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    Stories 2
    Chapters 28
    Words 99.8 K
    Comments 7
    Reading 8 hours, 18 minutes8 h, 18 m
    • 5: A Roof Over Our Heads (II)5: A Roof Over Our Heads (II)

      5: A Roof Over Our Heads (II) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Rei - Snivy   My eyes were stung by the blinding sun as I opened them. Ugh… It’s too bright. Who left the window open? I rolled to the side and tried to pull up my blanket to cover myself, but the only thing I could grab was air. I open my eyes and realize I’m not in my bedroom, but on a pile of leaves and twigs, in the middle of some dry land. The sun is rising, the sky is a vibrant cyan that contrasts with the dusty orange ground, and the weather is definitely warmer than it…
    • 8: And They Were Roommates (III)8: And They Were Roommates (III)

      8: And They Were Roommates (III) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Ichi - Pikachu   I could feel my body burning electricity as I lapped around Post Town. It was like this big boost of energy invigorating me. It was a little prickly, not unlike getting jolted by static. I love that kind of feeling.  Sparks crackled around my cheeks as I skittered down the street on all fours. “Woo!” I cheered as I raced past Post Town’s stores. There were fewer ‘mon roaming around thanks to a layer of fog surrounding the town after the rainfall, so I didn’t have to…
    • 7: And They Were Roommates (II)7: And They Were Roommates (II)

      7: And They Were Roommates (II) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Rei - Snivy   I stared at the bright window, eyelids half-open as I groggily woke up from my nap. Haven’t had good sleep in a while… I always liked to sleep late, so when I have to rush to get to school early in the morning, I never get enough sleep. It’s a habit, but it’s not that bad… Everyone else does it, so it’s fine, right? I smiled softly. I had no idea why, but this quick doze made me more refreshed than ever. I didn’t wanna leave this shabby nest at all. Not…
    • 6: And They Were Roommates (I)6: And They Were Roommates (I)

      6: And They Were Roommates (I) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Ichi - Pikachu The Machoke’s house was pretty spacious. Well, at least for a small ‘mon like me. For the big, muscular Pokémon across the table, it might as well be just a single room. The space looked almost new, as if he recently moved in. No dust collecting in the corner. Not that much furniture. Not what I was expecting for a carpenter—I was picturing a bunch of tools and materials organized in a corner, but maybe he just keeps his stuff in a separate place. That actually makes more…
    • 4: A Roof Over Our Heads (I)4: A Roof Over Our Heads (I)

      4: A Roof Over Our Heads (I) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Ichi - Pikachu Back at Swanna House, my new business partner and I were grabbing a bite to eat. “No way, they got actual food here?” Rei eyed the menu on the table. “Pizza… sandwiches… hell, even steak! I was expecting you guys would all only eat, like, berries and stuff. But where do you guys get the meat from…?” “Ferals,” I simply answered as I took a gulp of water. “...what are ferals?” the Snivy asked. “Feral Pokémon. They’re wild and unintelligent…
    • 1: So I'm A Snivy, So What? (I)1: So I’m A Snivy, So What? (I)

      1: So I’m A Snivy, So What? (I) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Rei - Snivy   I just want a peaceful life. I’m not asking for much, am I? All I want is to live normally. A mundane life with little to no conflict. Like a slice-of-life anime, y’know? If my life were an anime, I’d opt for just that. Yes, it’s boring, but it beats your average isekai plot where you’re at constant risk of dying to weird-ass fantasy monsters and you have to fight and kill in order to survive. I don’t want that kinda life, it’s too stressful. I’m not saying I…
    • 3: So I'm A Snivy, So What? (III)3: So I’m A Snivy, So What? (III)

      3: So I’m A Snivy, So What? (III) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Rei - Snivy “...THE HELL DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I stood in the center of the crossroads. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I gritted my teeth, now sharp like jagged fangs. “What am I supposed to do?!” My eyes darted around the unfamiliar scenery. “JUST WHERE AM I?!” “SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!” I could hear a voice squawk at me from above. “Who the fuck-” I looked up and spotted a bird with red and black feathers drifting over…
    • 2: So I'm A Snivy, So What? (II)2: So I’m A Snivy, So What? (II)

      2: So I’m A Snivy, So What? (II) Cover
      by kitsu_19 Ichi - Pikachu   “...weird Snivy,” I grumbled to myself as I dashed through Post Town’s gate. That Rei guy shouldn’t be on my mind right now! I’m sure he’ll be fine if I leave him be… he’s not my priority right now, after all! I gotta focus on getting to that Swanna House! My gaze darts around the tiny settlement. From what I’ve heard, this place is a rest stop for travelers, so it makes sense that all the businesses are right at the entrance. There was a big hill on my…