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    Stories 1
    Chapters 24
    Words 279.0 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 23 hours, 15 minutes23 h, 15 m
    • αnomaly 1: Dreams of Glistening Hearts and Shining Stars

      αnomaly 1: Dreams of Glistening Hearts and Shining Stars Cover
      by poper466 Hello! This is something a little different from the usual things, normally, I post full-on chapters or special episodes, (Oh yeah there was also that Halloween special which was neither, but it doesn't really matter), but this is something different, welcome to the anomaly chapters, these chapters are sort of just one-offs that are still kinda sorta somtimes canon to the main story, but they probably won't impact it to heavily, why am I explaining all this? You may be asking, well I just wanted to give…
    • Chapter 9: Crystals and Crises

      Chapter 9: Crystals and Crises Cover
      by poper466 January 27th, 7:00 am Team Echoes' Base - Joseph's room Coast Continent Joseph hopped out of bed and went to go get Cinder so they could get ready to leave as soon as possible when he bumped into Rory, "Hey! Don't you know it's rude to bump into people while they're having a conversation?" She asked. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry, you mind picking a better spot for your conversation next time?" Joseph asked. "Oh right, I forgot I'm just standing in the doorway, sorry about that." Rory moved over…
    • Chapter 8: Home Invasion 101

      Chapter 8: Home Invasion 101 Cover
      by poper466 Hello again! This one's a little silly, but it does have some significance, I swear! I mean, it's not as crazy as the last chapter but trust me this chapter sheds light on a certain (Very important) detail. Anyway, enough blabbing, it's time to start this thing. January 26th, 4:00 am Temple of Light Mesprit started her day early, and I mean REALLY early, "Alright, I gotta get ready to show up at the human's place," She said to herself as she flew through the halls of the Temple…
    • Chapter 7: Relics Of The Past

      Chapter 7: Relics Of The Past Cover
      by poper466 Small Edit on 12/27/23, I updated something later in the chapter to hopefully make more sense. (It's been bugging me for a while) Hello again! This chapter's gonna be a massive push toward progression, so I hope you're ready because this one is pretty important. Also, fair warning the first actual swear is in this part, don't worry I'm not gonna do this often. Time Unknown Joseph's Dream Space Joseph woke up in a weird place filled with big, fluffy clouds of various vibrant colors,…
    • Special Episode 2: Fiora’s Fiasco

      Special Episode 2: Fiora’s Fiasco Cover
      by poper466 So you know how I didn't wanna do another special episode yet? Well, throw that all out the window! I really want to do this one right here, right now! Why? Because it's relevant to the entire story and I found a good way to segue into it in the last chapter, and wanted to roll with it! January 24th, 9:30 pm Team Echoes' Base - Specter's Room Coast Continent Specter led Malachite into his room and shut the door. "Woah, this is your room!?" Malachite asked. "Yep, I even picked…
    • Chapter 6: Save It For A Rainy Day

      Chapter 6: Save It For A Rainy Day Cover
      by poper466 I was gonna do another special episode for Vulcan but considering we're still pretty early into this story and Cinder just had hers I'll save it for later. Anyway, here's another somewhat slow chapter, hopefully, it doesn't just feel like filler. January 24th, 7:00 am Team Echoes' Base - Joseph's Room Coast Continent Joseph awoke to the sound of rain hitting the leaves outside, 'It's still raining?' He thought, 'I know it was raining last night, but I thought it would've blown…
    • Chapter 5: The Heist

      Chapter 5: The Heist Cover
      by poper466 So uh yeah that last chapter was pretty strange huh, this one should explain what you saw there, hopefully anyway… January 23rd, 4:00 am Team Echoes' Base - Rory's Room Coast Continent Rory shot awake after having a strange nightmare and after confirming that her fur was indeed still blue she let out a relieved sigh, "Thank Arceus that was just a dream" She said to herself, "I don't think I'm going to be able to go back to bed after that." Rory got up and left her room, hoping that…
    • Halloween Special 2023: Infectious Stupidity

      Halloween Special 2023: Infectious Stupidity Cover
      by poper466 Hello! Uh, I wasn't initially planning on making a Halloween special, but then I got an idea for one, so I decided ah what the heck. I probably won't do special chapters for every holiday, but if I get a good idea for one and I feel like I can finish the chapter in time for whatever holiday it is, I might consider it as I did here (Although this one's meant to be short). Also in the event that I do make special chapters like this, I will state if they are canon or not. As for this chapter… It…
    • Chapter 4: House Keeping Matters

      Chapter 4: House Keeping Matters Cover
      by poper466 Hey! This was the first chapter that was released after the initial posting of this thingie, However I wouldn't count on this being indicative of how often chapters will release, I don't exactly have a set release window for any of the chapters other than 'when it's done' so apologies in advance if these things take a bit too long :P also this chapter is pretty light on the action side of things, there's a little action early on but after that it's kinda just chill, trust me though if you're asking for…
    • Special Episode 1: Friends Separated

      Special Episode 1: Friends Separated Cover
      by poper466 Small edit on 12/27/23 I went to refrence this chapter for something and I found out that I got one of the dates wrong, like really wrong, so I fixed it. Hello! If you're reading this that means you made it to the first special episode! This special episode focuses on Cinder's past and how she ended up in this story. As such this special episode is seen from her perspective. Sorry if that is a little confusing compared to the other chapters. I don't currently know how many special episodes I wanna do…