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    Stories 4
    Chapters 38
    Words 70.1 K
    Comments 11
    Reading 5 hours, 50 minutes5 h, 50 m
    • Undue Alarm

      Undue Alarm Cover
      by Cake The brothers paused, their eyes fixed on Gordon, bracing themselves for a potential attack. Gordon gracefully leaped over the wall, ignoring their presence and swiftly retrieving the dropped weapons strewn across the ground. Ben followed suit, his hand gripping his Stun Stick tightly, as he broke the silence. "We need a name for these creatures," Ben said, staring at his brother. Max contemplated for a moment before responding, "Arsonists. That's what they are." "Alright, I don't want any more…
    • In The Suit

      In The Suit Cover
      by Cake Another Cyclops had snuck up on them and struck Max in the abdomen, leaving behind a nasty mark. Adrenaline rushed into their veins and they both readied their electric attacks. Max went first and summoned a cloud of lightning, the sound of thunder crashing into their ears as dust filled the air. Ben prepared a second storm of electricity, just in case the Cyclops survived the first attack. Inexperienced with fighting, Max took a deep breath as the dust settled. The Cyclops charged out from…
    • Worlds Collide

      Worlds Collide Cover
      by Cake Ben looked up from his book when he heard his brother yell at him to come outside. His eyes shot wide open when he looked out of the window and realized just how much time had passed. The Pikachu climbed down from his chair, making his way to the bedroom door. He took one last look at the book on his desk before leaving. Ben opened the door and turned to face his older brother. “ Ben! Where have you been?!” the Raichu asked him. Ben took a deep breath, “Sorry Max, I lost track of time……
    • Apollo’s Slight

      Apollo’s Slight Cover
      by Cake The first thing Apollo heard was a series of repeated clicks, like a timebomb that was approaching going off. He jolted awake. ‘Did I oversleep? I’m late!’ he panicked; this wasn't how his alarm usually sounded. The clicks stopped, and light stung his eyes.  Instead of a bedroom, his eyes adjusted to a sky draped with thick and puffy clouds, the view obstructed by various tree branches extending from trees around him. He felt numb - number than numb - a strange sensation of absolute…
    • Introductions

      Introductions Cover
      by Cake Like a newborn, Adam took his first breath in the new world asleep. Just a moment later, he groaned awake. Instinctively standing up and looking at where he woke up, he wondered how he could have ended up there. After minutes of failing to piece together the events that had brought him there, he began to look around for any clues he could get from his environment. First was the ground. Beneath him, it was soft, carpeted with moss and twisted roots, along with the occasional tuft of grass. 'I'm in a…
    • by Cake Like a newborn, Adam took his first breath in the new world asleep. Just a moment later, he groaned awake. Instinctively standing up and looking at where he woke up, he wondered how he could have ended up there. After minutes of failing to piece together the events that had brought him there, he began to look around for any clues he could get from his environment. First was the ground. Beneath him, it was soft, carpeted with moss and twisted roots, along with the occasional tuft of grass. 'I'm in a…
    • Circular Logic

      Circular Logic Cover
      by Cake Adam peered down the guild hallway. It was a long, curving corridor, and judging by the fact that every door was on the right, he assumed that it was a circle that ensnared all the rooms. As they passed by the cafeteria, they could hear hungry Pokemon gathered to eat enjoying uproarious laughter. When they passed by the storage room, they could see figures of Pokemon meticulously recording everything the guild owned.  …And then in the offices where they were headed, there was bureaucracy. The…
    • Brace For A Break-In

      Brace For A Break-In Cover
      by Cake Adam jumped at the countertop once again, barely too short to reach the apples. After his thirtieth attempt, his legs were starting to hurt, as did Chary's ears from listening to him. "Hey there little guy! Are you having some trouble reaching the high countertops?" Chary entered the room, making sure to emphasize the "little guy" part. Adam grunted, making another attempt. "Not my fault-" Giving it one last try, he came up an inch too short. "-These counters were designed for you!" Adam looked up at…