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    Stories 1
    Chapters 33
    Words 147.6 K
    Comments 10
    Reading 12 hours, 17 minutes12 h, 17 m
    • Chapter 27: Divided We Stand

      Chapter 27: Divided We Stand Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Chapter 27: Divided We Stand Jermy was starting to regret his choice to sleep through most of the day. Now that it was night, he couldn’t drop if he wanted to. The pikachu slumped, shivering a little in the cold night. The five of them were gathered in a circle underneath a tree, dark enough to keep them out of sight. Terrakion had proposed a small fire, but there was no way they could put one together without possibly alerting soldiers to their location. That collapsed base was behind them now. OCEAN…
    • Chapter 26: Another’s Power

      Chapter 26: Another’s Power Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Chapter 26: Another’s Power Everything was so distant. Joey’s vision swirled with shapes, eyes strained from the force of a flash he barely remembered. More of the world faded in. The scorching pain from the marks all over his body. The hat lightly grazing the space over his eyes. A rhythmic lurch, lurch, lurch, in time with the sound of hooves smacking the wet dirt below. The wind whipping past him. The pitter-patter of weak rain dripping against his back. The soft, tickling feeling of long hair. A…
    • Chapter 25: Peril in General

      Chapter 25: Peril in General Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Chapter 25: Peril in General Mathew was drowning. When he came to, that was the first thing he realized. Panicked, he pulled himself up, making a splash as the front end of his snout surfaced through the knee-deep water. A cold darkness awaited him — the rippling pool of water expanded into the inky black horizon in every direction, unnervingly still save the ripples he made himself. Half-minded, Mathew brushed his hand against his wounds. A scrape on his back. A scorch mark on his chest. A gash…
    • Log 5: MjyvOjses

      Log 5: MjyvOjses Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Meeting R-0001-13 Transcript from Tuesday, 9/29/65 Subject: “MjyvOjses” {08:00:19} {08:00:22} {08:00:31} {08:00:36} {08:00:41} KEY: damn were fast today {08:00:59} COSTUME: I don’t know if I blame any of you for joining quickly, honestly. I am antsy to start unpacking this subject. {08:01:10} SEADOG: Glad to hear it, Costume. We have a lot to talk about {08:01:11} ABYSS: Do we need to do the minutes first?? {08:01:13} KEY: sure {08:01:15} KEY: but make it…
    • Log 4: Key and Costume

      Log 4: Key and Costume Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Direct Message Transcript from Monday, 9/28/65 Participants: Key, Costume {18:12:03} KEY: hey {18:12:05} KEY: can we talk? {18:14:39} KEY: sorry for fucking up your meeting {18:14:42} KEY: i probably shouldve gone about all this differently {18:14:44} KEY: maybe asked abyss not to do that {18:14:50} KEY: it was a dick move {18:23:17} COSTUME: Don’t worry about it. {18:23:21} KEY: costume {18:23:22} KEY: i gotta worry about it {18:23:24} KEY: i know ive given you…
    • Log 3: Seadog

      Log 3: Seadog Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Meeting F-0031-01 Transcript from Monday, 9/28/65 Subject: “Seadog” {14:51:23} {14:53:11} {14:53:25} COSTUME: Good morning, Seadog. How are you feeling? {14:53:34} SEADOG: Uneasy. This is going to be a long negotiation {14:53:51} COSTUME: I don’t blame you. It’s not like the Floridian Empire is particularly easy to work with. I wish I could be there to help the rest of the Congress. {14:54:02} SEADOG: I thought all of this preparation would ease my worries, but they…
    • Log 2: Spur and Dolphin

      Log 2: Spur and Dolphin Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Meeting R-0002-02 Transcript from Friday, 9/25/65 Subject: “Spur and Dolphin” {11:10:34} {11:12:15} {11:12:43} SEADOG: My attendance will be spotty for this. Currently splitting my attention between this and negotiation planning {11:12:58} COSTUME: Understood. Just post when you can. I should be able to handle most of this myself. {11:13:22} {11:13:25} KEY: yo {11:13:40} COSTUME: Good morning, Key. Are you feeling any better? {11:13:44} KEY: yeah {11:13:46} KEY: i…
    • Log 1: Nail

      Log 1: Nail Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Meeting R-0002-01 Transcript from Thursday, 9/24/65 Subject: “Nail” {15:38:22} {15:38:30} {15:38:30} ABYSS: Costume!! Hi!!! {15:38:45} COSTUME: Good afternoon, Abyss. {15:38:52} {15:39:01} SEADOG: Ah. Abyss beat me to the first join again {15:39:01} ABYSS: Fast fingers >:D {15:39:17} COSTUME: Welcome, Seadog. How are matters on your end? {15:39:29} SEADOG: They are...alright. The diplomatic meeting with the Floridians is coming up quick {15:39:37} SEADOG: For…
    • Chapter 23: Receding

      Chapter 23: Receding Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Chapter 23: Receding “This is town hall?!” Mathew was left bewildered as he drove the buggy up to the building. Made of worn brick and cloudy windows, it reminded him of an Earth town hall, but the sheer size of it threw him off. Its doorless entrance, hid behind dark green pillars holding the building up by the edges of the roof, could easily fit him even if he was four times larger. “It’s huge!” Joey exclaimed. “Well, when you have to create a building everybody is meant to…
    • Chapter 24: Tsunami

      Chapter 24: Tsunami Cover
      by LukerUpgradez Chapter 24: Tsunami “Eighty-nine bottles of milk on the wall… Eighty-nine bottles of miiiiillk.” As if Mathew’s normal singing was shaky enough, even he could tell that his own hoarse voice was in no condition to be doing this. And yet, the age-old tune must go on. “Take one down…pass it ‘round…ba-da-ba-ba bottles of milk on the wall.” Then, a groggy Joey sang eighty-eight. After that, a surprisingly awake Jermy would sing eighty-seven. ORB would provide the closest approximation he…