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    Stories 4
    Chapters 38
    Words 70.1 K
    Comments 11
    Reading 5 hours, 50 minutes5 h, 50 m
    • Crumbling Foundation

      Crumbling Foundation Cover
      by Cake "Ian, have you finished reading the papers?" I burst into his room, slamming the door behind me. He jumped out of his chair and quickly replied. "Yes, We're ready." He smiled at me before neatly stacking the papers in his mouth. This was the moment we had secretly prepared for all week: the day we would finally kick out Elizabeth. Following Ian downstairs, everyone except Elizabeth was already there, convinced it was time for her to go. "I've reviewed everything. You all just need to sign here…
    • Smooth As Ice

      Smooth As Ice Cover
      by Cake Elizabeth took it upon herself to go to the guild and confirm that the mission had been completed because she was nice like that and certainly not because she wanted to avoid talking to us. Aza and Toz waved at us from the kitchen as we entered the home, so we assumed that everyone else was upstairs. "Where's Elizabeth?" Aza asked. The incredible lack of arguing probably tipped him off that someone was missing. "She's back at the guild," I responded, "but you will not believe what happened while we were…
    • Skill Versus Luck

      Skill Versus Luck Cover
      by Cake The Sylveon made her way through the busy intersection like she had done hundreds of times before. She could path her way through even the strongest and loudest of crowds. She had the incredible power to avoid hitting anyone, even during rush hour. This time was no different. She cut through the crowd like butter. Meeting him was her first priority, and she knew nothing could distract her from that. This Sylveon's name was Diana. As she navigated, she pondered about how something seemed familiar with…
    • Roll The Die

      Roll The Die Cover
      by Cake As we strolled back, her words kept echoing in my mind. If what she said was true, it meant every Pokemon on this island had a reason to put me six feet under. It was a truth I couldn't bear, and even though I had seen the signs before, I refused to face it until now. I just wanted to believe that someday, somehow, I could tell my roommates- my only friends- the truth, and that they'd understand. But now, I knew they could never love me if they found out. Tony and Kecleon were the exceptions.…
    • A Series of Brilliant Moves

      A Series of Brilliant Moves Cover
      by Cake After a brief yet emotional moment, we sat back down.  "Hey, do you remember when you taught us how to play that one game?" Aza broke the silence. I perked up, pausing mid-bite. "Oh yeah, that one. What about it?" "Do you want to play a couple more rounds?” Aza replied, “I've been playing against some of the others." “Sure. Just let me grab the board,” I said, popping out of my stool. I began rifling through my journal’s old pages until I came back across the terribly drawn…
    • Sweet and Bitter

      Sweet and Bitter Cover
      by Cake I was awoken by Ian loudly announcing that he was leaving the house. It was an icy morning, and I could see my breath in the frigid air. I went downstairs to see everyone else in the kitchen, sitting at the table in complete silence. A fresh fire crackled in the stove, slowly warming the house. It seemed a little too coincidental that they were all like this right after someone had left. I thought they were shit-talking Ian, but it only took me a moment to realize the real, darker reason behind…
    • Diana – Bonus Chapter #2

      Diana – Bonus Chapter #2 Cover
      by Cake AN: I'm sorry if this doesn't live up to the usual standard of quality. I kind of rushed this one out as I promised you all this last week. I hope you enjoy anyway, and I'll be back to fix it. AN 2: House has been kept! "And after all that, that’s when I found the guild," Diana finished her recount as she took the last bite of her apple. "That's terrible! How’d they manage to kick you out so quickly?" he asked with wide eyes. Diana’s ribbons danced in the air. "Well, you know how it is. The…
    • Silver Lining

      Silver Lining Cover
      by Cake As we arrived at the dungeon together, Tony stopped us at the door, holding up a paper with a concerned expression. "Wait, this says that we need a team oath!" Aza, impatient, tried to pry her way in, but Tony insisted, "It says that we could go to prison!" "With the two jail cells this town has? Please. Also, who's counting?" Grey couldn't hold in their laughter as Aza dismissed the warning. Tony leaned into the Vaporeon's ear, still determined to not let them through. "This is our first…
    • Greetings!

      Greetings! Cover
      by Cake "Our schedule tomorrow is gonna be pretty full, so are you going to help us cook?" Aza silently stared at me, expecting a response. "Sure! As long as I'm not cleaning," I said. My mind flashed back to the last time Aza made me clean. "Wasn't planning on it." The Vaporeon laughed. I twitched at her. I still felt awful about what she did, but I knew I had no good path to confrontation. Not now, not yet. I wasn't sure what we were cooking at first, as my duty entirely consisted of repeatedly…
    • This Comes From Inside – Part 3

      This Comes From Inside – Part 3 Cover
      by Cake   I tried to ignore the new feelings of excitement and got ready for school. I made myself breakfast, packed a lunch for later, all of the usual things. My mom was still asleep, so I needed to stay quiet while doing it. While I was eating, a large strand of hair fell down and annoyed my eyes, so I stopped to try to fix it.  No matter how much I pushed it up, it just fell right back down. Push, fall, push, fall. Eventually, I got so frustrated that I went off to the bathroom to try…