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    Stories 2
    Chapters 41
    Words 265.7 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 22 hours, 8 minutes22 h, 8 m
    • Chapter 12: Treasure Abound and Ghosts Inbound

      Chapter 12: Treasure Abound and Ghosts Inbound Cover
      by Nikel "-fy!" Rockruff stirred. His ears twitched, picking up a hushed voice. "Ruffy!" The voice was becoming clearer. He knew who it was. "Litleo…?" he uttered. "LITLEO? Oooooh, I'd give you the shock special but there's something you need to look at!" A pinch of electricity filled Rockruff's body. His senses jolted to full alert and he scrambled to a sitting position. He blinked, recognizing Pichu's annoyed face. "Pichu. Hi- hiya," Rockruff said, cheeks flushing. "What's…
    • Chapter 11: Under the Sea-cret Tunnel

      Chapter 11: Under the Sea-cret Tunnel Cover
      by Nikel Special Arc 1: The Gift That Will Stop Giving These events take place sometime in the past, before Ezera's arrival to the Pokémon world. As the moon rose higher into the sky, joyous chatter filled the Kaiyo Adventurers' Guild. Granted, there was chatter every night, but on this night all its members were present, providing a rare opportunity for them to have fun amongst themselves. Inside the mess hall, its members were gathered in a half circle formation facing the archway. The room was…
    • Chapter 10: The Heartiest to Hearts

      Chapter 10: The Heartiest to Hearts Cover
      by Nikel Ezera, Litleo, and Team Punker plopped onto the sand. Team Punker unceremoniously piled on top of each other, both still unconscious. Ezera cupped his hands over his eyes, examining the sky. 'It's definitely past noon. And we still have to make it all the way back to the guild.' He winced thinking about it. His body moved like bricks right now, which wasn't helped by the guilt for the entire chain of events they went through today being his fault. 'Litleo almost killed Morgrem back there. If the guild…
    • Chapter 9: Testing the Limits

      Chapter 9: Testing the Limits Cover
      by Nikel "Are you nervous?" Ezera frowned at Litleo's question. He watched the lobby empty out as the guild members went to start their normal routines. "I don't know, to be honest. Tests usually scare me, but the entire time I've been doing this, I haven't felt nervous except for the dynamax incident." "Any idea why that is?" Litleo asked, sparing him a quick glance. "Well… you've been a huge help. I wouldn't have made it this far without your smarts." "If there was another 'mon in my place you'd say…
    • Chapter 8: Hit By, Struck By, a Rough Criminal

      Chapter 8: Hit By, Struck By, a Rough Criminal Cover
      by Nikel "Come on, Litleo, what are you doing? We're going to miss it if you keep daydreaming." Litleo opened her eyes. She found herself sitting in the guild lobby, facing the entrance. A soft yellow glare was coming from the courtyard. The light blinded almost everything except who was in front of her. Litleo's partner gazed at her, tail wagging enthusiastically. Rockruff flashed a toothy grin. "What'cha thinking about?" "Oh… nothing. What are we going to miss?" Litleo said, smiling. "Going to play…
    • Chapter 7: A Brood Awakening

      Chapter 7: A Brood Awakening Cover
      by Nikel Ezera almost dropped to the floor. "That's a dynamax? Oh my God!" "This should be impossible," Reuniclus said, fumbling to take out her aethoreader controller. "I didn't discern any Wishing Star on her." "Outsiders… GOOOOOONE!" Oddie roared, facing the sky. "Oddie, please, calm yourself!" Chesner insisted. Oddie responded by discharging a flurry of leaves toward the assembled pokémon. The group ran and took cover behind a boulder. Chesner scooped up Bip. "That's no ordinary dynamax. She's…
    • Chapter 6: Exposition Expedition

      Chapter 6: Exposition Expedition Cover
      by Nikel Dark clouds brewed above the thick canopy, hiding what would be the early morning sun's rays. The leaves danced like maracas as gusts rustled the branches of the forest. Despite the chill the wind brought, two pokémon waited in the darkness. Their makeshift tent sat nestled in between the wooden trunks of the trees. A round head with a ladybug pattern peered out of the tent flap and sniffed the air. He scratched one of his dots with a pointed claw. "There's a storm arriving. Can you smell it?" A…
    • Chapter 5: Sandy Woes

      Chapter 5: Sandy Woes Cover
      by Nikel "I'm making the word 'house.' That's two, three, four, six, eight points for me!" Ezera's dad exclaimed. "How do you keep getting all those good letters, hon? I'm stuck with my two W's and Z," Ezera's mom complained. She turned her tray of letters around to emphasize this. "Hey, don't show us!" Ezera's dad said, turning away. He picked up a few more letters from the box. "Call it luck. Did you mark the points down, Ezera?" Ezera typed the last of his message on his phone and hit send. "Ezera?…
    • Chapter 4: Sweet Lie on Deck

      Chapter 4: Sweet Lie on Deck Cover
      by Nikel 'Of all things, making a joke like that. I should leave him to wander alone in there,' Litleo debated. She watched Ezera get swallowed by the plants. 'You could, but you're in charge of his test, remember?' She bit her lower lip. Regardless of her misgivings toward Ezera, she had an obligation to watch over him unless proven otherwise. 'There's no reason to be so rude with him… and yet I can't shake the feeling he means trouble.' Litleo opened her satchel. The scarves' blueish-gray color appeared…
    • Chapter 3: First Steps

      Chapter 3: First Steps Cover
      by Nikel "Rockruff…I'm here..." Ezera stirred, rolling to the left on his pillow. He moved a bit more to adjust for his tusk without realizing the counter ended, and experienced a brief moment of falling before jerking himself back. 'Crap!' Ezera thought, heart racing and putting a hand over his chest. 'That's one way to wake up.' He blinked to adjust for the dim room. A faint amount of light crept through the window, allowing him to make out Litleo's sleeping figure. 'Great, guess my inner alarm clock…