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    Stories 2
    Chapters 28
    Words 99.8 K
    Comments 7
    Reading 8 hours, 18 minutes8 h, 18 m
    • 1) Part-Time Pokemon1) Part-Time Pokémon

      1) Part-Time Pokémon Cover
      by kitsu_19 “Hm… well, we’ll get back to you, then.”  An awkward cough from the interviewer followed, covered by his fist. I stared at his dusty desk, unable to keep eye contact after hearing those words. “…mhm. Thanks for your time,” I mumbled, promptly getting up from my chair and leaving the cramped room.   I grumbled, cursing myself as I trudged out of that electronics store with another failed interview to my name.  “Why does getting a part-time job gotta be this…
    • 25: Minccino's Cafe (III)25: Minccino’s Cafe (III)

      25: Minccino’s Cafe (III) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Ichi - Pikachu   I zipped past the crowded tables with light steps, keeping my tray steady with both paws. I arrived at the correct table with a smile, not even breaking a sweat. “Here you go!” I presented the order to the Vulpix and Sentret sitting eagerly at the table. “Two chocolate mochas, a breakfast sandwich, and a slice of Mago cake!”  Thank Mew for the receipt on the side. Wouldn’t be able to remember otherwise, all these items are starting to look the same to me. I…
    • by kitsu_19 “C’mon, you’ve gotta get something!” Ennea tried her best to lead Autumnal into the queue. This would be a lot easier if she could just yank him over, but diplomacy was the only option at the moment. Autumnal placed a paw on his stomach and shook his head. “There’s no way you aren’t hungry, it took us forever to get here! Besides, support local businesses, y’know?” She looked around the café for emphasis. Despite being a new place, it was supremely cozy, and the staff seemed…
    • by kitsu_19 Rei - Snivy A stroke of my pencil. Erased because it’s too straight. A slower stroke. Erased because it’s too shaky—damn these leaf hands. Another stroke. Erased again—it doesn’t connect perfectly. “His ears are so simplistic, but… hard to make ‘em look right,” I grumbled to myself as I buried myself in my sketchbook, lying on my prickly nest.  Staring back at me from the paper was a Pikachu with the cheekiest grin ever. I was trying to draw Ichi.…
    • 24: Minccino's Cafe (II)24: Minccino’s Cafe (II)

      24: Minccino’s Cafe (II) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Rei - Snivy   The table shook violently as Mr. Gurdurr slammed his hands onto it, his gaze closely skimming the contract Ichi proudly presented to him. The bang was loud, and a couple glances from surrounding tables were shot our way as a scene was being made. After his “big win” where he convinced Lowell the Minccino to start a café with his help, Ichi dragged all of us back to Swanna House to rub it in Mr. Gurdurr’s face. And to make sure he upholds his end of the bargain. But mainly…
    • 23: Minccino's Cafe (I)23: Minccino’s Cafe (I)

      23: Minccino’s Cafe (I) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Ichi - Pikachu   “Uh, no thanks, kid.”    My ears flattened as the door slammed shut right in my face. Fifth time so far. As soon as I got outta the restaurant, I had immediately gotten to work trying to find that aspiring businessmon in Post Town that I needed to win Mr. Gurdurr over. Yes, I know I should’ve consulted Rei before going door to door, but I was in a rush! Or at least it felt like a rush!  No dice. I just… don’t get it. Gurdurr said I…
    • 22: Checking Out Keck's22: Checking Out Keck’s (I)

      22: Checking Out Keck’s (I) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Aiden - Audino   “Hnngh~” I stretched as I walked down the street, my arms reaching the sky. Sleeping on the Moguls’ couch was okay at first—until I woke up with a sore back… Nests are so much more snug. Especially mine… Curiosity got the best of me, and before doing my errands I visited what was left of my house. With the smoke gone, all that was left was a pile of charred wood and stone. My big bookshelf… my beautiful garden… all gone. I… shouldn’t be thinking about…
    • 21: Deals and Business Time!21: Deals and Business Time!

      21: Deals and Business Time! Cover
      by kitsu_19 Ichi - Pikachu   With my money sack spilled out on one of the tables at Swanna House, I counted my coins once more. I was probably getting strange looks—perhaps even envious ones—from other customers, but that’s not what was on my mind. Ding. I flicked a coin in the air—an anxious tick. Anxious in a good way, of course! That’s what I was telling myself, as always…  I was waiting for Mr. Gurdurr to show up—I knew he always hung out around here, so I thought I’d…
    • 20: Coffee Run20: Coffee Run

      20: Coffee Run Cover
      by kitsu_19 Stella - Rockruff I strolled down to the beach at the edge of Treasure Town to catch the evening view. There, a lone Fomantis sat, twiddling his little green scythes as he sobbed. Curious, I ran up to him, asking why he was crying. The boy’s name was Sol. He’d left his toy on the sand the night before, and when he went to find it that day it was gone. With a smile, I offered to sniff it out for him—I reckoned it must’ve been buried in the sand. I dug hole after hole after hole in that beach,…
    • 19: And They Were Roommates (IV)19: And They Were Roommates (IV)

      19: And They Were Roommates (IV) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Rei - Snivy Art by @Holiday605 on Twitter, go check out her stuff!   “And here we are!” Ichi said as he let the rest of us in. “Welcome to our home, make yourselves comfortable!” “ say that as if we weren’t just here like an hour ago.” Stella chuckled. “...I will get comfy, though, thank you very much~” She marched over to the couch, hopping up and sitting down. Aiden waddled in with the giant box the purple leopard from the reception desk let us keep. Still…