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    Stories 1
    Chapters 36
    Words 61.5 K
    Comments 21
    Reading 5 hours, 7 minutes5 h, 7 m
    • In Which Darkrai Asks a Question26. In Which Darkrai Asks a Question

      26. In Which Darkrai Asks a Question Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig sent back a note that she had some loose ends to tie up before she could visit Kip, hoping that the note would buy her some time thanks to how she hadn’t specified a day she’d be coming back to Treasure Town. Ark, confusingly, almost elected to stay home when she ran to the post office to deliver it. She told him she was heading out, and he replied with a distracted hum. Confused, she asked if he wanted to come along, and he seemed to snap awake and rushed after her out the door. He watched…
    • A Letter from Kip25. A Letter from Kip

      25. A Letter from Kip Cover
      by SincerelySofie Dear Twig, I’m home! Come over to Treasure Town as soon as you can! I can’t wait to see you again! Hurry! I miss you! —…
      Marshtomp • Mudkip
    • 24. In Which Twig Receives Some News

      24. In Which Twig Receives Some News Cover
      by SincerelySofie The Future Trio left soon after their abrupt arrival— Twig’s home, vacant as it was, wasn’t well enough equipped to house three extra guests, and they were comfortably confident that Twig wasn’t going to die any time soon. On a strict regimen of oran berries and bed rest, she healed up quickly and well. It was a struggle to keep from losing her mind out of boredom, but she made it out the other side alive… albeit with a newfound appreciation for the fluidity of the spoken word as opposed to the…
    • In Which Everything is Fine for Once23. In Which Everything is Fine for Once

      23. In Which Everything is Fine for Once Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig woke up not to the local staravia performing their morning caroling, or to everyone else in the house snoring, but to the sounds of a meal being prepared. Disoriented, she tried to figure out how she’d slept only a few minutes and yet found herself feeling so groggy. It occurred to her that she slept through not only the night but also the following morning. That explained how out-of-sorts she felt.  Hobbling out of the guest room, she found Grovyle insisting on taking over cooking lunch…
      Celebi • Charmeleon • Dusknoir • Grovyle
    • In Which a Heart-to-Heart is Had22. In Which a Heart-to-Heart is Had

      22. In Which a Heart-to-Heart is Had Cover
      by SincerelySofie They made it home in one piece, though it took them until nightfall to complete the half-day journey they had left after a brief pit-stop where Twig had to chug several oran berries and reapply the numbing agent she had slathered thickly across her leg to keep the pain down. She was looking forward to collapsing into her bed and getting the first real sleep she’d had in months thanks to that hard-won lunar feather.  It would be a severe understatement to say that she was somewhat baffled by the…
      Celebi • Charmeleon • Darkrai • Grovyle
    • In Which Trig Breaks a Leg21. In Which Trig Breaks a Leg

      21. In Which Trig Breaks a Leg Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig left the shrine carved into the mountainside with an odd feeling of heavy-heartedness being lugged behind her. The mountain air was cold as she descended— perhaps even colder than it was when she traveled up the peak— but she wasn’t able to pay it much mind when her head seemed full of static instead of any coherent thoughts. Cresselia’s description of Darkrai in the long-bygone past was jarring when contrasted against the Darkrai Twig knew, but it made a painful amount of sense when compared…
    • In Which Old Things are New20. In Which Old Things are New

      20. In Which Old Things are New Cover
      by SincerelySofie The world was cool and serene, a sort of calm that echoed that of still waters that she had never seen but knew with a great familiarity as they answered her stirring. She was dreaming of warmth and light and hope, as she always had before she found herself in this body, but she knew it was time to wake. Cresselia raised her head, and she knew her name before she knew how to speak a word.  It took some time to learn how to open her mouth. By the time she managed to speak her first words, another…
      Charmeleon • Cresselia • Darkrai
    • 19. In Which Cresselia Breaks Some Bad News Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig didn’t know quite what to think of leaving Darkrai at the foot of the mountain. It was weirdly emotional, for one thing, but she could easily blame that on her being exhausted and therefore weirdly emotional just in general. But it was strange as well to get away from the heavy atmosphere that followed him everywhere he went. She had gotten used to it, almost like she had adapted to a deeper pressure of water while diving. Coming away from that left her feeling oddly achy and weak. Again, it was…
    • In Which Twig and Darkrai Embark18. In Which Twig and Darkrai Embark

      18. In Which Twig and Darkrai Embark Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig wasn’t exactly eager to bring Darkrai along on the expedition to track down Cresselia, but it was difficult to turn down the fact that he was pretty much a living Cresselia tracking device. She wondered if the ability to sense one’s counterpart went both ways. She never did understand how Cresselia was able to track a single pokemon down across time and space. Admittedly, Cresselia was a Legend, and had unknowable powers as a result, but Twig was still baffled by the complexity of it. Though if…
    • In Which Dusknoir Nags17. In Which Dusknoir Nags

      17. In Which Dusknoir Nags Cover
      by SincerelySofie Twig was at a degree of sleep deprivation she hadn’t thought possible before now. In all honesty, she thought that she would feel much more exhausted than she did while running on eleven hours of spotty sleep spread across four days total. She didn’t feel that tired, per se. She mostly just felt heavy. Her limbs were slow to move, her head was difficult to keep raised, and yet her mind was just as quick as ever— if not even more so than usual. Or at least, so she thought.  Dusknoir decided to…
      Charmeleon • Darkrai • Dusknoir