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    Stories 5
    Chapters 65
    Words 405.1 K
    Comments 11
    Reading 1 day, 9 hours1 d, 9 h
    • Chapter 8: Bro Visited His FriendChapter 8: Bro Visited His Friend

      Chapter 8: Bro Visited His Friend Cover
      by random_games The void… the absence of space where nothing can be seen, where there is nowhere to go, where there is nothing to scream at, and where there is nothing to hear. An infinite darkness that permeates the parts where space does not exist. For example, there is no space between mind and matter nor dream and reality, leaving the only bridge between the two the void… or like, that’s what I least heard in some RPGs and video games. Sometimes, it even leaks onto dreams under some circumstances, like in my…
    • Chapter 4: DestinyChapter 4: Destiny

      Chapter 4: Destiny Cover
      by random_games “You guys won’t believe where I am right now. I got isekaid and now I’m in a PMD world! Like, lots of people will be jealous of my situation right now! Now, this may look like a totally random forest from our world, but here’s the thing, it’s not and I’m gonna prove it! Just wait until a lil’ brown and angy sac of fur appears and-...... holy shit… IT’S SO CUTE!!!” I paused the video. “Heh, can’t wait to get the internet back so I can post this. Reddit is gonna lose their mind…
    • Chapter 2: A New World FoolChapter 2: A New World Fool

      Chapter 2: A New World Fool Cover
      by random_games Wake up… A large floating silhouette with yellow eyes appears, looking down at Yu, both surrounded by intense fog. The figure seemed to be wielding a large blade. Yu felt… strange. “Seek out the truth…” Wake up… The figure drew closer, looking around at the foggy void. “Do not be deterred by the fog in thy path…” Wake up… The figure looked at the young… man(?) again, putting an oversized hand on his white-furred shoulder. “Thou art not alone in this journey.…
    • Chapter 7: Two Sides, One RivalryChapter 7: Two Sides, One Rivalry

      Chapter 7: Two Sides, One Rivalry Cover
      by random_games Dread was creeping into the back of my mind as we approached the underground base far from civilization. I really didn’t want to take another beating, especially from the boss… Ryobi and I were on the way back to the Dark Rebellion base on the south of the Gemstone Continent, named after the number of rare gemstones that could be found in this big mass of land. It only took two days to get from Cavestone Village to the base, it wasn’t that big of a distance but we were healing from the beating we…
    • Chapter 32: Matters at HandChapter 32: Matters at Hand

      Chapter 32: Matters at Hand Cover
      by random_games How much time has passed? A month? … Yes, it was a month. It had been a month since Alisson started training under Giratina’s supervision in the Distortion World. It was a daunting task, getting stronger as fast as possible so that she could deal with the distortions quickly. She even managed to evolve during that time, which she remembered that’s something Pokémon usually do when they get stronger.  Her evolution was strange. From a four-legged creature, she turned into a bipedal one. It…
    • Chapter 30: Dimensional DealsChapter 30: Dimensional Deals

      Chapter 30: Dimensional Deals Cover
      by random_games Her dream was a mistake. Everything she has ever done was a mistake. Her father was right, she was useless, no matter how many times she tried and tried again, she always failed to get anything done correctly. Everything that she has endured for all of these years, everything that she has gone through was all. For. NOTHING! Her life had no meaning anymore, all of those promises that she has made, all of those countless times she said her dreams would be accomplished, never came to fruition. All a…
    • Chapter 1: A Very "Haunted" ArrivalChapter 1: A Very “Haunted” Arrival

      Chapter 1: A Very “Haunted” Arrival Cover
      by random_games “We’ll arrive at the Yasogami Terminal in a few minutes. Passengers headed for Inaba City and Yasoinaba Station, please go to the other side of the platform.” With that announcement, the white-haired young man smiled as he looked out the train window. It had been a few months, but Yu Narukami was finally returning to Inaba for summer vacation! Even though it seemed weird for a city boy to be attached to a rural town like Inaba, he couldn’t help but just grow really attached to it because of…
    • Chapter 6: To Infinity and BeyondChapter 6: To Infinity and Beyond

      Chapter 6: To Infinity and Beyond Cover
      by random_games I slowly opened my eyes while grunting and groaning, surprised by my surroundings. I was floating on the same black void from the last time I was unconscious. I remember drifting to somewhere before eventually waking up because of a whisper that suddenly turned into shouting. But here I was again, back in this void, with nothing to see, nowhere to go, and no one to hear my voice.  Except for one being whose voice was already engraved on my mind. “My… quite the beating you took, didn’t…
    • Chapter 1: Pokémon Are Real!!!Chapter 1: Pokémon Are Real!!!

      Chapter 1: Pokémon Are Real!!! Cover
      by random_games I gasped as I hastily sat up in my bed, panting heavily as sweat drops rolled down my face. I put a hand over my chest, feeling my heart pound like an auto assault rifle against the inside of my chest. “That nightmare again…” That fucking nightmare just wouldn’t leave me alone. Just when I thought I was gonna have a normal night's sleep with any random dream of me attending a Smash Ultimate finals, I get assaulted by that stupid shift of dreams where suddenly, I’m in a dark void with two red…
    • Chapter 5: The Hostage IncidentChapter 5: The Hostage Incident

      Chapter 5: The Hostage Incident Cover
      by random_games ‘Why the fuck do I keep saying shit without thinking? I’m not ready for this! Me, knowing how to fight? Bruh, I barely handled that staravia by myself and I had help!’ Evon and I were running through the tunnels of Cavestone in search of a certain pichu and a certified child kidnapper (this was giving me hella EoS vibes, like, ain’t no way there’s a creep child kidnapper in this world too). We had our mission dear and clear in our heads, such a simple-sounding mission that’s not hard for an…