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    Stories 2
    Chapters 15
    Words 91.3 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 7 hours, 36 minutes7 h, 36 m
    • Chapter Five: Errand Day

      Chapter Five: Errand Day Cover
      by starfalcon555 KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK! Hope, Klaw, and Dewey jumped apart at the loud knocking. Klaw and Dewey immediately began to scramble, desperately trying to shove their rescue team encyclopedia underneath the mountain of stuffed toys they had been hiding it under. “Hope!” Klaw called out. “Mind helping us out here?” Hope immediately sprang into action, rushing over and helping Klaw and Dewey pile stuffed toy after stuffed toy onto the forbidden book. “Boys!” a sickly smooth voice called out. “I know…
    • Chapter Two: Meeting the Parents

      Chapter Two: Meeting the Parents Cover
      by starfalcon555 Hope followed Klaw and Dewey outside of the large tree hollow that she had apparently been inside of this whole time. The first thing she saw when she stepped outside was a row of trees with leaves hanging so low they almost touched her head. They stretched out for miles ahead, as far as her eyes could see. A soft layer of moss caressed her paw pads, and the surrounding air was thick and damp.   Hope could feel her jaw drop loose with awe as she surveyed her surroundings. “This place looks…
    • Chapter Ten: Welcome To Honor Town

      Chapter Ten: Welcome To Honor Town Cover
      by starfalcon555 Hope had never had a harder time trying to sleep in her life. She wasn’t dealing with insomnia or nightmares, though. It was the complete opposite, as a matter of fact. It was sheer excitement that was keeping her from falling asleep. It was completely understandable why she would have so much trouble falling asleep. After all, come tomorrow morning, she would finally reach the Ironheart Guild and get the chance to form a rescue team with Klaw and Dewey! She wasn’t the only one who was feeling…
    • Chapter Eleven: Guildmaster Taj

      Chapter Eleven: Guildmaster Taj Cover
      by starfalcon555 Hope’s mind was spinning at a hundred miles per hour. So much was happening right now, and she was still struggling to process it all. Between meeting all of the Honor Town vendors, meeting and scaring off the Raiders, and learning that Candy was the Ironheart Guild’s nurse, her brain was trying to process way too much information right now. It was as if her brain was a canal, and the events of the day were a giant cargo ship that was trying to push its way through said canal. But the day wasn’t…
    • Chapter One: Klaw and Dewey

      Chapter One: Klaw and Dewey Cover
      by starfalcon555 The surrounding air was damp and musty. She could faintly hear the wind blowing, and the ruffling of some leaves caused by said wind. As the sun slowly rose over the horizon and the forest slowly came to life, so, too, did the young girl.   The first thing she registered as she slowly opened her eyes was dirt. Dirt all around the walls and the soft mushiness of dirt clinging to her feet. It didn’t take her long to realize that she was in a hole of some kind. But how did she even manage to get…
    • Chapter Nine: Power Pass

      Chapter Nine: Power Pass Cover
      by starfalcon555 Hope had no idea how long she had been running for. Everything seemed to be a blur to her. As she zoomed by the endless amount of trees and rocks, she took a moment to process what had just happened. She couldn’t believe that she had actually been able to escape from the Absolute Zero Syndicate. It wouldn’t have even been possible if not for Norman, Belladonna, Atlas, and Phoenix, but at least she was finally free. The thought of Norman, Belladonna, Atlas, and Phoenix made her stomach twist into…
    • Chapter Six: Silicon Cave

      Chapter Six: Silicon Cave Cover
      by starfalcon555 Hope, Klaw, and Dewey were led out of Dead Space and through an endless amount of roads. They walked through the pollution-filled roads of the areas near Dead Space into grassy, rolling hills dotted with beautiful flowers of all sorts of colors. At the bottom of the hills, Hope could faintly see a small, bubbling river, which she assumed was the Magikarp Jump River that Solomon had been talking about earlier. The transition was incredibly jarring for Hope. She didn’t want to say anything, though, because…
    • Chapter Four: Hope’s Promise

      Chapter Four: Hope’s Promise Cover
      by starfalcon555 The rising sun shone blazingly bright through the thin curtains of the room. Its glare landed straight in Hope’s eyes, giving her a very rude awakening. She rubbed her eyes and groggily got onto her paws. To Hope’s surprise, Klaw and Dewey were already awake. They were sitting at the corner of the room, whispering to each other. Out of the corner of his eye, Dewey spotted Hope, and prodded Klaw to alert him of her presence. “You’re awake! Great!” Klaw said as he stepped forward towards Hope.…
    • Chapter Three: Polaris

      Chapter Three: Polaris Cover
      by starfalcon555 Hope found herself being shepherded through a maze of doors, rooms and staircases. It was a whirlwind of new sights: walls that appeared to be made out of pure crystal, staircases that were so shiny she could see her reflection in them, and doors ornately decorated with silver trimmings. She could hear a smooth waltz record being played faintly in the distance. The thing that stood out to Hope the most, though, was the occasional glimpses of other Pokemon she caught along the way. There was a black and…
    • Prolouge: The Place Between Worlds

      Prolouge: The Place Between Worlds Cover
      by starfalcon555 Darkness. Nothing but darkness.   That was the only thing that Hope Aberdeen could see right now. She could see herself just fine- her pale skin, her chocolate-brown hair resting on her shoulders- but everything else was pitch-black. She looked around anxiously, trying to find some hint, any hint, of a speck of light.   Hope was well-known amongst her family and friends for having very vivid dreams. Her dreams were so detailed and organized that she could outline the basic events of…