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    Stories 5
    Chapters 65
    Words 405.1 K
    Comments 11
    Reading 1 day, 9 hours1 d, 9 h
    • Chapter 5: The Hostage IncidentChapter 5: The Hostage Incident

      Chapter 5: The Hostage Incident Cover
      by random_games ‘Why the fuck do I keep saying shit without thinking? I’m not ready for this! Me, knowing how to fight? Bruh, I barely handled that staravia by myself and I had help!’ Evon and I were running through the tunnels of Cavestone in search of a certain pichu and a certified child kidnapper (this was giving me hella EoS vibes, like, ain’t no way there’s a creep child kidnapper in this world too). We had our mission dear and clear in our heads, such a simple-sounding mission that’s not hard for an…
    • Chapter 10: Silk and SwingChapter 10: Silk and Swing

      Chapter 10: Silk and Swing Cover
      by random_games After some doors, the duo of fox and jumping spider reached the backyard. The backyard was kinda big, it was surrounded by a tall wooden fence, it was covered by steel splinters, there was a pool with some sort of weird-shaped beach chairs, and lastly, there was a training dummy in the shape of a Snorlax. “Wow… it looks… like a normal human backyard…” John noted and Claire smiled at him. “Of course!” She said. “We have to thank the humans for everything that they brought over from…
    • Chapter 35: ChoicesChapter 35: Choices

      Chapter 35: Choices Cover
      by random_games “Ngh!”  “Oof!” John and Claire fell out of a sac and dropped into some kind of glass container for each. Before both of them had a chance to escape from above, a metallic lid with small air holes was put above the glass and locked with a padlock.  The duo of spider and fox recovered from the fall, their mind racing with thoughts as they looked around. However, one thought lingered in their head, making the spider voice it. “Where… where are we…?” “I… don’t…
    • Chapter 34: TrainwreckChapter 34: Trainwreck

      Chapter 34: Trainwreck Cover
      by random_games Everything was going according to plan. After the many hardships she had overcome in this world, after the many trials she had been put through, and after many happy and sad moments in this new world, Alisson’s mission was coming close to an end. It took a while but Giratina, Necrozma, and she finally had enough clues on how to get Necrozma’s light back. And so, they embarked on a journey to recover the prism being’s light. Apparently, Necrozma could get their light back with the help of two…
    • Chapter 33 (Bonus Chapter): The Law That Binds Us Cover
      by random_games Another day of no leads… typical. Reino was at his bedroom desk, reviewing the many files and photos of dangerous-looking Pokémon on his desk, illuminated by a lamp in the darkness of his room. It was midnight, the moon standing at its peak in the sky, lighting up the world below it. He decided to cut another night of sleep to advance in the Corrupted Pokémon case, fuelled by caffeine and energetics, maybe a tad bit too much for his species. While he was reviewing the information he had gathered,…
    • Chapter 31: GratitudeChapter 31: Gratitude

      Chapter 31: Gratitude Cover
      by random_games The sun rose from behind the mountains once again, illuminating the towns and cities of one side of the world. Some Pokémon were out and about, starting their daily tasks while other Pokémon kept sleeping in their nice comfortable beds. A Shaymin groggily woke up by the sunlight that was raining down upon her face, opening her eyes slowly as she uncurled her body slightly from her bed. She looked around for a moment as awareness returned to her body, blinking the sleepiness away. Her room was the…
    • Chapter 29: It's Wednesday My DudesChapter 29: It’s Wednesday My Dudes

      Chapter 29: It’s Wednesday My Dudes Cover
      by random_games Darkness. Darkness was all he could see. It expanded beyond the horizon, in the corner of his eyes, on all three and perhaps four dimensions, everywhere he saw was complete and utter darkness. Instead of floating in the void, John felt he was standing on solid ground. He looked down to see where he was standing… it was darkness. However, he could see something else rather than just the darkness, his own body, not the Pokémon one, but his human one. He saw his tan-colored five-fingered hands,…
    • Chapter 28: ConfessionChapter 28: Confession

      Chapter 28: Confession Cover
      by random_games Why, why, why? There she was again… alone, in her room, with nothing but her tears to calm her down. What even was the point of continuing on with this stupid dream if she could do nothing right? It has been another one of those days where she could’ve been doing something, anything, other than trying to please her parents. They literally didn’t care about anything she does; getting the best grades in class? Cool, don’t care; taking care of the house all alone? Didn’t ask for her to do…
    • Chapter 27: His World of OriginChapter 27: His World of Origin

      Chapter 27: His World of Origin Cover
      by random_games In a random alleyway of a city, a tear in space suddenly formed out of nowhere, releasing purple sparks as the tear grew in size. After the tear grew to a size where a large dog could pass through, some creatures came out from it. First, came two near identical mice that looked like dolls; followed by an orange fox with six tails with a yellow tick-like creature in her head; a round, spiky and gray rodent; and a white hedgehog with grassy needles on her back. The six Pokémon looked around as the portal…
    • Chapter 26: Journey to Another World, Part 2 Cover
      by random_games “This looks… straight out of a horror game…” John noted as he looked at the entrance of a Mystery Dungeon in front of him. “No kidding dude…” Taro agreed. “It’s like one of those human games that I saw on the internet… like… Residency something?” John looked at him. “You mean Resident Evil?” “Yeah, that’s the one! Scared the shit out of me…” The Togedemaru said as he sighed in helplessness. “That game is so scary for no reason…” John rolled his eyes.…