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    Stories 2
    Chapters 41
    Words 265.7 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 22 hours, 8 minutes22 h, 8 m
    • Chapter 32: Closing In

      Chapter 32: Closing In Cover
      by Nikel "You always do this!" "Don't pin this on me!" Ezera stood in the center of his bedroom. He looked down at his hands and got… five fingers on each? He was human again? He turned his gaze upward, finding the door open. He hadn't been home in forever— but more importantly, he could see his mom and dad! Ezera ran forward and descended the stairs, excited to hug them, only to find them confronting each other in the living room. "You pushed him too hard and now he's gone!" his mom yelled. "I…
    • Chapter 31: Who Let the Outlaws Out

      Chapter 31: Who Let the Outlaws Out Cover
      by Nikel The next day, Team Rebound and the guild members joining the jailbreak gathered for their final preparations inside the commission center. The restless buzz in the air staved off the chill everyone would otherwise be feeling. They spoke in low whispers, as if anything louder would let the council hear their plans. "We've got Reviver Seeds, Oran Berries, some orbs, Elixirs, a couple wands, Apples, and the scarves all in here. I'm kind of amazed it managed to fit everything," Ezera listed off, shaking the…
    • Chapter 30: Getting It Back

      Chapter 30: Getting It Back Cover
      by Nikel "Were you ever gonna tell me you could've been a policeman?" Ezera asked, crossing his arms as he tapped his foot. Having their decision already made meant that Ezera and Dewott needed to find something to do until afternoon came. That led to them sitting around in the mess hall while Flin's group napped in the corner. "It isn't important much," Dewott signed, waving his paw dismissively. "Uh, it's pretty important now don't you think? Did you arrest anyone while you were there?" "I mainly did…
    • Chapter 29: Scattered Selves

      Chapter 29: Scattered Selves Cover
      by Nikel A young Ezera zoomed around the driveway on a silver scooter, clutching the blue handlebars and giggling like a maniac. "Wheeee! Daddy look I'm a pro!" Ezera squealed. His father watched from inside the garage, arms crossed but smiling. "Be careful of your speed. And watch your turns!" "I got it!" Ezera in fact did not 'got it,' and promptly took a turn too sharp, falling over. There was a harsh clatter, causing Ezera and the scooter to slide unceremoniously across the concrete. "Ezera!"…
    • Chapter 28: Curtain Falls

      Chapter 28: Curtain Falls Cover
      by Nikel Since they had some time to spare before Minne arrived, Team Rebound decided to grab a bite to eat to refill their energy. Beyond that, it just wouldn't be right to stay in a festival without trying some of the food. So out of the potential dishes and beverages that came around once a year, they settled on— dessert. Ezera blew on the flaky Oran Berry pastry he bought, settling against a building's wall that let the rest of his team watch Kaiyo Town's north entrance. The warm crust seeped through the…
    • Chapter 27: Setting the Stage

      Chapter 27: Setting the Stage Cover
      by Nikel A few days before the Rexianta Festival… It is said that in the heart of the Veiled Continent lies an ancient civilization. Searching for it would require a 'mon to go deep in the depths of a stony gorge— past jungle, past wildmon, past mystery dungeons— until they found the decrepit structures of the old society sitting at the bottom. Once there, they could glimpse upon the crumbled and cracked stone, where pokémon used to live, work, and play before disaster struck. The only things that…
    • Chapter 26: Festival Day Funkin’

      Chapter 26: Festival Day Funkin’ Cover
      by Nikel After Ezera, Litleo, and Dewott solidified Team Rebound, the trio were bound to the guild in the following days. Half of it was due to Indeedee's instruction, as the nurse wanted to keep a close eye on Litleo for any troubling symptoms. Litleo, while normal for the most part, sometimes had bouts of lethargy, and her fire was weaker than she was used to. The other half was because the team still hadn't discussed Litleo's human situation with the guild leaders yet. After the talk that night, Rapidash went…
    • Chapter 25: Heartful Souls

      Chapter 25: Heartful Souls Cover
      by Nikel Rapidash and Indeedee were waiting in the guild lobby when the five pokémon arrived. Indeedee in particular had her lips pursed, shaking her head. Reuniclus passed Litleo off to her. "This girl, she is either the bravest, unluckiest, or most stubborn patient I've ever had," Indeedee scolded, whisking Litleo away to the infirmary. 'She could be all three,' Ezera answered to himself. He sat on the carpet, offering much needed respite for his legs. Although, this arrangement did mean he had to crane…
    • Chapter 24: The Shield of Hearts

      Chapter 24: The Shield of Hearts Cover
      by Nikel Litleo didn't have any time to process that new revelation. "I'm-" A severe pain pierced her head. The ringing overtook her senses, drowning out everything in the vicinity. 'Human?!' 'I can't be! It's not-' Flashes of different scenes quickly tore through her brain. Black, paved streets. A gated home. Items she couldn't name spread all across a room. How could these be familiar yet so foreign at the same time? The scenes converged onto a final location- a spacious, well lit cave. No one…
    • Chapter 23: The Sword of Hearts

      Chapter 23: The Sword of Hearts Cover
      by Nikel "She's onto us." Orbeetle flew into their temporary quarters, muttering something incomprehensible. They had just finished reconvening their findings with Reuniclus and Helin in their lab. With Breloom, Tyrogue, and Hitmontop's deaths merely hours ago, all were quick to discuss how they could've been saved, though Sling and Orbeetle had different reasons. As luck would have it however, they weren't able to figure out any solid solutions. Sling pondered his companion's notion by relaxing on the…