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    Kiba Makkuro

    Hi, am 22, I make write, music, and art. In college for sound prod now so that's fun.
    Stories 2
    Chapters 33
    Words 133.7 K
    Comments 6
    Reading 11 hours, 8 minutes11 h, 8 m
    • Chapter 12- Sparks of the Forge Part 1

      Chapter 12- Sparks of the Forge Part 1 Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Third Person POV Back off the Grass-Continent in the Terrestrial Hemisphere, the Sentinels Union Leaders were hard at work. Trying to facilitate Pokemon Resources to aid in the Rehabilitation, or the Disruption Recovery project. "It is time again," Cresselia spoke up. "Really now?" Darkrai asked, and wavered into the room. "The Mjolnir has been separated for quite a while now," Cresselia explained. “The Dawn Stone has been together for about a week, and it has only been one week since the foolish decree…
    • Interlude 2- Part of the Test

      Interlude 2- Part of the Test Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Third Person POV “This is the outside of Brist Mountain Highland Mystery Dungeon or just Brist Highlands for short,” Linus rubbed the shoulders of his coat. “Take in the sight for a moment as this sleet storm passes,” the Treecko gestured upwards. The dark teal body of the mountains shimmered with the slick of the rainfall, just as some of the black and light aquamarine sections of rock reflected the bright beams of the sun. “Excuse me but why are we waiting?” Jin asked. “Oh uh,…
    • Chapter 1- White Lightning

      Chapter 1- White Lightning Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Libra Riolu's POV 'Dear Master Dodrio.' 'Life in Bristberg was interesting. Well, from my perspective.' Something crazy was always going on. 'There was something that made the Celestial Hemisphere special, and all the Continents within its boundaries special compared to the rest of the world.' 'It was the energy all Pokémon used to power their moves and evolve. This was called mana, the special thing was how each Pokémon had a…
    • Thunder Echoes through the TreesChapter 2- Thunder Echoes

      Chapter 2- Thunder Echoes Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Aquarius Froakie’s POV I heard it again. "Aquarius!" Libra always yelled my full name when she was worried about me. I didn't like it. I never did. Master Dodrio wrote out the last set of letters on a jade tablet and carefully passed it on an altar. "Legendary Pokémon cloaked under water were called Aquarius by the Ancients of the Water Continent." "You're giving it to me?" I asked and held the ornately crafted material. "Zodiac: every type has a Legendary or…
    • Chapter 2- Beginning: of a Mystery (Part 1)

      Chapter 2- Beginning: of a Mystery (Part 1) Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro The entrance to North Beach Mountain Mystery Dungeon sat silently, just as T'nuri and Alejandrien caught their breath. It was calm. Bathed in the warm orange light, away from the threat of the Black Ruinous Fog, away from the fire, and away from the pirates. Alas, their journey was not over."I don't think I've ever had to run that fast before," the Cubone said as she stretched. With a shake of their scales, the Jangmo-o rolled over. "Same here, T'nuri." I'll be so sore later. They thought. They adjusted…
    • Chapter 6- Navy Start Part 1

      Chapter 6- Navy Start Part 1 Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Glade Totodile's POV Yoshiko and Austin really pissed me off. They managed to somehow avoid Devolution unlike some of their peers but decided to take out all their frustrations on us still. What are they even upset about? They didn't lose anything like I did. Like we did .   "Let's get a move on, folks," Coordinator Cooper said and glanced up toward the path before us. I looked up as well. Right before us was the magnificent heights of the Bristberg Mountains: the teal, silver, and light…
    • Chapter 7-Navy Start Part 2

      Chapter 7-Navy Start Part 2 Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro  Glade Totodile's POV Four Pokémon stood in the back of the practice field, right beside the various-sized Substitute targets, and brightened when they saw us coming. The Quilava and the Oshawott nuzzled up next to each other while the Luxio and Rowlet chatted. These were Morágand Devontay's teammates, of Team Whitelight. "Howdy folks!" Linus cheered. "We finally made it!" Nevada slowly nodded. "T-thanks for having us! We'll do our best!" "It's time to learn some new…
    • Prologue 3- Harvest the Crops

      Prologue 3- Harvest the Crops Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Linus Treecko’s POV I should have never gone home. Even though it was supposed to be a celebration because I passed the Entrance Exam, and worked at the League for nearly a year, AND finally made a Rescue Team. But I was wrong. After that. I just wanted to forget about it . I couldn't be him.   The one who filled the hole left in her wake. I’ll never come home again. Sorry Hatchet, Kobi.   I failed you. "Team Sharp…
    • Prologue 2- Water the Crops

      Prologue 2- Water the Crops Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Kobi Espurr's POV Why was I here? Why was I a Keeper when others could also bear that burden just as easily? I didn't want to go through those lands and fight all these Pokémon. I just wanted to learn about the land without getting my claws dirty. But to be a Pokémon was to fight. I knew it well. Now it's time I stepped up to the plate. And deliver the world from our strife, but I need to learn more about what I'm capable of. Then I could really do it. Save the world, with them. The…
    • Prologue 1- Plant the Seed

      Prologue 1- Plant the Seed Cover
      by Kiba Makkuro Mana. What was it? Was it more than a power source? Why did it cause Pokémon to behave like this? They fought over it. Fought wars. They killed each other, just for a chance at more power. Why? I never imagined I'd end up this way. Caught in a world of strife. And I was one of the many Pokémon who were the key to fix this. We're the ones who turned the gears of change. Together. Rich dark trees surrounded me on all sides as I rushed down a corridor. Four floors down and I thought it was…