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    Stories 2
    Chapters 41
    Words 265.7 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 22 hours, 8 minutes22 h, 8 m
    • Chapter 1: A Brand New World

      Chapter 1: A Brand New World Cover
      by Nikel Keep it together human! ... ... Ezera exited his bedroom, relieved to be done with homework for the day. He walked across the loft, almost reaching the stairs when he heard his parents downstairs. He crouched and saw his mom prepping ingredients to cook. His dad sat at the dining table browsing on a laptop. "Hon? I think we should teach Ezera how to drive soon," his dad suggested, clicking through a website. "Isn't it a bit early? I thought being sixteen was the minimum…
    • Prologue

      Prologue Cover
      by Nikel Be proud warrior, For there wasn't a job you and your comrades couldn't tackle. Be proud warrior, For the world is safe again and you are the rock that steadied it. Be proud warrior, For your job is done and another will bear the mantle. Be proud warrior, For adventure awaits, and you have been summoned home. "Aaaaw damn it, they just had to make the ending bittersweet didn't they?" Ezera said aloud to no one in particular. A content sigh escaped his lips while he adjusted himself in…
    • Chapter 2: A Pain in the Grass

      Chapter 2: A Pain in the Grass Cover
      by Nikel Ezera watched in fear as Litleo ran headfirst toward Blipbug. She collided with his body, sending him flying back with a wail. Ezera turned his attention to Oddish. "Hey there..." he said meekly. "Mind, uh, going a bit easy on me?" Oddish narrowed her eyes and responded by launching bright orange liquid at him. Ezera let common sense take over as he dove to his left, letting the Acid splash inches away from him. He got to his feet and tapped his forehead in concentration. 'Come on, Ezera, think! How do…
    • Chapter 39: Her Promise

      Chapter 39: Her Promise Cover
      by Nikel The day of Rockruff's funeral couldn't come quick enough. After the guild leaders had announced it to everymon, it swiftly became a topic the guild members had on their mind constantly. The question of what to expect was the most common, as most of them had never observed a wildmon way of doing it before. Litleo had no clue, and wasn't keen on guessing either. They'd find out when they got there. "Helin, you come from a settlement, right?" Corvisquire asked, leaving Wartortle's arm and landing on an…
    • Chapter 38: Healing Warmth

      Chapter 38: Healing Warmth Cover
      by Nikel Roca trekked under the morning sun, wondering how often she had traversed this rocky trail. Rugged Crags was by no means small, and a massive chunk of it was uninhabited or unused by the 'mon living there. She made an effort to explore those areas during her scavenge runs, if only to say she knew her home like the back of her paw. How much time passed since she left home, actually? It had to be a few weeks at most. "Feels like a lifetime," Roca murmured. She left because of Litleo's lie, and now…
    • Chapter 37: Frozen Dreams

      Chapter 37: Frozen Dreams Cover
      by Nikel What was it like to be "at ease?" Was it a state of mind, where anxieties and negative thoughts weren't floating around at all? Or was it something more physical, where the heart beat so calm that someone could be mistaken for not having one? Could it be classified as both? Litleo knew for a fact she felt neither recently. If she did, such moments never lasted long, and this was no exception. "Litleo, get up! We have to go!" She scrambled upwards, barely registering that as Ezera's voice. "What?…
    • Chapter 36: Trudging in the Deep

      Chapter 36: Trudging in the Deep Cover
      by Nikel "Rockruff, stay…! What are you thinking?" Litleo muttered under her breath, seeing projection Rockruff sneak back into the cave with Calyrex and Eternatus. "Is he… actually going to fight them?" Ezera asked, fidgeting with his hands. Litleo gritted her teeth as they got their answer. Rockruff utilized the barrels and crates to try and dent Calyrex's barrier; it didn't do much. He was going to be in for a tough time. "I can't leave you, Litleo!" Rockruff shouted, haunches raised. 'You…
    • Chapter 35: His Fate

      Chapter 35: His Fate Cover
      by Nikel The gathered pokémon watching the projection alternated between looks of shock and gasps. Litleo and Roca were affected most of all, too stunned to even react. It was Eternatus who went after them? The pokémon responsible for almost tearing the world apart so many years ago? The projection fizzled into a new scene. She and Rockruff were clenched in Eternatus' claws, soaring high in the sky. They flew over what could only be Prosperity Vale. It was time. The answer to their— his fate,…
    • Chapter 34: Prelude for a Lost Soul

      Chapter 34: Prelude for a Lost Soul Cover
      by Nikel "Begin." Litleo watched the projection with bated breath. If she was paying attention to Omnipast itself, she would've noticed the slight cracks start to form on the sphere's surface. That wasn't where her head was at though. Instead, she wondered how long it had been since she saw and heard Rockruff personally. "I can't get over how they actually made us take time off," projection Rockruff remarked, happily going up a hill's incline. His voice brought warmth and pain to her. "They just…
    • Chapter 33: Out of the Unknown

      Chapter 33: Out of the Unknown Cover
      by Nikel Team Rebound accompanied Kubfu and Zande through the jungle for the better part of an hour. Litleo didn't know why she assumed their place of rest was near the dungeon, that was probably too much to ask. She did hope, however, that the direction they were walking was bringing them closer to their intended destination rather than away from it. "I should've asked this before we started, but how close is your house to Prosperity Vale?" Litleo said. 'Having to backtrack wouldn't be the end of the world but…