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    Stories 1
    Chapters 23
    Words 275.7 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 22 hours, 58 minutes22 h, 58 m
    • Chapter 15: Ghosts Fighting Ghosts

      Chapter 15: Ghosts Fighting Ghosts Cover
      by poper466 Heads up, this one starts pretty similarly to the last one, so uh if it looks like I posted chapter 14 twice I didn't, don't let me repeatedly throwing weird dream stuff in your face deceive you! Time Unknown Joseph's Dream Space Joseph once again awoke in the dream space, this time the space took inspiration from the mirror garden Joseph had found himself in a few hours ago, or at least he thinks it was a few hours ago, it's kinda hard to tell when you're not exactly in…
    • Chapter 2: Where We Washed Up

      Chapter 2: Where We Washed Up Cover
      by poper466 I made a small edit on 10/18/2023 to generalize the term for the infirmary (originally it was called the medical ward but as I said infirmary is more general and I don't know why I didn't just default to it). This applies to this chapter, the previous chapter, and every chapter going forward. 10/19/23 Fixed Arboliva being misspelled as "Arbolivia" applies to all current chapters that feature Arboliva. 10/20/23 fixed an instance of Litwick being referred to as she, if there are any more instances of this…
    • Chapter 14: Self Reflection

      Chapter 14: Self Reflection Cover
      by poper466 Hello once again! I'm running out of ways to start these things off, so I'm just gonna shut up and get to the point. Time Unknown Joseph's Dream Space Unfortunately for Joseph tonight was not another normal night, he found himself in the ever-expanding dream space, this time, the forest had shaped itself to appear more like the one that they found Volo in the day prior, it had a small stream cutting through parts of the forest and small stones peaking out of said streams, 'It's this place…
    • Chapter 13: Crash Course

      Chapter 13: Crash Course Cover
      by poper466 Hey, I hope you enjoyed that stupid April Fools chapter, it was fun for me to write despite how I was doing so, anyway onto a normal chapter. February 4th, 7:00 am Team Echoes' Base Coast Continent Joseph woke up and stretched, he was finally back in his room after the little vacation he had in the Lava Continent, he was just about to greet Rory when he remembered 'Oh yeah, she moved into Sammy's room.' Just then he heard a yawn from across the room, "Good morning Joseph!" Yumi…
    • April Fools 2024: Zigzagoon Propaganda

      April Fools 2024: Zigzagoon Propaganda Cover
      by poper466 I've done a lot of stupid things in my life "for the memes" or whatever, but this one takes the cake by far. Uh, hey guys, happy April Fools' Day! This chapter is a joke, obviously, but it's a joke within a joke. I'll tell you what's not a joke, though: the fact that I'm writing this on a 3DS! Yeah, that Reggie quote last time? That was foreshadowing this the whole time! I'm obviously gonna edit everything on PC, but just know that I'm so committed to the bit that I will write an entire chapter of this…
    • Chapter 12: Trial by Fire

      Chapter 12: Trial by Fire Cover
      by poper466 Hey, I'm still not dead, sorry this took a while to write, let's just jump into it! January 30th, 2:00 am Team Echoes' Base Coast Continent Cloak and Razor were patrolling the halls of Team Echoes' base at the crack of dawn, making absolutely sure that a certain metal bird didn't break in and murder Rory and friends while they slept, the two were passing the time by talking about their honeymoon thus far, "Man this trip's been well, a trip to say the least." Razor remarked. "Tell me…
    • Chapter 11: Coin Chaos

      Chapter 11: Coin Chaos Cover
      by poper466 Heya, chapter 10 ended somewhat abruptly, so how about we pick up where we left off? January 28th, 7:00 pm SurfSpark Guild - Dining Hall Coast Continent Team Echoes was just wrapping up dinner when Rory decided to discuss her plans for tomorrow with everybody, "Hey everyone, I got something I want to say!" "Alright, go ahead." Cinder said. Joseph gave the one-second finger gesture, "Hold on a sec, FLINT STOP TELLING YUMI PUNS FOR A MOMENT RORY'S GOT SOMETHING TO SAY!" He…
    • Special Episode 3: Jumping Through Time and Space

      Special Episode 3: Jumping Through Time and Space Cover
      by poper466 Hello again! This one almost turns this fic into a main series one at the beginning but trust me it doesn't last long, anyway onto the chapter. Location Unknown Time Unknown Blublin woke up and noticed that his surroundings had changed drastically, "Ugh… Where… Where am I?" He groaned. Blublin scanned his surroundings, he seemed to be on a beach with a decent build-up of driftwood scattered about, there were even a few crates on the shore as well. After scanning the beach for a…
    • Chapter 10: Training Troubles

      Chapter 10: Training Troubles Cover
      by poper466 Apologies if that last chapter was a little weird, it was just a dumb idea I had that turned into spontaneous chaos by the end, this should be more normal. January 28th, 7:00 am Team Echoes' Base - Yumi's room Coast Continent Yumi woke up not on her bed, but on Flint's lap, freaking her out, "AAAAAH!" "Who- what- where-" Flint sputtered as he shot awake. "Why am I not on my bed!?" "O-oh, I just wanted to keep you safe while you slept!" Flint explained, "I thought you'd be ok…
    • αnomaly 1: Dreams of Glistening Hearts and Shining Stars

      αnomaly 1: Dreams of Glistening Hearts and Shining Stars Cover
      by poper466 Hello! This is something a little different from the usual things, normally, I post full-on chapters or special episodes, (Oh yeah there was also that Halloween special which was neither, but it doesn't really matter), but this is something different, welcome to the anomaly chapters, these chapters are sort of just one-offs that are still kinda sorta somtimes canon to the main story, but they probably won't impact it to heavily, why am I explaining all this? You may be asking, well I just wanted to give…