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    Stories 1
    Chapters 4
    Words 31.0 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 2 hours, 35 minutes2 h, 35 m
    • Chapter 4 – The long way home

      Chapter 4 – The long way home Cover
      by Princess_cut_diamond Angel’s cries of resistance grew weaker by the second, halting and resuming briskly with every passing moment. It was clear she was fading in this brawl, and that she’d soon be thrown off. Silkie wasn’t having an ounce of this ridiculousness. They were to win , lest all three wanted to end up sore and humiliated back at the dungeon’s entrance with three less Tiny Reviver Seeds that were to be replaced with run-of-the-mill Plain Seeds. She couldn’t even sell them - Plain Seeds held no economic…
    • Chapter 3 – Trouble in Snowfell Falls

      Chapter 3 – Trouble in Snowfell Falls Cover
      by Princess_cut_diamond Silkie wasn’t religious by any stretch of the imagination, (she was only barely literate, after all) but she did send a prayer up to whatever God who was working overtime keeping their world in check that Snowfell’s Mystery Dungeon operated a tiny bit differently than all the rest found across the world. Unlike most other Mystery Dungeons, whose set limit number of floors was about the only thing preventing them from becoming fully randomised at every possible corner, Snowfall’s Mystery Dungeon had…
    • Chapter 2 – Worms and the boy

      Chapter 2 – Worms and the boy Cover
      by Princess_cut_diamond Silkie yawned as the sunlight struck her face, blinking, the Wurmple pulled herself off of her pillow and slowly made her way over to her closed window, brushing the brown curtain open to let more rays stream in. The Wurmple reached for a wooden cup filled with tree sap - she wasn’t much of a morning ‘mon. In one fluid motion, Silkie chugged the cup’s worth of fluids down, shuddering in relief as she felt the syrup-like substance move down her throat. Silkie turned to her fire, or what remained of…
    • Chapter 1 – Welcome to Snowfell

      Chapter 1 – Welcome to Snowfell Cover
      by Princess_cut_diamond The crisp autumn breeze blew through the cool, lively air of Snowfell village as Pokémon hustled about through the sporadic houses that made up the settlement, powdery slivers of snow filled the air, dusting onto the hardy pine trees that littered the forest surrounding Snowfell. The homely location was nestled quietly into the woods, tucked away from much of the outside world beneath the tall mountain. A cliffside surrounded the tiny town’s furthest edge, with furnished pine clumps grouping the…