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    Stories 2
    Chapters 41
    Words 265.7 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 22 hours, 8 minutes22 h, 8 m
    • Chapter 22: Mounting Suspicions (Part 2)

      Chapter 22: Mounting Suspicions (Part 2) Cover
      by Nikel After sharing the news that none of the dynamaxed 'mon survived, the guild returned home. Ezera and Litleo uncomfortably rode the same drednaw, which Dewott managed to ease with his presence, even though he did say nothing the entire way. Rapidash awaited them in the lobby, deducing the outcome of the events based on their expressions alone. "How does the village fare?" she decided to ask. "They'll need to rebuild. It will be hard losing their leader in the logging department, but they will manage,"…
    • Chapter 21: Mounting Suspicions (Part 1)

      Chapter 21: Mounting Suspicions (Part 1) Cover
      by Nikel "Get ready, chaps! Fentil Village is just up ahead!" a drednaw announced. Ezera's hands tightened around a spike on the drednaw's back. It was weird riding up to Fentil Village knowing that deeper inside hysteria could be spreading. Aside from the fact he'd only known the village to be sleepy, the atmosphere showed no signs of anything wrong. In the Rugged Crags or Verdan Forest incidents, the weather was bleak and gloomy. Today, it was bright and sunny. "I wonder if the dynamaxed pokémon are still…
    • Chapter 20: Inner Pieces

      Chapter 20: Inner Pieces Cover
      by Nikel "Dad, do you think I read too much?" Ezera asked in the backseat of the car. "I wish you read more practical books but no, you don't read a lot. You laze a lot," his dad replied, smirking in the rear view mirror. Ezera's mom turned to look at Ezera from the passenger seat. "Like father, like son?" His dad visibly straightened up, gripping the wheel tighter. "Hey, I do plenty around the house!" Ezera's phone buzzed with a notification from Discord, taking his attention away. Elessedil : I…
    • Chapter 19: Rocky, Rough Revelations

      Chapter 19: Rocky, Rough Revelations Cover
      by Nikel Litleo occupied herself the best she could as her injury slowly healed. Indeedee ordered a minimum of a week's rest, so not being able to do much, she begrudgingly agreed to help out in various places at the guild— sorting files for Watchog or testing devices for Helin. On the off hours, she had unexpected visits from Team Piksqueak, Team Chase, and Team Buck. Ezera also made sure to come in every night to relay what he did for the day with Dewott. While they were mostly small-scale commissions, Litleo…
    • Chapter 18: A Slow Turnaround

      Chapter 18: A Slow Turnaround Cover
      by Nikel Ezera disembarked the drednaw, stepping on the shore outside Fentil Village. The gurdurr they needed to give the parcel to supposedly worked at a logging site in the area, but the commission page contained no specifics as to where it could be found. He opened the Wonder Map, double checking his direction. Walking into the village sounded like a decent start. 'How would Litleo approach this?' Ezera pondered. He pictured her curtly asking everyone for information. 'Right, questioning. It wouldn't hurt to…
    • Chapter 17: Get Down, Don’t Get Up Again

      Chapter 17: Get Down, Don’t Get Up Again Cover
      by Nikel On the Veteran floor of the guild, two pokémon moved about in their borrowed room to get ready for the day. Sling slid off the counter, stretching his arms. "Everyday I'm still surprised you managed to get both of us in," he praised, cupping his paws. "I was so sure that messy speech in front of the crowd would have cost us." "I've never done well in front of that many pokémon. I was always like that in my stay at the academy," Orbeetle grumbled. He flew around the room to warm up his wings. It was…
    • Chapter 16: A Day of Recovery

      Chapter 16: A Day of Recovery Cover
      by Nikel The morning sun crept up onto the skyline, spreading orange light into the fading darkness. Down in Rugged Crags, Roca tiptoed about to pack some food into her tiny sack. Salna's deep breathing masked most of the noise as she slipped a few berries and plants out of the pots. Now prepared, Roca lowered the wall sealing the cave. Crrrrrrrrk. Salna lifted his head off the floor. "Wha… Roca? Is that you?" Roca cringed, cursing under her breath. "Yeah, Pop." "What's going on? Leaving to scout so…
    • Chapter 15: Truths Unspoken, Trusts Broken

      Chapter 15: Truths Unspoken, Trusts Broken Cover
      by Nikel Ezera opened his eyes, instantly aware that wherever they were, it wasn't safe. The air maintained a suffocating vibe to it, and wind felt nonexistent. Even the moonlight on his skin was off. Wait, moonlight? 'What the hell? It can't be nighttime,' he thought. His first instinct was to gaze up to see if they had traveled to the bottom of the pit. 'The sky is there for sure but… it doesn't look natural.' Ezera squinted, spotting some meager clouds. They remained frozen in place, much like a fake green…
    • Chapter 14: Dashing Hopes

      Chapter 14: Dashing Hopes Cover
      by Nikel "Daddy, why don't you have a job?" a young Ezera asked, suddenly looking up from his toys. His father leaned into the couch, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean? You are my job." "No, like… like… a real job." "Me taking care of you isn't a real job? If anything, you're even more work than a 'real job'," his father replied, chuckling. "Oh. I'm sorry," Ezera said, crestfallen. "Hey, don't be sorry. It's not a bad thing. I mean it in a good way." Ezera's face lit up.…
    • Chapter 13: Past Insight

      Chapter 13: Past Insight Cover
      by Nikel Rockruff opened his eyes as chilly water lapped at his feet. He lifted his head, feeling sand cling to the side of his face. He stared at the waterfall pouring in front of him a few feet away. 'Did we get sent back to Bubula Cove?' he wondered. Rockruff shifted to check for Team Piksqueak but stopped. Something was covering his body. Something… soft. He turned his head and gasped. A pair of blueish-gray scarves were draped over him. Little specks of gold glittered in them like the waves. A sphere…