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    Stories 4
    Chapters 38
    Words 70.1 K
    Comments 11
    Reading 5 hours, 50 minutes5 h, 50 m
    • Heartbreak

      Heartbreak Cover
      by Cake Chary sat on Concord's bed, feeling lost and unsure of what to do. Concord was aware of his actions, leaving only one way for him to get out alive. However, Chary lacked the courage to take it, at least not yet. A glimmer of hope lingered within him, hoping for forgiveness from Concord, yearning to move past this. But deep down, he knew it was futile. So he remained seated, tears streaming down his face. Despite the turmoil, he couldn't bring himself to leave. For the first time in his life, he had…
    • Learning

      Learning Cover
      by Cake The cupboard creaked as I crawled out of it. It creaked again as I closed it after me. With the soreness in my back, I had really hoped I would think of a way to buy a mattress. I could hear cracks as I stretched. I was still here, meaning nobody had found me, so that was good. As good as it could be, living in a decrepit, cold, and whiny house. I looked around my- No, this house before I did anything. It held what appeared to be a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a fireplace. While there was…
    • The Journal

      The Journal Cover
      by Cake As soon as I saw the Espeon there, she saw me and beckoned me over. There was no backing out now. It was as if I was seeing a miracle, as I was not the only one there. There were a few other ones like me quadrupedal, red, pink, black, blue. They were all about the same size and shape as me, but no two of us were exactly alike. As soon as I stepped on the house's grass, everyone broke away from their circle and rushed over to greet me. Elizabeth said her name, and then the next guy said his name, and…
    • Introspection

      Introspection Cover
      by Cake Concord entered the room, silently shutting the door behind her. She treaded over to the desk where the Lurantis was seated, who perked up at her with a blank expression. “Hi! How can I help you today?” The Lurantis put on her best customer service voice, pretending to smile. “Do you have a chair? This might be a minute.”  The smile faded from her face. “Oh… Yes. Just grab one from a table over there.” Concord did as told, making a few extra seconds for the Lurantis to wonder…
    • The Door

      The Door Cover
      by Cake Keep going, Steve, or they'll kill you. All I can focus on is putting one foot in front of the other. I feel like I could fall, but I'm so lightheaded that it almost feels like the opposite, like I'm trying to hold myself down so I'm not blown away. There isn't time now to collapse or rest. Keep going, Steve. If not for me, then for every other human who came before me. The breeze rustles my matted fur. My front leg still stings, no doubt already bruising. I lift my eyes from my feet, and the door is…
    • Bare With Me

      Bare With Me Cover
      by Cake Chary hastily rummaged through the supply closet, grabbing a blast seed and a handful of oran berries. Thoughts on where he had gone wrong raced through his head, and a dark pit formed in his stomach. He had made a mistake, and now his only way out was to double down.  ‘What will become of me if they find out?’ His fur was messy, he hadn’t slept last night. He laid on his bed, having visions, dreams of people chasing him down for what he’d done.  He had to put an end to it, get…
    • Desperation

      Desperation Cover
      by Cake Chary imagined what Concord and Adam were thinking of him right now. He said he would only be gone for “a little bit,” but he found himself following the Hypno for more than an hour, waiting for him to choose a spot for his lunch. Finally, despite some part of Chary wishing he wouldn’t, The Hypno did eventually decide to take a break. The place was standard. They sat on a bench by a brick building, with an alleyway within earshot. An alleyway where some would sleep to get away from the late-night…
    • The Jailor

      The Jailor Cover
      by Cake Having successfully joined their team, Adam was already well on his way to becoming a top explorer. They just took their first mission together, and they would only have to do a few thousand more before they could become the best of the best. Surely, they would be there in no time at all. Tending to his leg brace, Adam threaded his foot through the leather straps, tightening each one before he stood up. He was slightly unsteady at first, so he sat back down to readjust it. However, when he went to…
    • This Comes From Inside – Part 2

      This Comes From Inside – Part 2 Cover
      by Cake I tried to ignore the new feelings of excitement and got ready for school. I made myself breakfast, packed a lunch for later, all of the usual things. My mom was still asleep, so I needed to stay quiet while doing it. While I was eating, a large strand of hair fell down and annoyed my eyes, so I stopped to try to fix it.  No matter how much I pushed it up, it just fell right back down. Push, fall, push, fall. Eventually, I got so frustrated that I went off to the bathroom to try and fix it with the…
    • Inescapable

      Inescapable Cover
      by Cake "Huh?!" I could hear Aza's voice echoing from the kitchen. Then I heard the footsteps. The clambering from the hall turned into an encirclement. I froze in place, my feet locked to the floor as I tried to figure out what to do. "It makes so much more sense now." Elizabeth stared at me like an angry parent. "That Flareon has been protecting you, hasn't he? …I knew him reading everything out loud was weird." Aza spoke, her voice commanding. "He figured it out first and took pity on me. He isn't a…