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    Stories 1
    Chapters 51
    Words 395.2 K
    Comments 30
    Reading 1 day, 8 hours1 d, 8 h
    • Chapter 13 – Day 7, Part 1: Meeting of the Matriarchs

      Chapter 13 – Day 7, Part 1: Meeting of the Matriarchs Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 13 - Day 7, Part 1: Meeting of the Matriarchs It takes quite a bit of effort for Marigold to get around Kebia Castle. The Primarina has to drag herself, or flop around like a beached Wailmer. It's not very pleasant, or something Marigold ever really enjoyed having to do. Any chance she'd get, Marigold would flop on over to the pool and swim like the majestic water type she is. She was a water pokemon in the purest sense. No legs, no fingers, and a pension for getting dehydrated. Still, she…
    • Chapter 7 – Day 4, Part 1: Stubborn

      Chapter 7 – Day 4, Part 1: Stubborn Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 7 - Day 4, Part 1: Stubborn Check...check for enemies...stay...ignited...warm...warm...war...wha? Fenn was nudged from his slumber by the blinding rays of the sun the next morning. As much as he appreciated the additional heat on his fur, it didn't help him sleep any better when it was right in his eyes. He blinked and shifted himself away from the light streaming in from the window. Must be morning, he thought. Fenn sat up onto his paws and stretched, extending his arms high above his…
    • Chapter 12 – Day 6: Crashing Waves

      Chapter 12 – Day 6: Crashing Waves Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 12 - Day 6: Crashing Waves "DING DONG!" I woke up with a start. The dreams I was having dissipated and I was back in the home base of Team Lavender. Fenn had awoken as well, fully ready to fight back against what had interrupted our sleep. Whoever had woken us up made themselves apparent with another bellowing shriek. "DING DONG! CALLUNA COMIN' IN!" A floating, ghostly figure phased through the wall into our room, completely disregarding the door. The ghost levitated a few inches off the…
    • Chapter 9 – Day 4, Part 3: Germination

      Chapter 9 – Day 4, Part 3: Germination Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 9 - Day 4, Part 3: Germination The moon shined brilliantly above the ocean as waves crashed gently on the shore. The glorious lunar object was in a state of a waning crescent. Within another 20 or so days it would reach its full glory and light up the night in its dazzling glow. A lone Malamar watched the waves with a tranquil stillness, his tentacles flowing lazily through the air. Larkspur took in the beauty of the sight, hovering idly above the sand as he admired how divorced the view was…
    • Chapter 8 – Day 4, Part 2: Vindication

      Chapter 8 – Day 4, Part 2: Vindication Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 8 - Day 4, Part 2: Vindication Mago Canyon: 1st Floor The sky above Mago Canyon was blood red. I stared up at the imposing sight as I rose to my feet. Somehow, Fenn and I landed on the canyon's dusty, crimson rock floor safely. Kecleon ended up being trustworthy after all; I didn't have any nicks or scratches on me. The atmosphere of Mago Canyon was considerably different now that we were within the dungeon. The fog was gone, and in its place was an ominous cascade of heavy shadows, the…
    • Chapter 6 – Day 3: New Faces

      Chapter 6 – Day 3: New Faces Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 6 - Day 3: New Faces Just as the first glimmer of sunlight touched the soils of Kebia, a black bird soared around the castle spires, and touched down on a roof overlooking the town below. The Murkrow perched on the tiled roof and squinted at the rising sun. It was early—so early that Dahlia's other team members were still asleep. This was normal. The eager Murkrow tended to wake up before most other pokemon in Kebia due to her preference for having access to the news of the previous day first…
    • Chapter 5 – Day 2, Part 2: Lavender

      Chapter 5 – Day 2, Part 2: Lavender Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 5 - Day 2, Part 2: Lavender Figy Forest: 1st Floor "Ugh…" The first thing I noticed was that I was on the ground, hugging the dirt. The second thing I noticed was Fenn standing on all fours in front of my face. He looked concerned. Or maybe he was confused? I wasn't sure. My recent memories replayed in my head. I ran through it all with gritted teeth. We...left Kebia...ended up in Nanab...then entered Figy Forest. That last one felt especially distant, like it was a dream. And…
    • Chapter 4 – Day 2, Part 1: A Cry for Help

      Chapter 4 – Day 2, Part 1: A Cry for Help Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 4 - Day 2, Part 1: A Cry for Help Fenn had mixed feelings about his job. On one hand, cleaning the floors of Kebia Castle was monotonous and unfulfilling; no pokemon here respected his work. He would spend hours scrubbing the floors of one level, only for that floor to be just as dirty the next day. It was like he was invisible to the rest of the guild's population. It wasn't all bad, though. Cleaning paid well. Or at least, well enough for someone who rarely left the castle and didn't have…
    • Chapter 3 – Day 1, Part 3: A Proposal

      Chapter 3 – Day 1, Part 3: A Proposal Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 3 - Day 1, Part 3: A Proposal The throne room doors opened on their own before I even got close. After I hurried outside, I caught sight of Lilac leaning up against the opposite wall. She smiled at me as I approached, halting her hair-twirling. "You're back!" Lilac exclaimed. "I'm assuming everything went well?" "...Yeah," I muttered in response. "Everything went fine." "Great! Did she tell you what we're doing next?" "No. Did she tell you?" Lilac threw her arms into the air, her body…
    • Chapter 1 – Day 1, Part 1: Rough Start

      Chapter 1 – Day 1, Part 1: Rough Start Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 1 - Day 1, Part 1: Rough Start It was hard for Dahlia to deny the pleasant feeling she felt as she soared through the sky that day. The sun warmed her feathers and the slight breeze kept her afloat. Summer was coming to an end, and the leaves of the trees were fading to pleasant oranges and warm brown again. With Autumn being her favorite season, Dahlia was comfortable for once. Everything about her situation just seemed to click together. She had a stable job at the castle guild, taking simple…