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    Stories 1
    Chapters 51
    Words 395.2 K
    Comments 30
    Reading 1 day, 8 hours1 d, 8 h
    • Chapter 16 – Day 8, Part 2: Green Dreams

      Chapter 16 – Day 8, Part 2: Green Dreams Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 16 - Day 8, Part 2: Green Dreams Kelpsy Fields: 1st Floor I couldn't look away. No, this can't be happening. This isn't possible, it makes no sense. When did we…? My inner thoughts were shattered by the sight of Cosmo inching closer and closer to the staircase. "Huh? What are stairs doing here?" He wondered aloud. The sight of the Solosis floating ever so nearer to the portal almost sent me over the edge. I shouted as loud as I possibly could. "COSMO! STOP! DON'T YOU…
    • Chapter 23 – Day 11, Part 2: The Croc Himself

      Chapter 23 – Day 11, Part 2: The Croc Himself Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 23 - Day 11, Part 2: The Croc Himself Colbur Village was a "western town." Because you know, it was like a'd see in a western...not...because it was to the west...of… Nevermind. It is what it is. I could feel the autumn breeze on my fur as I stepped out of the carriage. Ahead of me was a town so empty and bereft of movement that I initially thought it was deserted. In a sense, I wasn't entirely wrong. It just so happened that I wasn't right either. I say it was a "western" town…
    • Chapter 22 – Day 11, Part 1: Anything For You

      Chapter 22 – Day 11, Part 1: Anything For You Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 22 - Day 11, Part 1: Anything For You Anything for you. Anything for you. Anything for you. Those three words pounded against Fenn's skull, over and over again. He didn't understand why. He couldn't understand why. What was it about those three words that made him feel all...funny? What a stupid question. Of course Fenn knew why. He said the very same words a couple days ago. But does Oswald know? Was he playing with Fenn's heart? After Fenn and Oswald's conversation…
    • Chapter 21 – Day 10, Part 2: Staying Dry

      Chapter 21 – Day 10, Part 2: Staying Dry Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 21 - Day 10, Part 2: Staying Dry I can't say I was expecting to leave the castle grounds covered in mud and bloody bandages today, let alone before noon. Though honestly, I'm not even surprised at this point. I doubt I will be ever again. The thoughts going through my head as I scrubbed away all the grime in the community showers were less "wow, this sucks" and more "this sucks, but I've had worse days." Keep in mind that I'm only on day ten and that was objectively true. Oh well. I could move…
    • Chapter 20 – Day 10, Part 1: Rainy Days

      Chapter 20 – Day 10, Part 1: Rainy Days Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 20 - Day 10, Part 1: Rainy Days It rained in Kebia today. It was a light rain—just enough to dissuade most fire types from going outside, but also just enough for many of the pokemon in Kebia to be surprised by such an event. Even the most harmless of rainy days were an uncommon occurrence. In fact, bad weather was so rare in Kebia that there were stories of Anemone herself keeping the kingdom sunny and dry most of the time. It had been so long since Kebia had snow, or hail, or even lightning…
    • Chapter 19 – Day 9, Part 3: Preferences

      Chapter 19 – Day 9, Part 3: Preferences Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 19 - Day 9, Part 3: Preferences "Wha...w-what…?" I dropped to my knees. The Aipom, now thoroughly scorched, laid before me. It was dead; there was nothing that could be done. The sight of a dead feral was nothing new to me, but I could not stop my paws from shaking when I looked at this one in particular. My breath came up short and I couldn't focus my thoughts. My lips were dry, and the strength I needed to open them and produce words would not come to me. Fenn started talking, though I…
    • Chapter 18 – Day 9, Part 2: Savages

      Chapter 18 – Day 9, Part 2: Savages Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 18 - Day 9, Part 2: Savages Turns out Speedwell was a Dragonite. Lace was more than happy to give us that information as well as what floor the landing site would be on, but as soon as I mentioned Occa Village, her demeanor changed dramatically. That in itself was alarming, but then she said, "If they give you a reward, don't bother turning it in here. You won't get any credit for it." I asked her why and she refused to answer me. Something about it being "off limits as a discussion topic."…
    • Chapter 17 – Day 9, Part 1: Smoothies

      Chapter 17 – Day 9, Part 1: Smoothies Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 17 - Day 9, Part 1: Smoothies Some pokemon might wonder what the point of working as an explorer at Kebia Castle really was. As in me. I was "some pokemon." The answer was promotions. Promotions are what happens when teams of explorers or loners do enough work for the community and earn enough of a profit to be considered higher class members of the guild. Their reward for being so good at their job and sticking around for so long? Better conditions of living, more benefits, and, most…
    • Chapter 15 – Day 8, Part 1: Normalcy

      Chapter 15 – Day 8, Part 1: Normalcy Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 15 - Day 8, Part 1: Normalcy Lavender is such a nice looking plant. I could see why Fenn liked it so much; there was a lot to love. That kind of color just pops in a way that looks really appealing. I mean, just looking at the flowerpot on the windowsill now was giving me a decent idea of how much it tied the room together. That's what I would've said if the flowers had actually grown yet. A small stem was all that was sticking out of the dirt, and I could barely even see it from where I was…
    • Chapter 14 – Day 7, Part 2: The Most Powerful Psychic

      Chapter 14 – Day 7, Part 2: The Most Powerful Psychic Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 14 - Day 7, Part 2: The Most Powerful Psychic Were there any secret compartments hidden in the walls of this castle, I wondered? Why was I asking? Beats me. My mind had been in the dump for hours at this point. Especially after yesterday, sleeping felt like an invitation to be even more stressed than I already was. It was like...yeah, I could've just dealt with it, but I didn't want to. I didn't want to go wandering around either, even if I knew that might help. So I just laid there, staring…