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    Stories 3
    Chapters 30
    Words 220.3 K
    Comments 10
    Reading 18 hours, 21 minutes18 h, 21 m
    • Change of Scenery

      Change of Scenery Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 Crash, Cinder, and Hickory sat around a table outside of a cafe in the town square, as Beacon had suggested the three go somewhere to get to know eachother better. Cinder wanted to step out of the guild for some air anyway, and figured that getting to know the Bayleef a bit more couldn’t hurt. The explorers both sat in silence as each had a cup of Chesto coffee sitting in front of them, all while Crash glanced between the two while stuffing his face with a Cheri berry muffin.    “…
      Action • Adventure • Non-Human • Bayleef • Chikorita • Meganium • Scraggy • Vulpix
    • Stopped Cold

      Stopped Cold Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 Early that morning, Char, Thorn, and Mist were in their house getting ready to leave. Each of the three were going over some of the items they’d be bringing with them. Char stared down at the silver dagger-like spike in front of him, contemplating if he should take it.    “You know the two of you being so tense is kinda bringing down the mood.” Thorn said, putting his bag’s strap over his shoulder. “Besides, I’m pretty sure that hunched position you’ve got isn't good for…
      Action • Adventure • Non-Human • Decidueye • Inteleon • Ninetales • Sceptile • Scraggy • Vaporeon • Vulpix
    • Storm the Castle

      Storm the Castle Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 It was the middle of the night when Char decided to go outside for a bit. Aimlessly wandering up and down the dirt paths that lined the town of Timberglade. However the silver ninetales soon found himself sitting on a hill just outside of town, staring up at the night sky. “So this is where you've been.” A familiar voice behind the fox said. “You know we have a big day tomorrow. And it’d be a shame if I had to carry your tired ass the whole way there.” Thorn said with a smirk. “Think about…
      Action • Adventure • Dungeon • Non-Human • Emboar • Garchomp • Gengar • Inteleon • Ninetales • Salazzle • Sceptile • Scraggy • Vaporeon • Vulpix
    • The Hunter and the Hunted

      The Hunter and the Hunted Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 Crash watched as Cinder walked up to her brother and gave him a berry. But the scraggy couldn’t help but continue to think about what happened last night. “ Something’s up with that damn box. And I’m gonna find out what… ” Crash thought, as Cinder returned.  “But maybe not just yet…” The scraggy thought, as he saw Cinder giving him the side eye as she walked past.    Crash rolled his eyes and followed the vulpix inside towards the job board, leaning up against it.…
      Action • Adventure • Non-Human • Decidueye • Emboar • Garchomp • Ninetales • Salazzle • Sceptile • Scraggy • Vaporeon • Vulpix
    • Heated Encounters

      Heated Encounters Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 “ So… This place is pretty nice right… ” Thorn said, gesturing around the wooden interior of the restaurant as he tried to break the silence. The sceptile looked around the table at his teammates who were waiting for their food to arrive, and then at Crash who was stuffing his face and pouch with breadsticks. “What? I’m pretty sure the breadsticks are free.” Crash said, looking around at the others before taking another bite.  Cinder simply sank down, avoiding…
      Action • Adventure • Non-Human • Bayleef • Decidueye • Emboar • Inteleon • Ninetales • Salazzle • Sceptile • Scraggy • Vaporeon • Vulpix
    • Ghosts

      Ghosts Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 Cinder woke up earlier in the morning then she usually did, the vulpix glancing at the window  and yawning. “The sun’s not even up yet…” She thought.    Cinder then looked over at the scraggy who was still fast asleep. “I swear, ever since he showed up…” The vulpix’s thoughts were soon interrupted by another yawn.  “…I’m not getting back to sleep am I…?”    After shaking her head a bit and…
      Action • Adventure • Non-Human • Garchomp • Inteleon • Salazzle • Scraggy • Vulpix
    • Stealing From Kecleon

      Stealing From Kecleon Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 “It was supposed to be a simple job... Ambush the merchants, start grabbing stuff, and run...” A scraggy thought as he ran through the woods. “Who knew a pair of kecleon would be so strong…?”   Crash stopped and leaned against a tree to catch his breath. “ Scorch is not gonna be happy about this… ” The scraggy said to himself as he looked around for any sign of his team, as well as the kecleon.  “ He’s gonna fucking kill me… ” Crash said as he put his back against…
      Emboar • Scraggy • Vulpix
    • Not as They Seem

      Not as They Seem Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 Crash laid awake in his bed, staring at the floor beneath the dresser. He couldn’t stop thinking about the box… He had the same feeling that he used to have when he was little, whenever his dad told him to stay out of his “personal area”. Because not only did he not have enough time to look inside, but unlike his dad’s booze cabinet, it was locked. But as much as Crash wanted to look for a key, he was tired. And the scraggy knew from experience that searching someone’s place while tired was…
      Action • Adventure • Dungeon • Bayleef • Ninetales • Sceptile • Scraggy • Vaporeon • Vulpix
    • Working “Together”

      Working “Together” Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 Deep in the forest, a large cluster or tents of varying sizes were set up. A salazzle wearing a belt holding several small vials, and an inteleon wearing a tattered, dull beige cloak slowly walked up to a dark red tent that was the largest on the entire site. Behind the two, a tied up croagunk was being dragged by the inteleon. “Come on! I don’t know what happened to-”  “Will you shut up?! Giving me a damn headache… ” Bella said, the salazzle rubbing the sides of her head. “ I…
      Action • Adventure • Crime • Dungeon • Emboar • Garchomp • Inteleon • Ninetales • Salazzle • Scraggy • Vulpix
    • Forming Teams

      Forming Teams Cover
      by MalwareBirb404 “This was a bad idea!... This is a horrible idea, what was I thinking!…” Crash thought as he stood frozen staring at the decidueye, who still had his arrow-like feather drawn at the scraggy.  “What the hell is going on here?!” Cinder asked, running back towards Crash.  “Get away from him! He’s with Team Raiders!” Cinder’s eyes widened as she slowly backed away from the scraggy. She then caught a glance at the wanted poster and stared at it. The vulpix began to…
      Action • Crime • Ampharos • Decidueye • Ninetales • Scraggy • Vulpix