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    Stories 1
    Chapters 8
    Words 22.7 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 1 hour, 53 minutes1 h, 53 m
    • Manifestations of the Mind.

      Manifestations of the Mind. Cover
      by reinermorrison Costello looked at the Meowstic standing before him. He really did look at him. He saw fur that was trimmed and groomed in an almost obsessive sense. He saw something in his eyes that he attributed to worry. Why was he seeing this?  Costello had no idea. No. He had an idea but it was underneath something that he couldn't get a mental grasp on. He could only see the shadows of understanding and the darkness he was left with was starting to infuriate him.  Alzbell continued his explanation.…
    • A Trip Down A lane of Opportunity and Memory.

      A Trip Down A lane of Opportunity and Memory. Cover
      by reinermorrison The smell of the sugar wafted in the air as Liam woke up. It wasn't a quick slumber. The night was spent tossing and turning over having apologizing to that daft git Oshawatt and the excitement to finally be able to get his shot at forming his own rescue team.  A  chill in the air maintained as he moved out of his bed. A small bit of confusion remained in his head. No letters scattered across the floor, no sound of Braviary flying through the door early in the morning. Yet it came back to him,…
    • Much to say about Seva (Description Chapter)

      Much to say about Seva (Description Chapter) Cover
      by reinermorrison From the bottom of the town's limits stood two gates. The heft of the gates required two Golurks to pull the gates open and to push it back. At 9 ft tall, the rock golems stood. At 18 ft towered the gates. At 18 ft stood the purity of thickness and a pillar of defense, made with the chill of absolute solidity emanating from its massive blackened hull . At 18 feet stood two miracles of metal working. There was no one within the city that couldn't recognize the material or the paint that covered it, yet no…
    • Exploration and Conflict within Seva! Part 2.

      Exploration and Conflict within Seva! Part 2. Cover
      by reinermorrison The steel chest of the Corviknight moved as she sighed.  The office was filled with little to no mess. Things were in the places they should be and where things belonged. Papers were filed in order. Recognitions from the Poke-Kind Association were meticulously hung on the wall behind her in a proper order,showing whatever Pokemon the greatness of the Almas guild. She was going to look through the new recruit paperwork,resolve issues between the members and other guilds. Hell, maybe she would even get…
    • Conflict and Exploration in Seva!

      Conflict and Exploration in Seva! Cover
      by reinermorrison The entire town was cleaned out. While the scent of what used to be remained, it was buried under the dust kicked up by the Mudsdale. The bell tower was empty and the house that resided below it was barren as well. Save for the empty holes pounded into the walls of the structure, there was no sign of their current inhabitants. A town left preserved but abandoned. Everyone left had set up their belongings on the stagecoaches bought by their respective townspeople, though a majority of it was financed…
    • Tidings of Change.

      Tidings of Change. Cover
      by reinermorrison As the morning rose, and the sobering cold of the morning hit the face of Costello, he felt as close to rested as he had felt in the past day of living he had experienced. It wasn't much of course. The inside of his brain still made as much sense as a splash of paint on a tie-dye canvas and there was still the aching sense of nothing that came from trying to find a solid memory. At the very least, he felt as though he was able to walk without feeling like he was going to collapse. A small improvement but…
    • Getting a Sense of Things.

      Getting a Sense of Things. Cover
      by reinermorrison On the top of the bell tower, the leaves fall near a makeshift nest. Scattered letters signed in scarlet ink, long since turning yellow with age. Some of past accomplishments, some of warning.  Red and orange light fell throughout the village.   "There was no one for miles, same as always." thought Braviary as he faced the horizon.. As he closed his eyes he went over the day's events. His morning flights repeatedly came up empty, regular travels to Seva and there was no one even close to Embers. "And…
    • Your First Attempt.

      Your First Attempt. Cover
      by reinermorrison The branches tremble under the shadow of a large tree, its eminence covering the landscape in darkness. What light that remains shines down through the trees. Each beam a spotlight on the leafy foliage as it cascades down to the floor.  One such light laying itself on the body of a foreign creature, lying on the red leaves below it. The creature's body is green with a red underside and a dark green tail behind them. Their tired eyes open and dilate with the dim light under the trees. A groan comes…