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    Just a writer from Brazil, trying my best to tell stories. Been playing Pokémon since I was around 5, and it stuck with me ever since, it's a series that I hold dear to my heart.
    Stories 2
    Chapters 104
    Words 611.5 K
    Comments 3
    Reading 2 days, 2 hours2 d, 2 h
    • Dungeon 3 – Travelers

      Dungeon 3 – Travelers Cover
      by Navar Lance and Brian walked along a road flanked by a large forest filled with thick trees on both sides. Brian took a look around and gulped, he couldn’t exactly place the reason, but there was something about the woods that scared him.  The darkness of the night was only broken by the moon lighting the way for them to go forward. As they walked, Lance took a peek at a map he’d brought along for the journey while Brian dubiously watched him study its markings.…
    • Dungeon 2 – Heart of Steel

      Dungeon 2 – Heart of Steel Cover
      by Navar In the middle of the night, a Druddigon ran through the streets of a warren-like industrial district, the steamy air of surrounding factories penetrated the dragon’s nostrils, and he tried assessing his surroundings to see if any of the large, buildings around him could be used as a hideout. Blood dripped from his arms as his heart throbbed. The Pokémon looked back to make sure there was no one following him before he stopped to catch his breath in a nearby alley.  Panting, he leaned…
    • Dungeon 1 – Brotherhood

      Dungeon 1 – Brotherhood Cover
      by Navar The void, an abyss devoid of light and filled only with overwhelming emptiness. In the midst of this desolate expanse, a small Pokémon, a Riolu, roamed aimlessly, his blue fur damp with perspiration. The pup quivered, his gaze darting around aimlessly in search of an escape from the all-encompassing darkness. Suddenly, a chilling, maniacal laughter pierced the silence, causing him to freeze. Trembling, he summoned the courage to slowly turn around, sweat pouring from him. To his astonishment, a…
    • Special Episode 1 – Puppy Love

      Special Episode 1 – Puppy Love Cover
      by Navar Lance woke up with a yawn. The sun's rays were beaming down at his face,, which interrupted his sleep. He rubbed his eyes, and when he tried to get up, he felt pressure on his stomach. Looking down, he saw an Electrike, sleeping on his chest. "Blitz…" The Riolu smiled, caressing the other Pokémon's head. Blitz snored, distracted by the dream he was having. The Riolu thought that was cute, smiling, and wagging his tail on the bed. "HEY, YOU TWO LUVDISCS! DAD SAID TO WAKE UP!" Brian barged into…