The account update is here, check out the patch notes!


    Stories 1
    Chapters 2
    Words 9.4 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 47 minutes47 m
    • In which a hero and villain quickly learn why working together is… Difficult

      In which a hero and villain quickly learn why working together is… Difficult Cover
      by pikaqte Blanch stared in horror after the two assailants had left. "...Holy shit!" He squeaked. "So you can curse," Riaan commented dryly, brushing sand off of himself. "Good to know." "They-" Blanch turned sharply at the remark. "Excuse me?! What does that have to do with the kidnapping that just happened?! We need to get help!" "Right, help from who? People who could be as bad as those two? People who may not trust us and whatever we tell them?" Riaan retorted. "People who may make our kidnappers on edge and…
    • On the Beach at Dusk

      On the Beach at Dusk Cover
      by pikaqte Blackness.  Exhaustion.  The sound of waves…  …What happened? Pieces of recollection came to Amity’s mind, but none of them explained why she was unconscious in the sand- a beach, based on the waves? Had there been some terrible fight? ….She was almost ready to go back to sleep, but sounds of something walking in the sand caught her attention. Someone, based on the yelps they made and it sounded like they tripped a few times. Honestly, she could relate. "Hey! Hey, are you…