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    Stories 1
    Chapters 37
    Words 172.2 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 14 hours, 20 minutes14 h, 20 m
    • Chapter 29

      Chapter 29 Cover
      by p-anon “Projection...” One could barely remain conscious with the echo that these voices permeated; though one wouldn’t be mistaken for believing that they had gained in volume; they boomed as much as to create miniature tremors whenever they spoke. “Destroy.... for.... creator... original... creator...” The grass snake who may have once been human was pinned to the ground in the cacophony of voices, trying to pay attention to the words. Projection? What could that mean, in the context of…
      Story • Crobat • Gardevoir • Pachirisu • Snivy
    • Chapter 23

      Chapter 23 Cover
      by p-anon It was a regular old forest. Tall trees blocked all visible angles of these square halls. Someone wanted them to be here, didn’t they? Who had thought this, couldn’t be known. No... it isn’t as if you could have known or could ever know. After all, there existed nothing here. Something might have struggled here. There might have even been an attempt at a conflict, the snuffing out of something once so vibrant, once so full of vitality. Maybe there was intelligence, or maybe there was nothing. It…
      Ferroseed • Gardevoir • Oshawott • Pachirisu • Snivy • Swoobat
    • Chapter 36

      Chapter 36 Cover
      by p-anon *Music: Sonic Rush Adventure - Cutscene: Normal The duo had travelled north-east, across continents to meet up with the first on their line of humans, the Eevee on Team Friends known as Vula, who lived on the Air Continent. After explaining their reasons; namely that Sanvu was looking for a way back to his world; naturally, the brown quadruped was eager to hear them out as she sat in her home; which was a sparsely furnished hut with an extension. The exterior had resembled an Eevee’s head and tail,…
      Axew • Chimchar • Eevee • Hydreigon • Pachirisu • Snivy
    • Chapter 34

      Chapter 34 Cover
      by p-anon While Pachuku for some reason still wore both his bow and the underlying band from their prior world; with nothing else to their name, the trip throughout the day wasn’t entirely easy, even after picking a direction seemingly randomly. Pachuku was at the very least grateful for having the ‘basics’ since Sanvu’d be basically useless without them. Lush greens surrounded them on all sides, as if the forest itself was pristine. At one point, the duo passed a waterfall leading into a pond of some…
      Pachirisu • Snivy
    • Chapter 32

      Chapter 32 Cover
      by p-anon *Music(?):Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon - Universe 5 At some point, he had landed in grass of some kind. But no, as consciousness returned to the former human, the tactile feeling of grass was the last thing on his mind, despite how comforting it still felt. He couldn’t even open his eyes, for his head was throbbing in ways almost indescribable, a migraine so potent and so devastating it was impossible for him to pick even his own stout arms up from the belly flop he’d found himself in. He still…
      Golurk • Pachirisu • Snivy
    • Chapter 33

      Chapter 33 Cover
      by p-anon The distance between Golurk and the two retreating figures through the dark and obscure forest continued to grow and grow. Eventually, even though both of them felt the rumbles of footsteps, they had managed to make enough of a distance away from it. For a while, they ran over fields and forest attempting to find somewhere good to hide. Eventually, they settled upon some kind of burrowed out tunnel in a cliffside that was only just a bit taller than Sanvu’s height, at sitting height, which wasn’t…
      Pachirisu • Snivy
    • Chapter 37

      Chapter 37 Cover
      by p-anon Upon returning to the Water Continent, while the Expedition Society welcomed them with open arms, they instead desired working as their namesakes allowed, apart from its headquarters as much as they allowed. It was decided that something as grand as a trip across worlds would have to be worked on as a secondary task; given that society at large seemed a bit preoccupied with the enhancement of itself than finding a place which may or may not exist. So about two weeks had passed since the ending of that…
      Bibarel • Conkeldurr • Pachirisu • Snivy
    • Chapter 35

      Chapter 35 Cover
      by p-anon By the time the party of four had made it to Lively Town, the afternoon had begun to set in, the sun casting long shadows along many of the buildings as the day began to dim out. As the group approached the Expedition Society, many looks of awe were shared between the newcomers and the regulars, at the large buildings with their many colours, the high buildings reminiscent of many that Sanvu remembered seeing back home, which bubbled an amount of ranging emotions in his swirling thoughts. More than ever…
      Pachirisu • Snivy
    • Chapter 31

      Chapter 31 Cover
      by p-anon *Music: Deltarune Chapter 1 - Before the Story It happened in an instant. There was nothing to precede or proceed from this moment. Here he was. They were visiting his grandfather in his plain house of whites and beiges. The paint on the walls had flaked off in places, but it otherwise just looked like a cozy old home for its inhabitant who wore the age of the house as if it were an old friend. Sofas with drapings filled the room, all inhabited with a seater but one, and a table decorated the wall near…
    • Chapter 20

      Chapter 20 Cover
      by p-anon *Music: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Fahr Outpost Back here again, Sanvu thought idly. The dreamscape he found himself changed little in its presentation, though luckily he was no longer heaving his way through it, at least not as much as before. The heatwave was still present, but it was as if some of its mass had lifted up and away from Sanvu’s current location. But he wasn’t out of the woods yet. No, Sanvu still struggled yet to stand; his body still clutching the ground, despite that…
      Gardevoir • Pachirisu • Snivy