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    Stories 1
    Chapters 44
    Words 237.5 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 19 hours, 47 minutes19 h, 47 m
    • Ch 37 – Dead Man’s Party

      Ch 37 – Dead Man’s Party Cover
      by Pennio San Francisco, California, United States Coming into the office that day, everyone was in high hopes. They had just secured a contract with a major hospital chain, and now they were going to handle all their database and inter-hospital communication operations. The excitement even rubbed off on the new intern, a smile on her face as she typed away at her computer. The team's first task was simple enough— upload the local hospital's patient data to a secure cloud. So each one of them worked merrily,…
    • Ch 44 – Heroes

      Ch 44 – Heroes Cover
      by Pennio While a part of Blizz would have liked to build another snowboard and head back down Breach Mountain that way, traveling with the caravan of former humans who, up until an hour ago, had completely forgotten about each other's existence took priority. Even as they fought their way through the mystery dungeon, they were exchanging stories and laughing the whole time. Something about what happened in the Hall lifted a weight off all their chests. For some of them, it was the knowledge that Varin was safe.…
    • Ch 43 – Hopes and Dreams

      Ch 43 – Hopes and Dreams Cover
      by Pennio The Hall of Origin wasn't much different compared to the last time Blizz and Absol had set foot in it. It still had the same pristine white walls, pillars with details too intricate to make out with the naked eye, and slate colored tiling below them. What was different, however, was the amount of activity. When Blizz managed to enter last time, the vast majority of the Hall's residents had already succumbed to the Resonance. Now it felt far busier, with the dozens of legendary Pokémon going about their…
    • Ch 42 – Under the Bridge

      Ch 42 – Under the Bridge Cover
      by Pennio Blizz and Absol stood there for a moment, neither wanting to break off the handshake. Ultimately neither of them did so, as the sound of someone clearing their throat broke their focus. "Congratulations," Fanita praised, floating to the duo. "Though if you are done with that, I would like to ask Absol some questions now." Blizz pulled his hand back to his side as he looked to the Mismagius. "Were you watching the entire time?" "Mm-hmm. Zar was as well." "Hi guys!" The snow beneath them stirred…
    • Ch 41 – Since You’ve Been Gone

      Ch 41 – Since You’ve Been Gone Cover
      by Pennio Blizz knew he had implicitly agreed to bring Absol back by agreeing to this entire plan, but seeing the dark type standing in the middle of the mountaintop was still a surreal experience. He was kinda hoping the circumstances would be slightly more calm and he could actually have a discussion. Instead, they were fighting two of the strongest Pokémon he knew, plus a legendary who looked like they could overpower Zar. Now Absol and Zygarde were joining the battle, and neither Blizz, Fanita, or Zar knew…
    • Ch 40 – Bat Out of Hell

      Ch 40 – Bat Out of Hell Cover
      by Pennio Zar's question only prompted blank stares from Blizz and Fanita, until the former broke the silence. "…Who the hell is Celebi?" Rather than try to explain, Zar took a few steps back, before Transforming into a small green fairy. "This is Celebi," Zar explained, her voice slightly lower pitched than normal. "He's another legendary Pokémon." "What does Celebi have to do with our current situation?" Fanita asked. Zar jumped into the air, Transforming back into the shiny Grovyle form she took earlier.…
    • Ch 39 – Troublemaker

      Ch 39 – Troublemaker Cover
      by Pennio "I don't think I need to tell you that things are very wrong right now." Blizz and Fanita sat across from each other on the final floor of Wildrush Cavern. Thankfully, this level was just an empty clearing, a warp tile, and a crate of golden exploration badges in the corner— no raging wind that threatened to kick them out. "No yeah, when I got up this morning I thought I was a part of Team Spark. Had all these memories that I was a feral before they came and beat me up. I completely forgot about being…
    • Ch 38 – Blinded by the Light

      Ch 38 – Blinded by the Light Cover
      by Pennio It was a beautiful day in Nova Town. The sun was shining down, gently rousing dozens of Pokemon from their slumber. They slowly set about their business, opening up shops, gathering equipment, or turning on their home's furnaces. For those who belonged to Lucario's Guild, the process of getting up to take on the new day was slightly less pleasant. "WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKERS!" A hideous metal screeching joined Lucario's voice, waking up the explorers who were unlucky enough to still be asleep. "Fucking…
    • Ch 36 – It’s a Long Way to the Top

      Ch 36 – It’s a Long Way to the Top Cover
      by Pennio As the green aura began its process of materializing into Zygarde, no one wanted to make the same mistake they did with Hydreigon. Rune immediately fired an Ice Beam at the ethereal hue, while the Duke shot out a stream of fire at Absol. The silhouette of the newcomer faltered as the attacks came in. It wasn't quite clear whether it was Rune or the Duke who caused it, but both targets were stunned just long enough to create an opening. Blizz wasted no time to dash in with Quick Attack, trying to slam…
    • Ch 35 – Lonely Boy

      Ch 35 – Lonely Boy Cover
      by Pennio Blizz's declaration caused the entire room to go quiet. It made some kind of sense that Absol orchestrated it— he was the only person they could think of who would have any kind of motive and the resources to carry it out. That still didn't lessen the sting, especially for the Treecko who proposed that Absol was to blame in the first place. The only reason he could figure it out was because of everything Absol told him earlier— why would he do that? After a minute of silence, Mira spoke up again.…