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    Stories 1
    Chapters 36
    Words 61.5 K
    Comments 21
    Reading 5 hours, 7 minutes5 h, 7 m
    • In Which Life Goes on1: In Which Life Goes on (Until It Doesn’t)

      1: In Which Life Goes on (Until It Doesn’t) Cover
      by SincerelySofie The end to the fateful battle in Dark Crater was ultimately the most anticlimactic event of Twig’s life.  A mortal couldn’t kill a Legend, but with Cresselia on their side, Team Venture had a fighting chance at defeating Darkrai and saving the world. Key word being chance — Twig wasn’t deluding herself into believing that she was likely to come out of the Crater alive. Judging by Kip’s solemnity as they came to the mystery dungeon outside Darkrai’s trap, he wasn’t fooling himself…
      Celebi • Charmander • Chatot • Dusknoir • Grovyle • Mudkip
    • In Which Darkrai Gets a Hobby6: In Which Darkrai Gets a Hobby

      6: In Which Darkrai Gets a Hobby Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig was going to have a mental, emotional, and physical breakdown of never-before-seen proportions if she didn’t get ten minutes away from Darkrai.  How could this guy be so clingy? Yes, she was too nervous to tell him to back off and give her room to breathe when she went on errands with him hovering over her shoulder, or to demand that she get some time alone when they were at her house, but she couldn’t imagine being so brazen with inserting herself into someone’s daily life. It felt like…
    • 4: In Which the Past Comes Back to Haunt You Cover
      by SincerelySofie If Twig hadn’t glanced over her shoulder as she passed— if her unease hadn’t shot off the charts as she turned the corner— she wouldn’t have even caught a glimpse of the guy that had messed her life up even worse than the Dark Future. Her mind was going a mile a minute, wondering how Darkrai was still alive, why he was so close to Verdant Village, what nefarious plans he had for the world and all the people she loved within it— he knew she was alone, he had to, and he knew that she didn’t…
    • In Which a Nickname is Given5: In Which a Nickname is Given

      5: In Which a Nickname is Given Cover
      by SincerelySofie Over the following days, Twig swiftly learned that Darkrai was shockingly clingy. She would stand up from a spot she'd settled in and he would rise as well to follow her to her destination, and he would only leave whatever room she'd stepped into when she left it herself. With the fact that he'd politely turned down her offer to stay in the guest room, and Twig subsequently facing the options of either sleeping in a linen closet or keep sleeping in the main room where he'd set up shop, this was awful for…
      Charmeleon • Darkrai • Gardevoir • Ralts
    • In Which Fuel Is Added to the Fire3: In Which Fuel is Added to the Fire

      3: In Which Fuel is Added to the Fire Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig had to get a job eventually, but none of the openings in Verdant Village worked with her expertise. Technically she could start another apprenticeship— maybe learn carpentry under a nearby watchog who was looking for workers, or figure out how to cook using something other than a single vegetable grilling strategy by working as a apprentice for the restaurant run by that one tangrowth— but none of them sounded particularly appealing. Lucky for her, she came across an idea when she set up a small…
    • In Which Farewells Are Bidden2: In Which Farewells are Bidden

      2: In Which Farewells are Bidden Cover
      by SincerelySofie Kip left to start his apprenticeship and set off on his expedition before Twig could work up the gumption again to even hint at her memories returning. She really was going to have to grin and bear their return on her own, and the thought weighed heavy in her belly. She only barely managed to keep up a smile for Kip in the days leading up to his departure— and the minute after Treasure Town saw him off alongside her, she started bawling.  Bidoof noticed her silent tears as Kip…
      Bidoof • Charmander • Charmeleon • Gallade • Gardevoir • Ralts