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    Stories 1
    Chapters 15
    Words 65.0 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 5 hours, 25 minutes5 h, 25 m
    • Chapter Thirteen: A Change in Fortune

      Chapter Thirteen: A Change in Fortune Cover
      by sparklingespeon ~\({O})/~ 13. A Change in Fortune ~\({O})/~ The field trip, though it should have lasted one more day, was quickly cut short. The Crossings Police gathered everymon together in the lobby and asked them some questions, one by one. They were all basic – where were you all day, how did you first see the crime, had anymon seen the suspects in the last 24 hours? They showed a paw-drawn picture of an Ampharos in a bulky green cloak (it was drawn too large – the one thing Espurr did notice), collected from…
    • Chapter Twelve – Night Light Cove

      Chapter Twelve – Night Light Cove Cover
      by sparklingespeon x ~\({O})/~ 12. Night Light Cove ~\({O})/~ Espurr awoke within a black void. At first, she wondered if the windows were covered. It must have still been nighttime, but there weren't shutters or curtains in the room when she went to bed… her heart skipped a beat as she realised it was too dark. This wasn't the hotel at all! With new energy surging through her, she rolled over and pulled herself to her feet. The floor was water, but somehow her paws and legs stayed dry. The darkness around her seemed…
    • Chapter Eleven – The Field Trip

      Chapter Eleven – The Field Trip Cover
      by sparklingespeon The Dazzling Dewgong – South Ophria's Best Paper New Emera Mine, Deceased Outlaw and Treasure, discovered in Central Firland A new emera deposit has been discovered in the middle of Firland, South Ophria, the owning Kecleon Company recently reported. The estimated production capacity of the dungeon within could power fifty mid-sized towns for years. "We're excited to add yet another fully producing emera mine to our collection," stated a higherup at the company, "and we'll be investing more resources…
    • Chapter Seven- Detention

      Chapter Seven- Detention Cover
      by sparklingespeon ~\({O})/~ 7. Detention ~\({O})/~ It was early, even for mornings. The sun was just barely peeking over the horizon, and the grass was still wet with dew from the night. Tricky barely ever got up this early, except for when she was upset. She braced for a pounce and then jumped through the open window in her room like her pops had told her never to do. Then she pranced around a bit outside, and flopped down belly-first into the grass and rolled around. The dew and grass normally felt good against her…
    • test chapter

      test chapter Cover
      by sparklingespeon
    • Chapter Ten – Friends

      Chapter Ten – Friends Cover
      by sparklingespeon ~\({O})/~ 10. Friends ~\({O})/~ "I-is he still out there?" a drilbur asked, pacing about the colony's hiding spot behind the large, pointed boulder uncomfortably. The glow of the setting sun, gleaming over the massive rock, illuminated many of the drilbur colony's anxious faces. Cloaked in golden light and purple shadows ahead of them was the huge, looming mineshaft, which lay still and silent. "He's still pacing around," answered another, who had just returned from their sentry spot atop the large rock.…
    • Chapter Nine – The Monster of The Mines

      Chapter Nine – The Monster of The Mines Cover
      by sparklingespeon ~\({O})/~ 9. The Monster of the Mines ~\({O})/~ The other side of the mine shaft led to a steep hill that made Espurr, Tricky, and Goomy trip and tumble, sending them falling further down, down— Espurr shut her eyes tight, refusing to scream loudly like Tricky was. She tried her best to roll herself into a ball, protecting her face and limbs so they weren't damaged on the way down. The whoosh of the wind by her ears suddenly disappeared, leaving behind something damp and musty in the air as the three…
    • Chapter Eight – The Village Bullies

      Chapter Eight – The Village Bullies Cover
      by sparklingespeon The Daily Pelipper – Your one reliable source of news Energy Companies to make major gains in first monthly quarter of the year Energy companies have provided the means for a sharp ascent in this year's first monthly quarter, and their latest financial reports have justified the budding confidence from investors. HAPPI made an increase of 40% on sales of emeras to cities, provinces, and nations across the salty sea, from Pokemon Paradise in Nebel to Treasure Town in Argantium. The Kecleon…
    • Chapter Six – Strange Creatures and Magic Teachers

      Chapter Six – Strange Creatures and Magic Teachers Cover
      by sparklingespeon The Dazzling Dewgong – South Ophria's Best Paper Disappearance, Suspected Murder in Crossings – the statue killer strikes again Crossings city police are inspecting the disappearance of Raichu Abernathy after he was reported missing, authorities announced. The 91 year old 'mon's residence was found wide open, with a strange statue resembling him placed just beyond the doorway. The incident was reported at 4:00, with police arriving fifteen minutes later, the Daily Pelipper confirmed in a news…
    • Chapter Five – Crossings

      Chapter Five – Crossings Cover
      by sparklingespeon hsets: /con. gov. nebyllin/geography/provinces/south-ophria/8675364 Province Information: South Ophria   South Ophria is the most southerly province of Nebyllin, comprising the southernmost part of the Nebyllish mainland and the Firland Peninsula to the west. Crossings is its capital and largest city, formerly a major garrison of the Rescue Federation and sitting at the intersection of two major rivers. Agriculture is South Ophria's largest industry, comprising over 80% of its yearly output. The main…