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    Stories 2
    Chapters 16
    Words 146.0 K
    Comments 21
    Reading 12 hours, 10 minutes12 h, 10 m
    • Prologue - Good MorningPrologue – Good Morning

      Prologue – Good Morning Cover
      by konkonocturne Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Noble Dungeoneers Act One - Freedom Tick. Tock. It was an endless drum. Tick. Never ceasing, not even for a moment. Tock. Seemingly getting slower as the seconds refused to pass. Tick. As suffocating as the room itself, entirely designed around the octagonal table in the center, intricate design covered by scattered papers. Tock. The only noise that accompanied the monotone voices and their rehearsed speeches, the…
    • Chapter 9 – Flowers on the Wind

      Chapter 9 – Flowers on the Wind Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist A low rumble made the pipes running across the walls shudder, giving Ennea a chance to clear her mind. The white noise of it was relaxing, almost making her drowsy, ironic as that was. She let out a sigh and looked at the sight in front of her. The sunken city really was incredible, and advanced beyond belief. Buildings as tall as mountains stretched up from the seabed. They almost reminded her of massive Duraludons, though they had long since fallen to ruin. Through the coral that…
    • Chapter 1 – On the Case!

      Chapter 1 – On the Case! Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist Ennea, youngest of House Harmonie, raced down the cobbled streets as they grew rougher and more weathered, weaving around the occasional pedestrian walking the same path. Buildings without any consistency in architectural style surrounded her. Some were half-timbered, some were brick, some were stone, but nearly all were at least three stories tall. Though the area was tough to get around, and she’d never once set foot in her destination, Ennea wasted no time checking for…
    • Chapter 8 – Another Chance

      Chapter 8 – Another Chance Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist “And then he just... left!” Bezel failed to keep in a sigh as she wiped her eyes with the back of a wing. In a rare change of pace, she had hardly any make-up on. But not none. Bezel still had standards. “You know Ennea,” she exhaustedly chided. “When I said you could come over early for breakfast, I was envisioning it would be sometime in the realm of 7 AM. Not 4:45.” Ennea flicked a paw, nearly tossing her half-eaten slice of toast through an open window.…
    • Chapter 7 – Case Closed

      Chapter 7 – Case Closed Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist “Hah! We... we did it!” Ennea pulled herself up the last branch, rolling over atop the canopy of the World Tree. The cool breeze at this altitude did wonders for her exhausted limbs. She sank down into the bed of leaves, sighing as the tree itself cradled her. “Mm!” Right! She couldn’t rest just yet! Ennea popped back up and grabbed a paw sticking out from below. She put far too much strength into hoisting the Vulpix up to join her, sending them both tumbling into a…
    • Chapter 6 – Breakdown

      Chapter 6 – Breakdown Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist The courtroom was a mess of disorderly mutters and whispers, never dropping for even a second. Autumnal may have been entirely unknown to the town, but the Merx family was not, and more than a few townsfolk had decided to spectate the trial. Their unruliness was briefly cut when the clock tower made its loyal, hourly chime. 7 PM. Past sunset. Thyreos growled, scraping his claws against the wooden railing that separated the gallery from the courtroom proper. Needless property…
    • Chapter 5 – Light After Darkness

      Chapter 5 – Light After Darkness Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist Ennea stared up at the corkboard, both spotlighted by the crescent moon shining down through the roof. It was so complicated now... but after talking with some of the locals in her dream she had determined a couple of things. Namely, the culprit’s general profile. They were someone who had been in Epiphany for a while, and were well aware of the Merx family and their behaviors. Enough to know or accurately predict when few would be home. Part of this was due to their involvement…
    • Chapter 4 – The Meaning of Nine

      Chapter 4 – The Meaning of Nine Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist “Hmm....” Ennea circled around the model safe for the 9th time. Then she did a 10th to avoid leaving it at that. She fiddled with the tiny dial while pressing an ear right up against it, able to hear the sounds of the town around her, but no mechanics. Calvera was right, this thing was totally silent. “Hey Salute, could you try hitting it?” Ennea asked. “What? Why?” Salute looked somehow offended by the suggestion. “I mean, maybe it has a literal weak point.…
    • Chapter 3 – Tangles and Knots

      Chapter 3 – Tangles and Knots Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist Ennea sprung out of bed before her eyes had even managed to open. She tossed the blankets and pillows that had followed her back to where they belonged and rushed through her home—her real home—to get herself prepared and ready to go as soon as possible. There was no time to waste. She skipped breakfast. That could wait. Instead, she got herself downstairs and out the door, taking to the streets. The sun hadn’t even finished rising, leaving the sky pale with the occasional…
    • Act One Interlude – Cold Comfort

      Act One Interlude – Cold Comfort Cover
      by konkonocturne Tracklist Ennea stared through windows a lot. She wasn’t sure exactly when it started, but eventually, it felt like it was all she ever did. Stare. Peer through glass at a world out of reach. Her life was one of muffled noises and frosted images. Fine, glittering snow dusted the world through tonight’s window. It coated the rooftops and monuments, clung to the branches of every tree, and blanketed everything in a white that reflected the colors of the sky up above. That night sky,…