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    Stories 1
    Chapters 8
    Words 34.1 K
    Comments 5
    Reading 2 hours, 50 minutes2 h, 50 m
    • Chapter 2 – Simple

      Chapter 2 – Simple Cover
      by Baro DAY 2 As the first rays of sunlight filter into his room, Kai blinks awake again. He looks around warily, sighing in contempt at the discovery that it’s the same room he’d fallen asleep in, straws of hay scattered around the area. He frowns. ‘Not like I wanted to be here, but like… did I really move around that much?’ He stares at his surroundings for a moment before twitching into action, grabbing the straws in clumps and throwing them back onto the hay bed. It doesn’t take him more…
      Deino • Goomy • Mudkip • Quilava
    • Chapter 3 – Friction

      Chapter 3 – Friction Cover
      by Baro Mt. Bristle Status: Normal (Active) Floor 1 The three enter the dungeon together with a crash, not at all expecting the slight drop. Mudkip, sitting a bit off to the side, glares at the one responsible for them being there in the first place. Kai looks back, gaping at the fact that the murky entranceway is no longer there. The deino, not noticing and not at all caring about either issue, quickly wriggles herself out from under Kai and jumps to her feet, accidentally landing on one of…
      Dungeon • Deino • Goomy • Mudkip • Quilava
    • Chapter 4 – Fatigue

      Chapter 4 – Fatigue Cover
      by Baro The walk back to the guild is quiet. Each member of the group, Kai notices (or guesses, at least), has some sort of problem circling their heads. He and Sumac are pretty much fine at least. He’s mostly just drained, and she seems more worried over the other two than anything involving herself. Mainly Myzi though who, for her part, looks incredibly antsy, and somewhat miserable. Her head pops up every so often like she wants to say something, only to drop it back down a moment later with some…
      Azumarill • Deino • Goomy • Mudkip • Quilava
    • Chapter 5 – Starless

      Chapter 5 – Starless Cover
      by Baro At the prodding of his side, the quilava drifts into consciousness with a puff of air. As he opens his eyes, putting a paw down to raise his head, he stops at the sight of a vaguely familiar individual. Recognition hits him quickly, though not completely. He looks away in embarrassment with a masking frown of confusion as the riolu in front of him tilts its head just the slightest bit, face neutral. “Kai. Zoo told me to wake you up.” His memories of his time in this world spiral up and…
      Azumarill • Deino • Goomy • Meganium • Monferno • Mudkip • Quilava • Riolu • Zebstrika
    • Chapter 6 – Split

      Chapter 6 – Split Cover
      by Baro DAY 3 Despite the sleep seed he’d eaten the previous night, Kai had quite a bit of trouble falling asleep. He’d spent a good portion of the night tossing back and forth – at least from what he remembers. And while he would say it’s a surprise that he managed to wake up the next morning before the sun rose above the horizon, the prodding at his side makes that far less surprising as, with a sigh, he opens his eyes to find Myzi standing over him. Hearing his sigh, she immediately starts,…
      Dungeon • Azumarill • Deino • Goomy • Kingdra • Mudkip • Quilava
    • Chapter 7 – Piggyback

      Chapter 7 – Piggyback Cover
      by Baro Kai blinks his eyes open with a gasp, laid on his side. He… He can hear himself think. That’s a good sign. His ears also choose that moment to start ringing like mad, which is arguably- ‘No, my ears ringing is not worse. Definitely not.’ The ringing fades away before whatever headache that might’ve been fighting to form could ever get the chance, much to his relief. He pushes himself up into a sitting position, laying the bag to his side. The terrain he’s on now is… far…
      Azumarill • Mudkip • Quilava
    • Chapter 1 – Hypnopompia

      Chapter 1 – Hypnopompia Cover
      by Baro DAY 1 … “...I heard they found his body just outside of . Do you think he actually went inside?” As his brain slowly, methodically whirrs to life due to some random low buzzing noise in his head, he catches the conversations of those around him. He doesn’t wonder if they’re talking about himself yet, but he knows he’ll be curious when he’s at least a little more awake. If he’s awake at all. “I hope not. He might’ve just wandered by on a whim because, y’know, possibly…
      Azumarill • Deino • Goomy • Litten • Quilava • Riolu
    • Chapter 8 – West

      Chapter 8 – West Cover
      by Baro DAY 4 The quilava wakes up the next morning with expectedly sore muscles, groaning as he tries and fails to push himself up to his feet. Neither Mudkip nor Zoo are anywhere to be seen. Considering how Zoo greeted that ‘gatekeeper’ or whatever earlier, he assumes she’s off talking with some other random guild member – possibly the guildmaster about his and Mudkip’s joining into the guild, if that happens. Mudkip… might be with Zoo, but the quilava truly hasn’t the faintest of ideas if…
      Azumarill • Girafarig • Quilava