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    Stories 1
    Chapters 51
    Words 395.2 K
    Comments 30
    Reading 1 day, 8 hours1 d, 8 h
    • Chapter 42 – Day 16, Part 2: Fame & Fortune

      Chapter 42 – Day 16, Part 2: Fame & Fortune Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 42: Day 16, Part 2 - Fame and Fortune "So, how did you do it?" I outsmarted her. Simple as that. "Ooh ooh! What tactics did you use?" Misdirection. The rest came from sheer talent. "I bet they had no chance!" Mm. It was not even close. These scratches are from the bumpy ride home, not the battle. "So cool…" Yes. I know. "You didn't even deliver the final blow!" Ricinus coughed abruptly. The noise reverberated against the cave walls with as much force as a falling…
    • Chapter 41 – Day 16, Part 1: True Beauty

      Chapter 41 – Day 16, Part 1: True Beauty Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 41: Day 16, Part 1 - True Beauty True beauty flourishes in times of great hardship. That much is true. All of those years ago, when flames raged across the country, Larkspur set his eyes on something truly magnificent: an entire generation's obsession, pursued by suitors from every corner and every pit of this wasteland they called Pamtre. The kind of catastrophic allure that brought the world to its knees. Yes, he viewed it once, shimmering with its faint glow. So far away, yet so potent that…
    • Chapter 40 – Day 15: Meat

      Chapter 40 – Day 15: Meat Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 40: Day 15 - Meat Good morning, Cosmo! Wake up, wake up! Another day, another adventure to be had! Bubbly bubbles bobbed like bouncy balls from a tiny mouth and fizzy froth faded to a sea of purple. Watery, wobbly waves warped the world—and then he blinked. He was comfy—oh so comfy. The fabric felt good on his bubble. So good! The tiny vibrations rhythmically rocking his shell, too! Good! And the warmth! Oooh, Cosmo did not want to move! But he had to! His current was churning,…
    • Chapter 39 – Day 14, Part 7: Buried

      Chapter 39 – Day 14, Part 7: Buried Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 39: Day 14, Part 7 - Buried There was once a time in Fenn's life where he would give a flower to his mother every day, without fail. The exact memory was a bit hazy. The basic gist was that the house had just burned down again after Fenn's father lost his temper and everything inside burned to a crisp. Following their first house fire, his parents got savvy and stored their more important belongings in the shed out back. Problem solved. Fenn's mother thought it was safe to start decorating…
    • Chapter 38 – Day 14, Part 6: Roots

      Chapter 38 – Day 14, Part 6: Roots Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 38: Day 14, Part 6 - Roots To this day, Fenn had no idea what his title would be. His father was The Volcano, so that was not an option. Supposedly the Typhlosion earned it himself. "It took prestige and heroics unrivaled!" was his explanation. A true warrior's trial had to be overcome to attain a warrior's title. Only problem was that…Fenn failed to understand what that meant. Clearly he had to figure it out, but how? Was it through a battle in the war that his father earned it? Did he…
    • Chapter 37 – Day 14, Part 5: Beneath the Soil

      Chapter 37 – Day 14, Part 5: Beneath the Soil Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 37: Day 14, Part 5 - Beneath the Soil Earlier in the day… A stray gracidea flower crunched under the Quilava's foot as he walked. More flowers and leaves blew in from behind—from the festival in town. He had just breached the forest's edge, and even all the way out here the excited screams and chatter of the townsfolk just barely licked at his twitching ears. He shot an irritated glance over his shoulder before bringing his head forward again, sighing. Today was bright, sunny. And…
    • Chapter 36 – Day 14, Part 4: Bolt Break

      Chapter 36 – Day 14, Part 4: Bolt Break Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 36: Day 14, Part 4 - Bolt Break Pretty much as soon as I entered the room, I was met with two faces immediately shooting in my direction: Cosmo's little mouth agape in excitement at the sudden noise and Finch's mildly attentive expression at my entrance. Just those two, though. No Fenn. I checked. An entire day's worth of pent up exhaustion was exhaled from my mouth with the same unrestrained intensity of a gas furnace. I could barely drag my feet to the bed and plop down on it, but I managed…
    • Chapter 35 – Day 14, Part 3: Doors to Open

      Chapter 35 – Day 14, Part 3: Doors to Open Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 35: Day 14, Part 3 - Doors to Open It was fun while it lasted. Not long after Calluna and I had a pleasant chat at the festival she returned me to the castle like she promised. I went without a fight, though I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't more inclined to start running now compared to earlier. The Mismagius kept giving me this…look. Like she knew that I was thinking about it but had no chance of pulling it off, especially now. To compensate along the way, I ate that big cookie I…
    • Chapter 34 – Day 14, Part 2: Festival of Fiction

      Chapter 34 – Day 14, Part 2: Festival of Fiction Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 34: Day 14, Part 2 - Festival of Fiction It was an insultingly beautiful morning. The sun was shining bright, not a cloud to be seen. Just enough wind for a chill to nip at my fur, but not enough to be annoying. The autumn leaves that fell lightly to the earth created a melancholic scene worth looking on wistfully to. Such a day attracted quite the crowd—big enough to give me a decent idea of why the castle hallways were so empty this morning. An abundantly large number of denizens loitered…
    • Chapter 33 – Day 14, Part 1: Shut Down

      Chapter 33 – Day 14, Part 1: Shut Down Cover
      by snapdragon Chapter 33: Day 14, Part 1 - Shut Down Knock knock knock… Fenn stared blankly at the door in a haze. Last night had left him groggy—since after Marigold's performance, Fenn and the rest of Team Lavender took their time to walk around the castle at night, something that none of them tended to do. But Finch insisted on it. And after all of the chaos of yesterday, it was nice to slow down and absorb the delicate atmosphere. However, Fenn soon regretted shifting up his sleep schedule so suddenly.…