast as she could, quickly looking back behind her. The hallway was quickly flooding further and further with the crashing waves of water, encroaching upon her as she kept trying to escape.  It was all for naught, as Annabelle tripped on an exposed root of the guild hallway. Before she was given an opportunity to get up, the cold water flushed over her head, causing her to paddle in vain, in an attempt to stay afloat for as long as…
    • Intermission 2Intermission 2

      Intermission 2 Cover
      by LuxTheLynx A crystal has returned to me. How disappointing. It seems that the first attack was a failure.  Well… maybe in that regard.  I need him to find that Cosmog.  All must be ready before his grand appearance.  No more. No less. Besides, I still need time.  This is only just the beginning.  I need to continue to poison the…
    • Give and TakeChapter 22: Give and Take

      Chapter 22: Give and Take Cover
      by LuxTheLynx Alec blinked awake as Shannah and Lyle headed into town, the familiar warm bustle of the beachside city providing him comfort for the first time in a long while. After the assault of the senses that mysterious crystal gave him, there was no greater joy than to simply not feel anything at all.  He got up from the post that he was propped against and looked around, taking in the the glow of the lit torches that accompanied the streets of closing shops and late-night chatters.  Lyle…