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    Just a writer from Brazil, trying my best to tell stories. Been playing Pokémon since I was around 5, and it stuck with me ever since, it's a series that I hold dear to my heart.
    Stories 2
    Chapters 104
    Words 611.5 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 2 days, 2 hours2 d, 2 h
    • Dungeon 71 – Court

      Dungeon 71 – Court Cover
      by Navar Two weeks, huh? Lance sighed. That was how long it had been since his final fight against Necrozma, since they sealed him again, along with Scar. It was an arduous battle, one he didn't know for sure was possible to win. Yet, they did it anyway. Somehow, with all his friends, they won. However, that didn't mean everything was settled down. The kingdom was heavily damaged during the fight, and everything needed to be rebuilt. Not to mention what they should do with Necrozma's prison. Obviously, it…
    • Dungeon 70 – Destiny

      Dungeon 70 – Destiny Cover
      by Navar Necrozma flapped his wings as he exited the portal, before landing on his feet and grinning. His body continued to glow in the night, and he looked up at the stars, his grin faltering for a moment. In the end, the mortals had tried to fight him anyway. Would they ever stop? "Sire, I fail to understand…" Scar stepped out of the portal. Immediately, he was shocked to see the same forest where Necrozma was sealed. Without his prison there, the grass looked much more lively. "...Err, Sire, why this…
    • Dungeon 69 – Quasar

      Dungeon 69 – Quasar Cover
      by Navar A roar shook the skies. The dead of the night raged on, the stars in the sky shining brightly. However, on the ground, another source of light glowed. Necrozma swished his tail, his multicolored eyes glaring at the five who dared to oppose him. Specifically, at the Lucario he used as a vessel. Lance couldn't let his will falter, not even for one bit. During the few moments, the calm before the storm, where he could devise a plan… those seconds were worth gold. First, checking his surroundings: they…
    • Dungeon 68 – Salvation: Part 3

      Dungeon 68 – Salvation: Part 3 Cover
      by Navar It was a new day. Dex could feel the warmth of the sun casting its rays through the window, bringing with them another dawn, and a reason to wake up. He yawned, not really wanting to move, simply letting the breeze do its job and give him more reasons to stay put. He lay in bed, drool dripping from his open mouth, and sheets barely covering him. The bed was large, king-sized at least, but he was alone. Dex rubbed his eyes and moved to the side, checking the rest of the bed. There were several chunks of…
    • Dungeon 67 – Salvation: Part 2

      Dungeon 67 – Salvation: Part 2 Cover
      by Navar It was different this time. Lance yawned, rubbing his eyes. From what little he could feel, there was no sense of height, so he wasn't at the bunk bed. However, his grogginess was still present, as was the pain in his fists. All things considered, he was just glad to not be burnt like before. Alright, Necroworld number two. Lance opened his eyes, yawning again. As he did so, his whereabouts were made clear: his apartment in Bright Dawn, replicated down to the finest of details, like his bookshelf…
    • Dungeon 66 – Salvation: Part 1

      Dungeon 66 – Salvation: Part 1 Cover
      by Navar Chirps and tweets marked the start of the day. The final raindrops landed, and the clouds no longer covered the sky. Instead, the bright blue colors shone like never before. Flowers bloomed, moving back and forth with the wind. Everything was calm. Indeed, noon at the village of Thornwell had never been so peaceful. To anyone living inside, it was heaven. It was perfect. To one Pokémon, it was a morning like any other. The birds' songs woke him up, but his eyes remained closed. Not like there was any…
    • Dungeon 65 – Requiem

      Dungeon 65 – Requiem Cover
      by Navar During any other day, a rainy sky with occasional claps of thunder would be a sight for sore eyes. During other times, it would be making even the most proactive Pokémon want to stay home and relax. It was true; the streets were mostly empty, save for a few stragglers here and there. For Necrozma, the current day was the culmination of everything he wanted, and rain was one of the last things he cared about. Well, not that it wasn't pretty. Indeed, it was, and from the inside of his room, he stared…
    • Dungeon 64 – Stride

      Dungeon 64 – Stride Cover
      by Navar “You’re done.” Necrozma held on to the crystal in one of his hands, watching as it glowed. Next to him, amongst smoke and rubble, was the defeated Xerneas. Her body glowed, the aura surrounding her being transferred into Necrozma’s artifact. “U-Urgh…” She panted, moving just enough to remove the rubble on top of her. “Necrozma… why?” He scoffed, looking at her, and then at his surroundings. They were at the top of the tree, and smoke was everywhere, though the wood…
    • Special Episode 5 – Lens

      Special Episode 5 – Lens Cover
      by Navar Once upon a time, the Legends worked together to keep the peace worldwide. They were many, divided into certain groups that were tasked with different areas. To help them communicate with one another, the Creator built a large structure, a tower that extended far into the sky, piercing the heavens themselves. None of them knew the Creator, or even saw them. Instead, they communicated with a being known as the Voice,a direct subordinate. This tower was sturdy and black, with occasional flashes of pure…
    • Dungeon 63 – Knowledge

      Dungeon 63 – Knowledge Cover
      by Navar Sheets were torn apart by ragged claws, chairs were blasted into bits by a powerful attack, and the glass windows shattered by psychic blades. If Necrozma had anything else inside his room, it would probably be destroyed as well. In fact, the only thing remaining was his bed, and only because he still needed it. Nothing stood in his way. Nothing could stand in his way. “I… can’t—I didn’t lose to that stupid mortal!” Necrozma muttered, closing…