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    Stories 1
    Chapters 36
    Words 61.5 K
    Comments 21
    Reading 5 hours, 7 minutes5 h, 7 m
    • In Which Twig Is Put Back Together36. In Which Twig Is Put Back Together

      36. In Which Twig Is Put Back Together Cover
      by SincerelySofie I told them everything. And I did it crying harder than I thought was mortally possible, Twig scratched onto the pages of a hardcover journal. I blabbed everything and I did it while dribbling all over them both. I think they were more grossed out by the dribbling part than the ‘me indirectly killing an entire bunker of people’ part. I tried the same garbage as always to argue my point that it was my fault, and Celebi looked ready to slap me. I think she honestly might have if Dusknoir didn't grab her…
    • In Which Twig Falls Apart35. In Which Twig Falls Apart

      35. In Which Twig Falls Apart Cover
      by SincerelySofie Of course she crossed paths with Darkrai while out on her walk. He wasn't just some hazy presence in the shadows of the forest, either— he was visible as any tree or fern on the trail, hands clasped and subtly wringing ever so slightly as he stood off to the side of the path. He perked up when he saw her, and she immediately turned on her heel and made for home.  “Twig, if I may have a word—” he began.  “Nope. Not in the mood to deal with you right now, sorry…
      Celebi • Charmeleon • Darkrai • Dusknoir • Grovyle • Marshtomp
    • In Which Darkrai is a Tattle-Tale34. In Which Darkrai is a Tattle-Tale

      34. In Which Darkrai is a Tattle-Tale Cover
      by SincerelySofie Kip woke up sprawled at the edge of a dig site, his blurry vision not helped by the dim light of torches set into tall poles only marginally keeping the site from being shrouded in complete darkness. Their flames were weak and sputtered as they struggled not to die out entirely, and even in his groggy stupor Kip rushed over to renew their flames. An inventor had designed them to burn indefinitely, not needing anything but time in the sun to renew their fuel reserves. At nightfall, they would automatically…
      Charmeleon • Darkrai • Marshtomp
    • In Which Twig Attempts Small Talk33. In Which Twig Attempts Small Talk

      33. In Which Twig Attempts Small Talk Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig went out for a walk early the next morning. She needed to escape Kip’s worried looks and tentative, careful questions, and she didn't want to be around when Grovyle or Dusknoir woke up to interrogate her. Unfortunately, Grovyle must have sensed her escape plan before she put it into motion, because he was up even earlier than usual and caught her by the arm before she could leave.  “Twig—” he began.  “Back off,” she hissed, careful to keep her voice low. “I don't want to…
      Charmeleon • Darkrai • Grovyle
    • In Which There is Dinner and a Show32. In Which There is Dinner and a Show

      32. In Which There is Dinner and a Show Cover
      by SincerelySofie The Future Trio came by to pay Kip a visit. Twig gave them each a long, stern look as they all came through the door, and Kip wished he could decipher the glare’s meaning. The one person in the group she didn't deliver a narrow glower to was Dusknoir, who gave her one of his own that she didn't meet. That worried Kip— Twig would have stared Dusknoir down for giving her a cursory glance before, but now she was backing off when he murmured something Kip couldn't decipher beyond it being said in a…
      Celebi • Charmeleon • Dusknoir • Grovyle • Marshtomp
    • In Which Kip Loses a Race31. In Which Kip Loses a Race

      31. In Which Kip Loses a Race Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig wasn’t necessarily acting off as Kip ordered a meal to split between them at Spinda’s Cafe. She was still herself. She still laughed the same, over-loud way, she still loved the seasoning on that one grilled berry dish and wanted to figure out how Spinda made such a bland, slightly sweet fruit the star of a savory meal, and she still hated juice and always ordered water instead. But there was something underlying all of that. She laughed loudly, and it seemed like a performance— a way to…
    • In Which Twig Arrives30. In Which Twig Arrives

      30. In Which Twig Arrives Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig had pestered Celebi to such an extent into revealing whether the Dark Future had ever been restored at some point beyond the present that she was pretty sure the subsequent headache she suffered was less from looking so far into alternate timelines and more from Twig's incessant pleading. Celebi confirmed numerous times that the Dark Future didn't return to its former state, nor did any other similar apocalyptic scenario rise to take its place, and please would Twig stop asking that, everything is…
    • Letter from Kip29. Letter from Kip

      29. Letter from Kip Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig,  Are you okay? I know something's going on. You know you can tell me, right? I won't be mad or anything. You can trust me. Please let me know how I can help.  I'm worried.  —…
    • 28. In Which Kip Hears Things through the Grapevine Cover
      by SincerelySofie Treasure Town was always full of friendly faces, but Kip felt the absence of one face in particular keenly. Twig was nowhere to be seen in the bustling town square, the market stalls were devoid of her scrutinizing prices and produce, and Sharpedo Bluff felt empty without her humor or warm presence. She had sent a brief note about how she needed to wrap up some loose ends before coming to visit him, and he was nervous as could be during the wait for her to arrive. It was a bit childish, but he was excited…
      Chatot • Koffing • Marshtomp • Skuntank • Wigglytuff • Zubat
    • In Which Twig and Celebi Have a Chat27. In Which Twig and Celebi Have a Chat

      27. In Which Twig and Celebi Have a Chat Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig didn’t remember collapsing into an exhausted mess in an empty home that evening, nor did she expect to sleep so troubled and lightly that she woke up countless times that night. Upon waking at the first hint of sunrise, however, she jolted upright with the realization that her selfishly stewing in her depressive mood meant that Darkrai was on the move and had free range of her friends without her warning them of his returned memories. He could easily convince them that he was still friendly and stab…
      Celebi • Charmeleon